
Chapter 45

Just as his lips were about to touch hers,Amelie covered them with both her hands and pushed his face away with all her strength.

"Mr.Gabriel I said no!"

Gabriel finally let her go and said with a smile.

"Sorry!I thought we were getting on well!It was my mistake for misunderstanding!"

But that smile and apology just sent a chill down Amelie's spine.How could he think that?She was completely cold and uninterested.Where did he get to that conclusion?

Amelie felt like she had to get away from here as soon as possible.

She just nodded and left without saying anything. She hoped she would never have to encounter that creep again in her life.


"Amelie,have you seen Aiden?"Aurora asked just as Amelie entered the room.

"No."she shook her head.

"That's weird.He said he would get you.We're about to leave now."

"Let's wait around for a while.Maybe he'll come here."Daniel said.

"I'll try calling him!"Amelie took her phone.After a few times trying to call and text him.

"He won't answer!" Now she was really getting worried.

"Let's all try to look for him!"Daniel said.

The others nodded and split up.More than an hour passed, and no one had found him yet.

Amelie was really about to have an anxiety attack and tried to keep herself as calm as possible,mumbling.

"[He's an adult!We'll find him!Nothing has happened to him!We'll find him safe and sound!]"

Then she got a call from Daniel.

"Did you find him?"

"We didn't,but he sent us a text.He had been to the bar next door and got himself hammered."Daniel sighed.

"Is he okay?"

"Me and Louis are going to pick him up first.You go to the entrance where the girls are.We called a driver for you."

"What about you?"

"We'll be following behind,don't worry."Daniel tried to comfort her.After a few more words he ended the call.


Amelie was waiting outside the balcony,her eyes at the entrance.When she saw the car enter the villa, she ran downstairs.

Louis and Daniel were trying to help Aiden outside the car,but he pushed them both away, cursing at them and would try to walk himself.

He would sway while making his way to the entrance,almost falling.

Amelie was panting as she reached the entrance, blocking his way.She hesitated a bit as she asked full of worry.

"Are you okay?"

Aiden didn't respond and just looked at her with a dead expression.

Amelie's face scrunched from the intense smell of alcohol that came from his body.

"Why did you drink so much?"

Aiden didn't answer.

"Let me help you up the room!"Amelie tried to grab his arm to help him up,but Aiden slapped her hand away and went to climb the stairs himself tripping and almost falling.

Amelie exclaimed and ran to help him up,but he yelled at her.

"F*** off!" His face was full of anger and hate.

Amelie flinched and immediately backed away. Her face turned white, and her eyes got a bit red.

Daniel and Louis felt awkward,they didn't think he would lash out at her like that.

They immediately got to him and Daniel reprimanded him,but Aiden cursed at him instead, pushing them away and climbing the stairs himself.

Amelie felt almost like crying,but she held herself back and smiled at them.

"Don't worry!He's just a bit ticked off,but he'll calm down soon!Thanks for the help!I'll take it from here!"

"He's obviously not okay.I've never seen him like this before."Daniel was obviously angry.

"Maybe someone bothered him at the bar."Amelie tried to find excuses and send them off telling them that they'd be fine.Daniel and Louis finally agreed and went to their rooms, not noticing how her voice was a bit off.

When they finally entered their rooms,Amelie's smile fell and she entered the room with hesitance.

She slowly closed the door and saw the man who was lying on the bed,breathing heavily.He was obviously uncomfortable.

Amelie went near him and gently nugded him with a soft voice.

"Aiden,Aiden.You should change."

He didn't budge.Amelie sighed slightly and tried to remove his shoes first.

Aiden's face was scrunched up, and he turned,it seemed like he was having a nightmare.

"Let her go!No!No!" then he started gagging. Amelie could immediately tell he was about to vomit and tried to get him up before he could choke.

Aiden quickly got to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet.Amelie tried to hold his forehead, but he pushed her away.

After vomiting for a bit, he stood there sitting on the bathroom floor staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.

Amelie stood there in silence,looking at him. Aiden turned to her and weakly said.


Amelie went and tried to help him up.

"You're not okay.Let me help you take a shower."


This time the tears really slipped and Amelie got out slamming the door behind her.

She got out of the room and climbed downstairs to the garden hoping that no one would see her.

Amelie went to the big trees and sat down on the grass in a fetal position sobbing.

Why was he yelling at her like that?Why was he so angry?Why was he always angry at her?What did she do?


Aiden hit the shower glass,breaking it.His hand was bleeding,but he didn't care.He wiped his face with his hand,having a broken look on his face.

He saw everything!That beautiful lie that she only did everything for money wasn't true!Those two were definitely together!Even if both of them were engaged with other people,they still were together!

Aiden's eyes were red thinking about that scene where Gabriel pushed her on the wall, grabbed her waist, and leaned in to kiss her.

She didn't struggle at all like she did with him.She wasn't cold at all like she was with him.

All what they had been experiencing these days were a lie he had believed again.He was too naive for thinking that he managed to know the real her in just 7 days.

Aiden clenched his jaw and punched the floor while groaning and swearing.

He was so stupid,stupid,STUPID!

Suddenly, he started to laugh maniacally.A little girl like her played really big.She got two young, rich guys wraped around her fingers and with him she didn't even need to try hard.With just a look she would get him easily hooked,pretending to be all innocent and reserved.

How many times had she kissed that ba*****?

Aiden remembered the nightmare that caused him to vomit.How many times had she slept with him?

Aiden laughed even more maniacally.

Here he was like an idiot getting dead drunk and heartbroken because of her.

Aiden's head fell on his arm,supported by the knee,his shoulders shaking.His laugh had changed a bit.


When Amelie returned hours later,she just took a few of her things,she glanced at the bathroom door that was still closed.Aiden was obviously still there.She didn't linger for long and left the room quietly.

No matter how drunk he was,he still messed up. Amelie wasn't planning to act as if nothing had happened.After coldbloodedly thinking these few hours,she made a decision to end everything before she left.She wasn't going to play a game with someone who didn't respect her.There was no way.

She went outside the garden.She had already returned late from the club and after those few hours,the sun had already risen.

Amelie used the main bathroom of the villa to change,luckly she had taken a shower just when she had returned.

Since the people in the villa were planning to leave early,the morning was a bit chaotic,so no one noticed anything wrong with her.

It was when Aiden climbed down with a bandaged hand that they started worrying and asking him.Amelie just quietly stood on the sidelines and didn't say anything.

Aiden didn't speak to her either and didn't even look at her.

Amelie didn't care anymore.She was about to end everything anyway,so she didn't care if he was apologetic anymore.

After hours of a silent drive Amelie took her luggage and got to the guest room.

When the sun hadn't set yet,she knocked in his door.

Aiden didn't open it ao she pushed it open herself and entered and spoke to him with a cold tone.

"We need to talk."

Aiden had a glass of whisky and was sitting on the sofa,watching the sunset and the buildings.

"I don't have anything to say to you." he didn't even look at her as he took a sip from his glass.

Amelie's cold face didn't change and she didn't beat around the bush.

"I'm done."

Aiden finally turned his head to look at her.His eyes were also deprived off emotion.

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I said.I'm done with this.Let's never see eachother again.Tell your family whatever,I don't care anymore."she then turned around to leave.

"You're not the one who decides when it's done." Aiden stood up and downed all the whisky.

Amelie didn't turn her head.

"I agreed so I decide." she then slammed the door.