
Chapter 55

The blue light of the computer screen glared at Amelie as she pushed up her glasses and continued typing.Her hair was in a messy bun, and she was wearing a loose-fitting T-shirt with a pair of matching sweatpants.

Amelie took the can of energy drink and downed the rest of the content as she continued typing with one hand.

Suddenly,she heard a bang making her startled.

"[Ame!Ame!Ame!]"Dennis came inside and called out to her several times,his eyes seemed to be glistening.

Amelie smiled and asked him.

"[Easy,there!What happened?]"

"[You won't believe this!]"Dennis took a deep breath and told her."[Altea got a call today from 'Argument' they want to feature our company and your story of success in their show!]"

"[What!]" Amelie gasped and covered her mouth. No way!'Argument' was a serious show in their country,that always aired the most important current events happening, be it political, social, economic, touristic.It was hosted by the most high-paying and prestigious reporter in their country and always invited important figures.This host would always be present when someone really influental in the world came in their country,so to be invited by him in his show meant you had made it.

These few months,after that big project was a huge succes,their company had been getting a lot of work and their earnings had multipled to the point that they could afford expanding their spaces and adding to their staff.Now they weren't a simple,small company anymore.

Amelie started squealing and jumping like a child.

"[This is great!This is awesome!Ahhhhh!We did it!We did it!]"

Dennis was also happy.

"[We can also use this for publicity for our very first product!]"

The reason Amelie had returned to her 'work atire' was because she had been working on their first product.She wanted to finally cross the border of an IT company and become a software company, what she had actually dreamed for in the first place.

This golden opportunity not only made their hard work finally recognised,but it also would help spread it.

Amelie paced around ranting non-stoppingly.

"[Oh my God,there's so much to do!We have to organise!I need to pick an appropriate outfit!]"

"[Relax!Relax!We have time!]"Dennis tried to calm her down.

"[You're right!]"Amelie nodded seriously and tried to act calm and mature,but her smile couldn't help but escape again."[Oh,I almost forgot!Organise a dinner for everyone!This wouldn't happen without them.Take my card!]"

"[You won't be coming?]"

"[Well,having your boss around when partying isn't the best of experiences,plus I still have work to do.]"Amelie shrugged.


It was night and the city lights from the window looked like a sea of stars,but Aiden wasn't admiring this beautiful scenery he saw every night.He had his tablet on his hands and looked at the video of the gorgeous,young woman, smiling and speaking to the reporter in a language he didn't understand.

Aiden sipped from his whiskey glass and smirked a bit.She had really managed to turn around the bad situation he had put her in and was now thriving in her success.

Clips of Amelie's from this show had unexpectedly become viral, and she was known on the internet as the 'beautiful CEO'.The comments were all asking more and more about her and many were dissapointed when they saw that her personal account was private and barely had any followers.The only place they could get a bit of her were from these clips or from her ultra rare pics on her company's account.

'Is she single?' was the question many asked.

'Didn't you see the ring in her finger?' the others would reply.

'Then can her husband fight?'

Their engagement wasn't shared with the world and with Amelie's request,they had tried to keep it as hidden as possible.She didn't mind being known as engaged,she just minded the person she was engaged with.Amelie didn't want her success to be overshadowed by Aiden's,she didn't want to be dependent on him in any kind of way.

Aiden gulped down the rest of his drink and turned off the tablet.He walked to see the sea of stars on his window thinking about the wedding that was coming closer with each passing day.

It was only less than 3 months away,soon after that, everything would be over, and he wouldn't need to hug and kiss Gabriel's lover.

Aiden sighed.He was very clear about his feelings when he was alone,but as soon as her face appeared, he couldn't help but forget everything.

Be it in his dreams be it in reality,all he wanted was to hold her in his arms and ravish those luscious,pouty lips.He wanted to hear that voice call out his name only and he wanted those big, watery eyes to look at him full of desire, completely forgetting about that weasely man.

But Amelie's reserved attitude also confused him more.She would always reject him,she would always push him away.Sometimes he would feel glad because then he would never manage to let her go anymore,but it also made him feel pathetic at the same time.Did she really love that man?Was that the reason why she didn't push him away?She would rather be his side piece than his wife?He couldn't pinpoint her intentions and her feelings at all.When he was with her,it seemed like she was a completely different person from what she had done.It felt like that time she betrayed him didn't happen.But there was proof.

It felt like she didn't know Gabriel at all and all of this was in his head.But he saw everything with his own eyes.He couldn't just lie to himself so easily anymore.He couldn't just pretend that nothing had happened.

Aiden took out a cigarette and lit it up,puffing the smoke.The last grace he could give her was to keep it all hidden so she could at least be the good daughter her parents thought she was.He didn't want other good people to be hurt in this mess.