
Chapter 62

"Indeed we do."

Lori didn't say anything and just stood there with her head lowered.Seeing that the other party wasn't planning on saying anything she started speaking,her sky-like eyes filled with a layer of tears.

"I know that I crossed a line,but I couldn't help but do it!You're a dear friend to me and I don't want you to get hurt by somebody's greediness!It's obvious that something was fishy in that story and you know how I can't help,but be point out-"

"And since when was this your business?"Aiden asked her with a light tone.

"Aiden,how could you say that?I'm your friend!I care about you!"Lori couldn't help,but revolt.

"Being my friend doesn't give you a pass to stick your nose in my business!So what if there were hidden intentions?So what if it happened on purpose?I chose to approach her!I proposed to her!And I married her!"Aiden's tone was cold and aggressive,emphasising the 'I'.

Lori was stunned.A tear slid fown her cheek.She didn't expect this cruel tone and cold look in his eyes.

"Lori,I don't want to continue this friendship.I won't stop you from coming into meetings like this since I am not your only friend,but if we somehow come across eachother on a road,it's best if we ignore each other."He then started to walk away.

Lori ran towards him and hugged him from behind.In a crying tone, she loudly said.

"Aiden,I love you!I've always,always love you for all these years!You can't do this to me!You can't be this cruel to me!You always avoided every other woman and only regarded me as your friend so that means I must be special to you right?You've also loved me too right?Don't let some random woman destroy our relationship,Aiden!We've been together for all these years!"

Aiden broke her arms off him and took a step back, creating a distance from them.This time, his eyes were even colder than before as he spit the most hurtful words the woman could possibly hear.

"Never in our years of friendship have I seen you that way.Never in our years of friendship have I had those feelings for you.I thought you were a great friend and I always valued our friendship,but it seemed like this friendship of ours was never pure to begin with."

Lori's face paled, and her hands trembled as the man continued.

"And the one you call a random woman is my wife.If she says that there's something wrong with my friendships,I have to at least think it through.And don't be mistaken Lori,I'm not destroying this relationship because of my wife,this was something you destroyed with your own hands."

Aiden then walked away, leaving the woman behind,not caring if she were crying or running away.

Aiden walked to the end of the corridor and looked at the person hidden behind the wall.

"You heard everything."

Amelie had her head lowered,she then raised it, looking him in the eye, not hiding away.

"I did."

"You don't have anything to say?"

"I do.A lot in fact.But would you be willing to answer?"

Aiden was quiet for a bit,then he spoke."Ask me."

Amelie lowered her head,her body against the wall,her hands supporting her back.She then raised her eyes, looking at him.

"Why did you ruin your friendship that lasted for years for a person you sent the divorce papers to just the next day of your wedding?"

Aiden was a bit stunned by the question.He had expected many questions,but never this.

"...Because she never regarded herself as my friend... And despite it, you are still legally my wife.The ways others treat you determine the way they view me."

Amelie laughed self-deprecatingly.

"So it's all a facade for others,huh?"She then lowered her head, her voice quiet.

"I know this is better to be talked in a more private place,but that night...Why did you leave me like that?Why did you go back on your word?"She raised her eyes, looking at him.Aiden's eyes widened when he saw how her eyes glistened under the soft yellow light and how her voice trembled.

"Why did you give me that envelope?"

Aiden avoided her eyes.

"Why are you running away again?"Amelie asked him when he avoided her eyes. She got closer, insisting for an answer.

"Let's discuss this another time."

Amelie sneered.

"I would if you actually kept your word,but you have proved me wrong too many times.So you will answer me now!"

Aiden clenched his jaw and looked at her. His eyes had a raging fire,but despite it, Amelie stood her ground.

"What will it change if I answer?Will it make our situation better?Will it change our feelings for each other?"Aiden took a step forward,his shadow casting over her."Why continue this **** show when we hate eachother?"

"...So you hate me?"

Aiden stopped his words and looked at the woman that had her head lowered,swallowing the words on his mouth.

"I see.I didn't know I had overstepped my boundaries."

There it was again.That cold and distant tone.He hated hearing that tone.He hated it when she acted like a stranger who didn't care.He would rather have her scream and yell at him.

"But we can't divorce now.It would raise too much suspicion and draw attention.Let's continue like we have for the past year for some time and try to end it as quietly as possible.If you really plan on respecting me in the eyes of the people then divorcing now won't be really doing it."

Aiden was quiet.Amelie didn't wait for his answer and walked away towards the exit,Aiden following behind.

They went to the parking place.Aiden got in his car and drove away,leaving her alone in the parking space.So he didn't even want her in the same car?

Amelie stood on the place quietly.She didn't know how long it had been,but after getting her senses, she went to the taxis nerby and got in one of them,giving the adress of the hotel she was staying.

Meanwhile, Aiden was hiding in a place looking at the whole thing.Despite it all,he still couldn't help but worry for her.It was late at night and he wanted to make sure if she was safe,so he had returned to pick her up again.By the time he had returned,Amelie was already boarding the taxi so he could only follow behind until he saw her enter the hotel safely.

Aiden looked at the hotel in front of him and supported his forehead on the steering wheel in thoughts.

Why was everything around him so complicated?

The quiet voice of the girl echoed in his head.

"...So you hate me?"

"I see.I didn't know I had overstepped my boundaries."

He then hit the steering wheel and grunted.Aiden closed his eyes tightly and opened them while sighing weakly.

Maybe it was for the best to be distant.This way, none of them would be hurt by their own expectations.