
Chapter 44

When Amelie woke up from her afternoon nap, Aiden had already left the room.

She sighed at the empty space next to her,tidied herse went upstairs.

Aiden acted as if nothing happened for the rest of the day no matter the looks or sentences everyone would throw at him.Only when Amelie would occasionally look at him would he flinch and avoid her.

He continued doing so even when they were alone in the room.

Amelie looked at the back of the man while laying down.Took a deep, sharp breath and kicked him.

"Ou!"Aiden reacted and turned to her."Are you crazy?"

Amelie just glared at him and showed him her back.


Day 7 was the last day they would be staying in the villa.In the evening The three couples went to a club to spend the last night partying like they were in their youth,leaving the children and Jeanne, Albert,Lesley and Pierre at home.

Amelie had been completely ignoring Aiden that day and the rest had all noticed.Of course,since she didn't bother hiding it.

At the entrance the six people entered and Aurora asked.

"Should we go the VIP area now or should we enjoy our time around the others a bit?"

"Let's stay around the others for a bit.The atmosphere seems pretty nice."Daniel said.The others agreed, and they entered the place.

The music got louder and louder the more they walked.

They ordered their drinks and sipped them while enjoying the music.

After a while,the others went to dance,leaving Aiden and Amelie alone.

The atmosphere between them was still awkward and Amelie refused to give him attention.She sipped on her drink and looked at the people dancing,by now she had already finished more than half.

"Slow down!You'll get drunk at this rate!"Aiden leaned and yelled in her ear.

Amelie took her glass and emptied it she then went to order another one.

At the bar,as Amelie got her glass,the bartender spoke to her.

"This drink is from the sir over there."

Amelie turned her head at the direction the man pointed,there was a group of men with a few girls partying,one of them who was alone raised his glass at her.He had a lazy posture acting all cool and chill.

Amelie smiled politely.

"Sorry,but I can't accept this!Can you send it back to that man and get me something else?"

The bartender nodded and started to make her another drink.

As Amelie turned around with the new drink,her way was blocked by that man.

"You're blocking my way."

"And you rejected my treat."

"...Is that wrong?"

The man was stunned at her question.

"...No it isn't,but I'd like to insist on paying for the one in your hands."

"Then I reject again."

"I'm Aaron.And you are?"

"I don't like disclosing my personal information to strangers."Amelie smiled.

"We are considered strangers?You're breaking my heart now!"the man made an exaggerated gesture of holding his heart.

"Yes,we are.Goodbye."She tried to avoid him,but Aaron was insisting a bit too much and getting a bit touchy.Amelie backed away,avoiding his hands.She was obviously really angry and barely held herself back from breaking the glass on her hand on his head.

Suddenly,Aaron was pulled back by a strong hand on his shoulder.He annoyedly looked behind and saw a dark shadow towering him.

Aiden had a dark look in his eyes,sending a chill behind his back.

Aiden didn't say anything to him,but spoke to Amelie smiling affectionately.

"Let's go,babe!" Not adding a word more.

Amelie was still stunned when Aiden took her hand and dragged her to their table where the rest of the people were.He told the rest.

"Let's go to the VIP area!It's too messy here!"

Aurora complained,but Aiden told her with a cold look.


The others didn't argue since they noticed he was really angry,but the atmosphere was fixed again after they sat down and drank a round of alcohol.

The six of them started playing drinking games so now none of the people was actually sober enough to stop them.

Aurora and Vivienne started dancing hard to the music,then Daniel and Louis joined them.

Amelie was also drunk and happy seeing all of them.She would get more extroverted after a few drinks so she was singing loudly to the song as Aiden listened to her mesmerised.He wasn't any sober either.

Amelie only swayed her upper body on the sofa while singing.When she looked at Aiden who was staring at her, she giggled and hugged him, squealing.

Aiden completely drunk hugged her back.Daniel and Louis started whistling at them.

"You finally made up!"Vivienne started clapping, but she almost tripped because she was too drunk.

Aurora went to Amelie and told her.

"Amelie,please be don't be too angry at my brother despite him being an idiot!Be nice to him, okay?"her words were barely comprehensable.

Amelie hadn't understood a word and just hugged her too.She had long forgotten which country she was.

"[Of course!How can I be angry at him,eh?]"

Caught of guard by the unfamiliar language,their drunk selves couldn't help but laugh out loud at her.

"[What's here to laugh?Why are you laughing?]" Amelie asked,making the others laugh even more outloudly.

"I think we broke her switch,hahahah!"Aurora laughed harder than everyone else.

Drunk Aiden wouldn't miss his chance as a knight in shining armour.

"Don't laugh at my wife like that!"he couldn't even say his words right.

"Since when did she become your wife?"Louis asked him.

Aiden paused in thought,then he took Amelie by the hand.

"[What you doin'?]"

"We're going to get our marriage certificate!"Aiden said as he dragged her without understanding a single word she said,making the 4 other drunkards laughing like crazy.

Seeing how he was serious about getting out,they stopped him and sat him back down.

After partying a bit more,the alcohol effect was starting to wear off.Amelie excused herself to the bathroom and left the others inside the room.

On her way, she bumped to a familiar face.

"Hi!Do you remember me?" A pair of green eyes were looking down at her and a bright smile was on that face.

Amelie blinked.Was this another way of hitting her?But that man did really look familiar.

The man seemed to have noticed her confusion and sighed a bit dejectedly.

"I'm a bit dissapointed that you don't remember me,but it isn't your fault since it's been quite some time.We had lunch together back then remember?The fully booked restaurant?"

Amelie thought for a while and then remembered.

"Oh,right!You were um-"

"Gabriel!"Gabriel finished her sentence for her,he then continued."Seems like we are fated.This is the second time we coincidently met."

Amelie just laughed slightly,she was being distant.

"So what brings you here miss Amelie?"

"What else can bring me to a club?"

"Right,witty as ever!"Gabriel laughed and approached her slightly."If you don't mind,how about we have a drink and another chat together?I'd love to catch up on these months we haven't seen eachother!" then he added"My treat of course!"

"That sound very nice,but I can't leave the people I came with waiting." Amelie politely rejected.

"Well,that's a shame!" Gabriel lowered his head and had a really dissapointed look,but recovered himself quickly."Them how about catching up on another day?"

"Unfortunately,I'll be leaving tomorrow!I was for a small holiday here."

"I just can't get another opportunity to talk with you!"he sighed"It's really hard to find such an intelligent and beautiful lady around!And once you find her,it can't be done!"

Amelie just smiled and didn't say anything. Continuing the conversation wasn't what she wanted.

Someone bumped on Gabriel from behind and he lost his balance.He held the wall behind her to stabilise himself,imprisoning Amelie inside his arms,while towering over her,but even when the man left and apologised,Gabriel didn't move,but kept staring at her eyes with a dead look.

Amelie felt uncomfortable and called him out so he could back away,but he didn't budge.

Gabriel looked at her and slid his hand down putting it on her waist,he then lowered his head trying to kiss her on the lips.All these actions were happening too fast and the alarms inside Amelie's head started ringing.

The man who was hidden by the wall,looking at everything, left without turning his head.