
Chapter 61

Aiden had just ended the phone call with his friends about their meeting place.This time, they had planned to come with their partners and had asked him to bring his new wife too,but Aiden had found an excuse for her not being there.

He sighed when he thought of the woman.She was really something,mailing him the same envelope with the divorce papers torn to pieces, while alwo attaching a postcard.

He had only seen the envelope a week ago,after he had returned from one of his other properties. He had turned off his phone the first few days there,because he knew that Amelie was bombarding him with phone calls.What made him surprised was the fact that she had only called him the first day of their 'honeymoon', then there were no other calls at all.

Aiden had opened his social media to check on her and to his surprise the posts were all of her enjoying her time alone, exploring the place,having fun,going to music bars every night.She had guessed that he would be watching and she was right.Between them,it seemed like it was him who had been sent the divorce papers.

It felt a bit weird seeing that she was so happy and carefree about this situation,even though he knew this marriage was something both of them wanted to end as soon as possible.

But that kiss in the altar had made the things between them more confusing.For a moment Aiden had thought that he could ignore everything and live a normal married life with her as if he had seen and experienced nothing, but Amelie's reaction that night had been his wake up call.He wasn't normal and she wanted to be with someone else.No matter what his lust and fantasy wanted reality was different.

It had been almost 4 weeks since he had sent her the divorce papers,but Amelie's answer was different from what he had thought.She refused to divorce.For now he would give her space then in their next meeting he would discuss what price she needed for her to sign those documents.She had gained nothing until now after all and Amelie was a smart person in the business world,of course she would want to get some profit.

Aiden put on a watch and took his car keys to go to the meeting place with his friends.He drove to the place and went inside to the reserved VIP room.

"Aiden,it's been a while!" Everybody greeted him, and he found a place to sit down having some small talk.

"Where is your wife?"One of the women asked him."I couldn't attend the wedding, so I was looking forward to meeting her today."

"She has her own career in her home country and has been quite busy lately with the wedding and all.She didn't have time to attend and told me to apologise on her behalf."Aiden lied without breaking a sweat.

The people started chatting with each other when a knock interrupted their conversation, gaining their attention.

A pettite looking woman entered with an apologetic look.Her facial features were beautiful and fine, and light make up that emphasised them was applied,making them look even more beautiful.The brown hair were in huge blowout waves framing her face and she was wearing a short white dress that hugged her figure.The sleeves were long and the neck was square and a tied string on her bust.The white dress looked good emphasising her tanned skin from the days on the sun and her figure,giving off a more warm and cheerful vibe,different from her usual cold and distant appearance.But despite it all,the young woman couldn't hide that elegant and noble air that seemed to be carved inside her bones.Even in this modern,bold apperance,her posture and mannerism revealed class.

"Sorry for being late!It took me a while to find the place!" the woman said with an apologetic smile.

Some of the people were confused, and some welcomed her happily,but only one of them was frozen in place. The glass he was about to sip in paused mid-way,his eyes widened.

How?How was she here?

Amelie greeted everyone, then went to Aiden and looked at him with a smile.Aiden was still too stunned to react.

"I thought you'd be happy when you saw me.What a dry reaction." she said poutly with a whiney voice,making Aiden feel goosebumps all over.

Aiden stood up and smiled.

"You and your surprises.You always know how to catch me off guard." Obviously, he was implying something else,something only the two of them could understand.

"They make everything more fun."Amelie smiled and hugged his neck,planting a kiss on his cheek. Aiden instinctively hugged her waist and looked at her,not hiding his shock again.Amelie's eyes flashed into a cold glint,her lips in a smirk,but were replaced by a beautiful and sweet smile again.

Everyone chatted and kept their focus on the new couple mostly since they were the ones who had more to talk.Their friend who had been single forever got married before them with a person he had met a year ago?Obviously they wanted to know everything there was to know.Aiden was tight lipped so he would never say anything related to himself so their only target could be his wife.

"So how did you two meet?This guy never told us before no matter how many times we asked."

"Oh,at work."Amelie shortly explained the reason.

"He approached me when I was at the balcony, and we had a casual chat."

A laugh was heard gathering everybody's attention. It was the woman who hadn't managed to attend their wedding.She covered her mouth, apologising.

"I'm sorry,hehe,it's just it seemed a bit too much of a coincidence.You being on the balcony and him approaching you,hehe."

"It does sound like something from a movie, right? " Amelie said, also laughing.

"Right.Really, what a coincidence."the woman said, raising an eyebrow while smiling.

"Right,Aiden?"Amelie suddenly turned to him and said with an excited tone."That's the first thing we shared in common,liking fresh air."

Aiden almost spit his drink from that comment. Some in the room lowered their heads,trying to cover their laughs.They had sensed the weird tone from that woman,Lori,but they hadn't expected for Amelie to respond.

Lori's face went stiff,but she tried her best to hold her smile and changed the subject.

"So what do you do, Amelie?I heard from Aiden that you wouldn't be making it today because of your work."

"I just had a few things to do with my company.We've also just got married and had to ho to our honeymoon so I had a lot of piled work. There are a lot of people relying on me, so I can't slack off even with my wedding."

"I see.That's really impressive.Are you in charge of a Yoxal branch?I thought your family was-"

"Lori."This time, Aiden interrupted her,obviously, she was stepping the line with her undertones.

"No, it's okay.I don't mind answering."Amelie had a bright smile."It's true I did grow in a normal family,but we had made a few investments that earned us a lot this last decade.I managed to convince my parents to invest in my idea and now here I am,with one of the top 10 companies in A country."

This time, Aiden's other friends interfered,praising her and asking more about it.They were all involved in the business world, so of course, they would be curios.

"At first, I started as an online IT company for a bit,then managed to settle our quarters with the help of my parents.After a few trials and tribulations we finally were able to set our strong roots in the market,now we're focused on producing software,which is where my area of expertise is.Our products have been a success so we're hoping to break the international market soon."

"That's really impressive!How old is your company?"

"Well, we were really lucky,we will be 5 years old around February next year."

Aiden's friends then started asking her about the market in A country since they were curious if it was worth it to invest there, and Amelie answered the questions,the hangout resulting in a businessmen meeting completely forgetting about who started the topic.

Aiden would just listen on the side while sipping his drink.He would occasionally glance at the woman next to him,whom he had changed roles with for tonight.She was serious as she discussed with the men and women around,the previous carefree attitude had disappeared and the real her had taken over,the intelligent and serious girl.

Aiden looked at her eyes carefully.They didn't seem as deprived of light as before,they had a bright and passionate glint and her movements flowed more naturally.She wasn't as nervous as before,but she still was unpredictable as always.What was she thinking?

The night was soon finished and everybody started getting out while chatting happily.

"It was nice getting to know you, Amelie!And don't forget,Sunday afternoon!We'll be waiting for you!"

"I'll definitely be there!"Amelie smiled and shook their handsShe had gotten a lot of people's contacts tonight.Her career in the future seemed to shine brightly.

Everyone left one by one, and they were left alone.

"I'll be going to the washroom."Aiden couldn't see her face,but he could sense the coldness in her tone.

"Aiden?"Aiden heard the voice that called out his name and turned around.His eyes had a lot of alienation,making the woman that called out lower her head with glistening eyes.Her voice shook a bit.

"We need to talk."

"Indeed we do."Aiden said coldly and put his hands on his pockets,looking down at the woman in front of him.