
Chapter 53

Amelie looked at the 50 something year old man sitting in front of her.He was eating the food in front of him quietly as if he hadn't called her here for a conversation.

Amelie glanced at the plate in front of her that had the same food.No matter how small she cut the bites,it would only feel like stones in her stomach.

After finishing his plate,the man wiped his mouth and took a sip of his wine.He smiled as he looked at her.

"[You must be wondering why I invited you here.]" he then put the glass back in place and continued. "[I've seen the potential of your company and especially the potential of your ideas. Obviously, you are an ambitious woman and want to continue forward,climb up.]"

Amelie didn't say anything and just listened to him with a straight face.

"[I think having a new,young figure like you in our party would be a great benefit.It would be inspirational for the youth and it would be even better for me.]"He grinned.

Amelie tried her best to control her face and show no reaction and gently refused as if she didn't understand the double meaning.

"[Thank you for recognising my abilities, Mr,but unfortunately, I am not interested in joining the field of politics.Unfortunately, I am not made for it.]"

"[That's okay.Aside from that, I'd like to offer you another opportunity.]"the man played with his wine glass. "[There's a very big project the ministry of transport is planning to do and a lot of money will be put in there.We are looking for an IT company to take this project over.]" he looked at Amelie with a pair of weasel eyes."[I unfortunately have no experience in this area,you computer people no these things better,but I have experience in having a great vision.]"

"[And you suggest we take over?]"

"[I've heard that lately your company is in a tricky place and this project would help settle its foundation.After all it's the government that's trusting you so no one would argue for your capabilities anymore.]"

"[Let's say we take it over,that doesn't mean we have enough budget and staff to execute it.As you said this is a large scale project.Why offer this to me?]"

The man grinned, making Amelie feel more uncomfortable.

"[This is the part where I come in.Lately,I have been interested in the field of technology,but unfortunately I lack the experience and knowledge to enter it,so becoming business partners with someone in the field is the perfect solution.I have the money and you have the abilities.You'll be earning not only the foundation, but also a lot of profit.]"He smiled he emphasised the last word.Amelie could understand what he meant.As she guessed this guy wanted to involve her in his corruption plan.Though,he wasn't stopping there,he also wanted to use her hard work to clean his dirty money.

Amelie carefully looked at him.Even though she despised this offer,another person with different principles from her would find themselves lucky if they were offered these opportunities.Not to mention, she was a new CEO that had no strong background and is also in a hard place.Her question was, why did he offer this to her?There definitely better options than her.A person in politics definitely would have 'friends' in her field, why chose her a complete stranger?He wasn't doing this out of goodwill.

"[That sounds very generous of you, sir.A little too comfortable for my part.Obviously,there's have a price to pay here,right?]" Amelie just straightforwardly asked.

The man stood up from his chair and went close to her.Amelie's knuckles turned white as she clenched the white table cloth,but her face didn't let any of her real inner turmoil escape.It was unreadable and serious,no actual emotion shown.

The man was only a step away from her and stared down,not hiding the intentions anymore. His eyes moved from her body to her face and to her body again.

Amelie's body was trembling from the disgust and anxiety she felt.Her hand involuntarily shifted trying to cover herself a bit,but what was she trying when this man looked at her with that dirty gaze despite her long sleeved and loose fitting clothes.

"[That's a very interesting question...Amelie.]" he said slowly in a deep voice,making Amelie even more disgusted and uncomfortable.She could slightly feel the scent of his meal,making her stomach turn for a bit.Her face turned a bit pale, but the slight blush on her cheeks and her face that refused to show weakness hid it well.If she showed weakness the situation would be even worse.Who knew what kind of creep he was!

"[It's something you can do...Something only you can do.That pretty face shouldn't go to waste.]"

The man who showed his dirty desire wanted to reach for a moment,but Amelie avoided his hand. Her stomach turned even more and the scent of meet and alcohol around didn't help.

"[I'm going to have to reject.I am happy with my current position and I am not greedy for more.All I want is a quiet family life...with my soon to be husband.]"

The man was obviously angry,but he knew it was unwise to push for more.He spoke under gritted teeth.

"[I thought you were a smart girl.]"

"[Unfortunately,I am not,sir.I am but a simple person that wants a comfortable life with the one I love.Sorry that my low ambition dissapoints.]"

Amelie said as she lowered her head, trying to surpress the food that climbed from her stomach to her throat.

"[Thank you for wasting your precious time with me,sir!If you'll allow it,I'll take my leave!]"

"[Just go away!]" the man scoffed and walked away from her.

Amelie immediately took her bag and got out with her head lowered.

Dennis immediately went to ask her if she is okay,but Amelie didn't answer and just walked to the elevator with her face hidden by her hair, holding her mouth.

"[Ame!Ame!Did he do something?Ame,tell me!]"

As soon as Amelie walked out of the building she started gagging severely,making Dennis even more worried.

Amelie ran to the tree and vomited what she ate and would still continue vomiting even when there was nothing left.

"[Get it out!Get it all out!I'm here for you!]"Dennis said as he held her forehead and patted her back.

After getting everything out,her body was trembling, and Dennis helped her to the car.

"[I'll get you some water and something for your stomach,just wait for me here!]"Amelie nodded, and he ran off.

Seeing her weak appearance in the mirror,Amelie sighed and took a few wet wipes to clean her mouth and hands.

She thought these things wouldn't happen anymore now that she sort of had some power. She thought she would finally be acknowledged and respected for her capabilities and hard work, but that was the fate of a woman.If her appearance was a bit appealing,people would immediately assume she was easy and look at her dirty.

Amelie looked at herself gloomily,nothing was going well for her.She hoped the deputy wouldn't take this personally and take revenge on her.The best she could do was reject pretending to lack ambition and to be a 'boring' woman in his eyes, who had her mind for family and love.

Suddenly, Amelie got a notification.She opened her phone and saw that it was for a memory last year.Amelie clicked thinking about how things were better back then.She was still hopeful and excited for her future,a lot more optimistic,now she doubted if there even was a future for her anymore.

Amelie saw the picture,her eyes a bit sad.This was a picture from that welcoming dinner of Yoxal Technology.The dinner that changed her whole course of life.

Amelie then looked at the picture remembering the events of that night.To think a coincidence like that would bring them here...Engaged and their marriage date already settled.

Amelie looked at the ring she had on her finger.It was made of white gold and had a tear drop,white diamond,with smaller diamonds surrounding it.It looked elegant and beautiful on her finger.It was her engagement ring that Aiden given her when he 'proposed' a few months ago during his trip to celebrate New Years with her family.

Amelie caressed the ring slightly,it was beautiful, but probably not something she wanted.It had nothing special about them.It was something he had probably randomly picked without thinking much,after all, he didn't care about her.

Amelie closed her eyes and sighed.Right now, the last thing she wanted to think of she her engaged life.She just hoped that her career life would at least be okay.