
Chapter 60

Aiden went to the parking lot and got on his car driving as far away from that place as he could,his eyes red.

He thought he could do it.He thought he could finally resolve the two nots that were in his heart, but unfortunately, he had been too naive.

The moments that had happened before kept replaying in his mind overlapping with that night almost 15 years ago.

"Let go!Let go!I don't want to!Let me go!Ahhh!" The horrifying screams of that girl were on his ears.

"Why are you so aggravated Aiden?You can get your turn, too.Don't be so lame."the voice of a youth rang on his ear,together with a chuckle, making him feel disgusted all over.

His lust had at first overcome this nightmare,but when he saw Amelie shut her eyes tightly and hold her dress in place,her image had overlapped with that girl.

Maybe in Amelie's eyes, he was really like those monsters,maybe she just didn't know how to push him away properly.Maybe she finally had realised that the only person she could accept was Gabriel and no one else.

"I guess I'll keep going with my plan.There was no point in turning back anyway."Even if it hurt so much,he would have to get through it.


Amelie was waiting inside the private jet,Aiden's parents had gifted them as a wedding present. This jet would be used now for the first time to send them to their honeymoon destination,but after last night, she was left alone once again.

Amelie asked the staff.

"When will Aiden be here?"

"We,unfortunately, don't know, Mrs."

Amelie just took her phone and tried calling him again. This call also didn't get through.

Amelie tried calling him again and again,but it was all the same.He didn't answer.

No matter how hurt she was,she still was desperately trying to find an excuse for him.She was still trying to understand him.Her gut feeling was always right,that reaction last night wasn't normal,there was definitely something else behind it.

"From now on, I'll be honest with you." The words he had promised her yesterday echoed inside her head.

Liar!You promised!Why are you running away like a coward now?

She had been wanting to question him.She wanted to finally say what was in her mind,but he had completely disappeared.He was completely unreachable.How was she supposed to talk him like this?

Some time passed, and Amelie had given up on calling him.Then one of the staff approached her and handed her a big envelope.

"Mrs.Amelie,Mr.Aiden told us that he won't be able to make it for know,but he will be joining you as soon as possible in your destination.He also told me to make sure you received this."

Amelie took the envelope and was in thought.

Should she also just cancel?She was more than 100 % sure that his words were a blatant lie.

For now she decided to open the envelope in her hand.

Amelie opened the yellow envelope and saw a few white papers with words printed on them,it seemed like an official document.

After reading for a bit,Amelie's pupils shrank, and she squinted her eyes while nearing her head close to the paper, trying to read it again.It weren't her eyes playing tricks on her right?

"[No way.He wouldn't be doing this.No way.He wouldn't be so evil.]"Amelie mumbled while smiling out of disbelief.

Staff was still around, so she tried to control her emotions as much as possible so as not to cause a scene for somebody's entertainment.

"Where is Aiden?" she asked the staff.Her voice low trying to surpress all her emotions.

The staff didn't seem to have catched her question.As if it was a trigger,Amelie raised her voice and asked again,her tone containing a lot of emotion.

"Where is Aiden!" the staff was startled, and Amelie immediately got herself together.They were innocent, so she couldn't lash out on them.

"My apologies for raising my voice.That came out the wrong way."she tried her best to smile as if nothing was wrong with her,but if someone was observant enough,they could see the hands trembling as they gripped the papers.

"W-we aren't aware if where he is.We are just conveying his message."

"I see."Amelie kept the same smile,slowly becoming doll-like and creepy,since her eyes were devoid of any emotion."I d-didn't get to s-sleep much last night so I'm taking a nap.I'm a very light sleeper so I would like to be left alone for as long as possible.I will call if I need something."

The staff understood and retreated after confirming that she didn't need anything.

Just as she was alone,Amelie looked at the paper again,the tears escaping her eyes,but they still had no emotion.

He didn't even respect her enough to have this conversation face to face.He didn't even bother to discuss it with her first.

Amelie laughed a bit maniacally as the tears streamed on her cheeks.

He loved to be this prince charming in front of everybody else,who loved his princess but then would sent her an envelope with the divorce papers just a day after they wedding celebration. She didn't know if she should call him considerate for not leaving her on the altar.

Amelie stopped laughing and looked down at the divorce papers,then she started ripping them off,breaking it to small bits and stuffed it all on the envelope.

She wouldn't let him get out of this easily after even threatening her a year ago for this marriage. He thought he could do whatever he wanted?He was wrong.She wasn't scared of him anymore.


A few hours later,Amelie was in the hotel room for her 'honeymoon'.After seeing the divorce papers she got an even bigger urge to be here and have fun without him.She would enjoy every little thing here and she would post every picture for him to see.

Amelie left her luggage somewhere and layed on the big soft bed,rolling in.She then closed her eyes to relax,but when she opened them it was already dawn of the next day.

Everything from the last few days to yesterday had catched up with her body and now she could barely move from the bed.

After an hour of a battle to get up,Amelie took the courage and went to take a shower to get ready.

She would first take a walk on the beach,there was nothing better than starting the day like this.

After a long long walk and meditation,she ate breakfast and went to a post office.

She bought apostcard of the place and put it on the big envelope Aiden had given her without writing anything in it and mailed him together with the pieces of her masterpiece,the bits of the divorce papers.

Then she went to have fun again to get her head off of anything related to her life.