
Chapter 43

"What are you two doing to her?"Aiden asked.His eyes were defensive as he rested his chin on the top of her head,pulling Amelie in his embrace.

Amelie's heart became to beat irregularly.Why was he suddenly acting like this?

She then smelled the scent of beer and finally understood.She had to stop him from drinking alcohol.

"Why are you inviting yourself in our girl talk?Go away!" Aurora ushered him away,but Aiden just pulled Amelie even closer,refusing to go away.

"What's wrong with wanting to stay with my girlfriend?"

"Leave her some space, you brute!You'll suffocate her at this rate!"

"I'm not stupid like you to fall for that!"

The brother-sister duo started their usual fight.

Amelie didn't know if she should feel relieved or awkward in this situation.It was true Aiden saved her from a bad situation,but he also put her in another one.

Amelie just sighed and let herself be pulled back and forth by the duo.Her nerves had been a mess right now, and she was too lazy to save herself from this situation.

"You're bothering her enough already!Let her go!"

"She isn't bothere by me obviously!"

"Hah!Amelie tell this guy the truth!Tell him that he's being annoying!"

Aiden leaning his head on Amelie's shoulder and looked her in the eye,acting all spoiled.

"Are you bothered by me, Amelie?"

Amelie looked at him expressionlessly.It was true that he was adorable,but it was also true that he was being annoying.

"Silence means yes.I win,you lose!" Aiden said as he layed down on the sunbed with Amelie in his arms.

Amelie closed her eyes and clenched her jaw.She moved around,gesturing to him to let go,but Aiden just tightened his embrace and snuggled his head on her hair.All these actions were happening in front of everyone and right now they were all staring.


"What?"he said with a lazy voice and a slight chuckle.

"Let go."


"Let go."


Amelie was silent for a bit.Her expression was very calm.Aurora and Vivienne that had this show in front of their eyes felt a chill on their back.

Amelie pinched his thigh,but this man didn't react at all.

She turned her neck and made direct eye contact with him.They stared at eachother for a while, none of them giving in to the other.

Amelie then turned her body towards him.Aiden was staring at her as if in a trance,but when he felt her fingers lightly tickling him he immediately backed away and fell.

Amelie stood up and crossed her arms,she hadn't broken her eye contact at all,but different from the emotionless gaze a few seconds ago,now they contained amusment.

Aiden suddenly smirked and stood up,towering over her.

"We'll be retreating to our room now!Have fun everyone!"

Vivienne and Aurora gasped.Daniel and Louis looked at eachother obviously amused.The elderly hadn't noticed them yet at least.

It took a second for Amelie to finally grasp the hidden meaning of his words.

No way!He actually dared to do that?!No!No!NO!

Aiden didn't care about Amelie's expression and just put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her towards the entrance.


"Aiden,don't forget her foot is hurt!Okay?"

"Have some mercy on the girl!"

Daniel and Louis fanned the flames.Aiden just gave them a thumbs-up with his other free hand without looking back at them.


In their room.Aiden hadn't taken his arm off her during the whole way despite all Amelie's words,struggles and threats.

He closed the door with his foot and pulled her as he threw himself on the bed.

Amelie's face slammed on the soft mattress,the front of her hair became a mess.

She didn't move for a while.Aiden would just laugh like an idiot at her silence.He was more than drunk this time.

"Hey,Ame!Why are you so silent?Ameeeee?Helllooooo?"

Amelie slowly raised her head and turned to him.Aiden giggled at her like a fool.

Something inside her head snaped.

Amelie immediately took a pillow and started hitting him nostoppingly.

"You are the biggest!Most selfish!Idiot!In the whole world!"

Aiden tried to block her with his hands and just laughed at her.

"You still laugh?You seriously still laugh?You-You[Hooligan!I can't believe I have to stand you like this!]"

Aiden finally catched the pillow and tried to pull it off her hands.Amelie refused to let him take it.After a bit of pulling Aiden finally took it and threw it away.He then took her in his arms and lied together with her despite Amelie's struggles.

Amelie who was still struggling calmed down after a while,but she was still angry and glaring at the ceiling,refusing to look at him.

"Ame?Ameeee!" Aiden just called out her nickname.Amelie didn't respond and just glared with her lips pouty.She thought she was being intimidating,while Aiden just found her adorable.

"Look at me!Look at me!Ameeee!"

Finally,she looked at him, and Aiden just laughed at her face.

"You're so f****** adorable,hehe!"

"...You're drunk.There's no point arguing with you." Amelie said coldly.

"I'm not drunk!"

"Yes,you are."

"Okay,I am drunk.Drunk from the love I have for you!" he pulled out the cheesiest line of all cheesy lines.

Amelie just turned her head.Her pout moved a bit.

"See?You're laughing!Admit you're not angry at me!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

"I'm not!"

"You are!"

Amelie finally couldn't contain the laughter she had and Aiden just laughed with her.

"You have no idea how stupid you look!"Amelie chukled as she said that to him.

"I'm not stupid-"

"You're just in love?"Amelie finished the sentence for him while rolling her eyes.

"How did you know?"

"I can read your mind."Amelie said with a spooky voice.

"Oh,no!Well that's good,so I don't need to say anything!"

They stood there silently staring at eachother. Amelie broke the silence after a while.

"Let go now.Let's go back."

"No!"Aiden refused.

"Stop joking around.Let go now!Everyone misunderstood what you said!We have to clear that up!"

"I said what I said and I'm planning to do what I said!"

"No way!"Amelie's heart beat fast as Aiden pulled her closer,his eyes dead on her face.

He wasn't serious right?

Aiden's face inched closer and Amelie closed her eyes.

Was he about to kiss her?Would her first kiss be while her boyfriend was drunk?

His warm breath that smelled of beer sprinkled on her face,slightly intoxicating her too.She could feel how close his face was.Aiden leaned in and his lips touched her warm skin.But the touch wasn't on her lips,it was on her nose,then it went on her forehead,then Aiden,tightened his arms around her waist and snuggled his head on the top of her head.

Amelie peaked open her eyes.

"...What are you doing?"

"Resting." Aiden said with a lazy voice.

Amelie's eyes twitched.He really loved playing with her heart.

Amelie wanted to punch him this time,but when he heard him breathing deeply she gave up.

He had already fallen asleep.

Amelie sighed as she looked at this man's sleeping face.He looked so defensless and adorable like this.

After a while,Amelie tried to get up,but each time she moved,Aiden would tighten his grip and pull her closer,making her chances to get up 0.

Amelie accepted her fate and closed her eyes to sleep.She would definitely make him pay,when he wakes up later.