
Chapter 68

And just like that Amelie accidentally earned an invitation to an event that was held by the biggest of the businessmen there,all becase she went to a spa treatment and made a face to a random model.Who would've thought Lilly was that powerful?

Amelie first went to greet the woman that made it possible for her to be there.After many plesant conversations.Lilly and her husband started introducing her to a few people that might take an interest in her project.

Lilly would have grabbed the opportunity for herself if their group didn't work in another indutry.It was a pity,but at least she could be the middleman.

Amelie started giving the people a certain image of her idea.She tried her best to keep it simple,short and captivating.These people were very strict about their time so wasting it on lengthy speeches wasn't a good idea.She left the choice to them to ask for more.

Obviously this wasn't something easy to do.It was hard to turn all that lengthy presentation and information into just 2-3 paragraphs.Amelie looked calm and collected on the outside,peaking smoothly and cleanly,but no one knew how her back was actually soaked and her legs were almost about to give in.This was worse than when she had to present her thesis.

The audience nodded with straight faces and occasionally took a sip of their champagne. She could barely read them properly.They wouldn't say anything nor they react to anything.

The pressure got bigger at the ongoing silence,she felt a bead of sweat rolling on her back.Amelie kept speaking,but the inactive listeners made her feel like she was just rambling stupid things.

"There has never been any thing like this before so this will be somenething-"she stuttered.Amelie recovered herself quickly and continued her sentence and after a few more finally finished.She wore a calm and collected smile looking at the gentleman,but inside she hoped the earth would open and bury her in.She messed up.None of them were saying anything.She had just wasted their time.Maybe she should have joked when she stuttered,maybe that would've made the atmosphere lighter and they would've looked her in a more positive light.But what if that had made them angrier and made her look even more ridiculous?

She didn't know what she could've done nor what she could do.

The silence still continued and the men just casually chatted with eachother,the topic had nothing to do with her presentation leaving her on the side standing.

Amelie felt like a fool.Maybe she was dreaming a bit too big.She already had quite enough,so maybe now she was just being too greedy.

Amelie listened to the conversation they were having and observed them.Should she leave?But they didn't tell her to leave.Were they testing her will to succeed?Amelie sighed in her head.She shouldn't be optimistic,it would only lead to greater dissapointment.

After minutes and minutes passed.Amelie didn't and just stood with the group as if the presentation didn't happen and just engaged in their conversation.Being too insistent would sometimes lead to the opposite effect and judging by what she had studied for these men that was exactly the case.Despite the pessimistic results she didn't storm off with her pride nor drop it to beg,Amelie kept her dignity and grace,standing there with her head high.

Sometimes others would join to greet the gentlemen and inevitablly would also greet her out of curiosity.Amelie used her adaptive skills and managed to participate quite in quite a few conversations with the several strangers.It was nerve-wracking to watch every single word tonight so she could barely wait to go to bed later.Tomorrow she wasn't going to leave her hotel room.

By the atmosphere,her impression seemed at least to be favourable.This continued for quite a while.This group conversation was about to be over and everybody had to go on their seperate ways so Amelie was waiting for the right timing to leave.

Everybody was scattering one by one.Until the end,no one gave her an answer.Amelie was dissapointed inside,but she still carried a polite smile.One of the men stayed behind and continued chatting with her,resulting in them exchanging their business cards.

Amelie was a bit dazed as she read the words in the card.

Personal secretary of...Oh my God!They didn't take her contact info for nothing right?This was a green light!This is a green light,right?Or did that guy want to flirt with her?No,if he did he would've gave her his personal number.





Amelie squealed inside her head her eyes shining like stars,her lips couldn't help but turn upwards.

Amelie walked around trying to go out for a while.She was about to scream of happiness and she had to do it somewhere else,unless it would result in a public humiliation situation.

Amelie walked around and held her cheeks that had gone red from happiness and accidentally bumped into someone's back.Her nose felt like it broke,but not even that pain could wake her up from the euphoria she was feeling.

"Sorry,hehe!"Amelie raised her head and said with the most shining of eyes,but her face went stiff when she saw the face of the person she had bumped into.

Her eyes met a pair of dark oscean eyes, staring at her with shock and confusion.

What the hell are you doing here?

Was written on all of Aiden's face.

The universe loved to ruin her mood.Would it destroy if she was happy for more than five minutes?

Aiden recovered the shock in seconds and looked at her with a gloomy face.

Amelie barely held the urge to roll her eyes and tried to leave as soon as possible.

"Mrs.Amelie,what a plesant surprise to have you here?"Aiden wore the most blinding smile in the world.His words gained the attention of the men he was conversing with.All turned their eyes on them and she had no choice but to stop the step she was about to take.

F you.

Amelie put the same blinding smile.

"It's a surprise alright,haha."I hate you."It seems like you gentlemen seem busy so I won't be taking much of your time. Goodbye!"

"Why the rush?Come join us!"Aiden didn't let her run away and pulled her back in the group."This charm of yours should be shared with everyone!"

Amelie discreetly shook his hand off with a sweet smile.

"You're exaggerating Mr.Aiden.If I had to say you're the one who pulls people towards you all the time,hahahaha!"

"Hahahaha!" Aiden laughed together with her.Both of them seemed like two people that got along pretty well so the others couldn't pinpoint why they felt some sort of sparks between them.Not the good kind.Aiden forced a glass on her hand and asked her causally like a good old friend.

"How have you been lately Mrs.Amelie?"

"Could have been better if I were resting at home Mr.Aiden!"

"What a great sense of humour you have!Your husband must be very lucky!"Amelie flinched slightly at the mention of the word husband,but her face didn't change.

"Not as lucky as your wife Mr.Aiden,though I still think you're the luckiest,hahaha!"You really think I'll back down.

"Fellas,didn't I tell you she's quite a charming one!"Aiden said to the others as they chuckled and agreed,then he pointed at Amelie's finger."What happened to your ring,though?I heard it was quite an interesting one from your husband,I thought I would be lucky enough to see it today."

Amelie's smile went stiff and her eyes were a bit gloomy as she looked at him.

"Same goes for yours Mr.Aiden,I've seen first hand how much you care for your wife,others who don't know and don't see a ring would think something was off between you two."

Aiden's jaw clenched a bit and he gripped the glass on his hand.

Amelie toasted the glass to everyone and downed all its content.

"If you'll excuse me now!It was nice meeting all of you!"

She then gave them a greeting and left.

Aiden's eyes were as if about to spit fire,but her controlled himself and stayed for a few more minutes before excusing himself.

These men hadn't been to their wedding so they weren't familiar with wife of Aiden Yoxal who's identity was kept a secret in the media.

One of the men was quiet,the other interrupted his thoughts.

"What got you thinking James?"

"Mrs.Amelie seems very familiar.Have we met her before?"Then he shook his head. "Maybe I'm just overthinking it."he brushed the thought off and continued his chat.