
Chapter 54

It had been days, and the young female CEO had been working non-stop with countless sleepless nights.

The usual stylish and confident lady was replaced by a tired,working individual who would love to fall on her desk and sleep for the rest of the day.

Her days with lack of sleep and her constant stress had completely turned her usual healthy lifestyle upside down and her mood had become even more irritable.Her parents who cared about her health had tried to talk to her,but Amelie had completely shut down any unnecessary talk around her.She would go early to work,return late and also work during the night in her room.

Tonight was also one of the nights she sacrificed her sleep,but she looked even gloomier than usual.

It was 3 o'clock.Amelie stared at the computer screen,the blue light reflected on her.She bit clenched her lips and glared at the words on the screen.

He really had done this.He was really willing to go this far.Amelie threw the file on her desk and put her face on her palms, rubbing it while breathing heavily.She was angry.She was very angry.

Tonight, she had finally found an opportunity to research who was behind Alpha.It had taken her a bit to figure out who it was and after several hours of searching she had finally found quite a few things,all of them pointing to the same direction,Yoxal.Aiden Yoxal specifically.

Amelie suddenly laughed. If anyone saw her that way, they would think she had finally lost it.

He really despised her that much?He was really stooping this low?Just because she rejected his advances back then?Or was it something else?

Amelie looked at the words on the screen,her eyes filling with more hate.She then grabbed her phone and went to a certain contact.She wanted to finally vent and yell at him.She wanted to finally give him a piece of her mind.Why is he so against her?What did she do to him?Why did he hate her?He was the one who took the first step and he was the one who backed away first!Why is it now her fault?Was he angry because she agreed to the engagement?Then why did he still want to go through with it when she told him to break it off!What was his problem?He was the one who threatened her!He was the one who disrespected and yelled at her!If he couldn't stand her so much, why did he refuse to let her go?

Amelie then stopped and put the phone away. What was the point at yelling?He wouldn't listen to her anyway.He would just end the call and continue with his life while she would be the one falling apart.

Amelie looked at the content on the screen again, like the whole anger had washed away,she felt numb.Her eyes were dark and dead.

Since words wouldn't help her,then she would do what she did best,act.She would show him what it meant to mess with her.Just because she avoided trouble didn't mean she wouldn't know how to face it,but first she had to get herself out of the situation she already was.


"[No one is willing to take this project over,Ame, and they aren't stupid for it!It's too risky!It would cost us more than we can lose if something goes wrong!]" Dennis was pacing around Amelie's office,mind blown from her suicidal idea.

"[We won't know if we don't try?]"Amelie was determined.

"[We can't afford to try!We're already losing!Staff is leaving,no one trusts us anymore,we can only take a few small projects to keep ourselves alive,now you want to put it all on risk?You can't take this big of a gamble!]"

"[Things will get worse even if we don't try!Alpha is set on destroying us!It is only a matter of time for things to finally collapse!We need to at least try,Denny!]"Amelie tried to convince him.She couldn't tell him the real,whole truth that Alpha was basically created to destroy them.In Dennis's head it was probably a competer trying to wipe off its strongest competitor.

Amelie had looked closely at Alpha, and she had understood that whether they got a job or not,it was okay as long as her company didn't take it.

Dennis was surprised at his usually rational cousin taking such a risky deal.He knew she was really capable,but everyone that avoided this project like the plague wasn't stupid and incapable either.

"[Denny,I am sure we can do it!Sure it will take us a lot of hard work and sacrifice,but the results will earn us more!We can finally stabilise ourselves again and make people trust us over anyone else!We can finally leave our mark!]"Amelie got closer looking at him with confident eyes."[Trust me Denny!We can do it!]"

Dennis was still unconvinced,but he knew that in their current state,whether they acted or not,they would still lose.

"[Also,if things go differently from my expectations, I'm willing to take all the responsibility!]"Amelie said, determined.

Dennis looked at her quietly.Both stared at eachother in silence full of stubborness,finally, Dennis gave up.

"[Fine!I will help you!]"

"[That's great!Let's contact the before Alpha finds out and let's try to keep this as much as a secret as possible until the contract is finally signed!]"

She wouldn't let them get this opportunity from her.


Aiden looked at the report he had gotten from Alpha.Aiden skimped at the parts about the overall progress and went to the part that really interested him,the part about METIS,Amelie's company.

He carefully read every word in the report.Aiden froze when read the words and continued to read even more carefully.After finishing he left the file and had an amused smile in his face.

She had really taken this risk?She was more amusing than he thought,but he wouldn't let things get easy for her either.

But he also wanted to see her succeed,after all, always winning wasn't that fun.The opponent should be a bit strong and challenging,the game wouldn't be that fun if not.

He'd love to see what she can do.