
Chapter 69

Amelie immediately went outside to get a bit of fresh air.The place full of people felt stuffy and especially with that certain someone amongst them.

She took deep breaths outside and blankly stared at the wall infront of her.

Why had she gotten herself in this mess?She could barely wait for this to be over.Just about a year more and things would be over.They were appart anyway so they could use this distance as an excuse after some more time.

Amelie then walked down the corridor,while walking someone grabbed her hand from behind and pulled her behind.Her heart skipped many beats and she hit the person behind with an elbow and tried to create distance,but the grip was too strong and she couldn't break away.

"It's me!It's me!I didn't mean to scare you so much!" That voice rang on her ears,but didn't soothe her at all despite its familiarity.

Amelie turned around and was greeted by a pair of green eyes,covered by golden rimmed glasses.It was Gabriel.

"Why did you get so scared?"

"Mr.Gabriel can you please let go of my hand?" She had been too stimulated today and this even more stimulating situation didn't make it any better.

But this time he didn't listen to her request.

"You don't have to be so harsh,Ms.Amelie. We already know eachother well!"

How the hell do we know eachother well?! Amelie tried her best to hold that inner scream.

"I must've given you quite a fright since you seem so tense.Let me bring you to my room and offer you something to calm your nerves.I have a tea I always take with me for these situations,it'll help you rest well."

He didn't wait for an answer and just kept pulling her with him.

"Mr.Gabriel!Mr.Gabriel!I made it clear to let me go!I don't need anything I just need to go rest in my room!"

Amelie wanted to let out a cold laugh.She could definitely see through this guy.If he wanted to help,he would had offered to help her to her room or with someone from the staff.

Amelie kept repeating for him to let her go so know it semmed more like he was dragging her.She was trying to hold back because she didn't want to make any enemies.And as if to make it worse.No one was around to help her.They were probably busy with the party inside.

After a few more times of trying to reason, Amelie finally shouted.

"Mr.Gabriel I said let go!"

Gabriel paused and stood there for a bit.The grip on her hand got stronger,making it a bit painful,but Amelie didn't back down.

"I understand and I appreciate your concern,but I don't need any of your worries.A family member is waiting for me so I must leave now."

When the grip loosened a bit she finally shook it off and took a few steps back.Then turned around to leave.

"Amelie,please don't leave!"Gabriel stopped her."I'm sorry I crossed the line,but,but I can't help it!"he then took her hand and put it on his heart."I can't help how I feel about you!I'm not lying,there's just something you have done to me that I can't explain!I can't help myself but act this way!I-I love you!"

Amelie blinked at this sudden confession.Yeap,she definitely had to run from here.This guy was insane,more insane than she had thought at first.

"Mr.Gabriel I don't accept your feelings.I am already married and happy with my life.Let's both go our seperate ways and not make this situation difficult for the both of us."

"So what if you're married!I'm also married!But I'm not happy!I don't love her!I've seen the look in your eyes Amelie,I know you're not happy!I know you're forced into this and I know that bastard Aiden doesn't treat you well!But I can love you,I can treat you well!Only I can show you what real love is!"

Oh.My.God.We have just met for TWO TIMES and barely exchanged TWO SENTENCES!HOW CAN YOU BE IN LOVE WITH ME!!!

Amelie decided to ignore this lunatic and not give him enough material to talk to her so she tried to walk past him.To think he would even openly admit he was married and wanted an affair.This was crazy!Did she really give that idea to people?What was wrong with her that she attracted the most selfish,disgusting,red flag of men?

But before she could take any step she froze.Her eyes meeting a murderous glare.

Not this one too!

Aiden took huge strides towards them.He got between them and looked down at Gabriel saying coldly.

"What do you think you're doing?Who do you think you are!"Aiden tried to punch him,but Amelie immediately held his hand.

"Don't do this!This won't end well!Let's go now!Leave him be!"

A physical fight would only complicate things more.

Aiden stopped his action and turned to look at her.Amelie flinched when she saw the look in his eyes.It had a hint of sadness mixed wity betrayal and anger.

Did he feel jealous?Or was it some form of possession?It was most probably humiliation. She could understand.She would also feel some sort of anger if she found out someone confessed to him and proposed an affair during their marriage.It would be outright disrespect.Respect was the only thing they could give eachother as decent human beings.

Aiden's look lasted just a few seconds,then it was replaced with only anger.Her grabbed her hand and left.

To make the message of rejection clear to Gabriel.Amelie followed him behind obediently and held Aiden's hand tightly.

They just walked and walked quietly.Amelie could barely follow him with her heels.It felt like needles were stabbing her foot,but she dared not say a word.The priority was to go somewhere quiet and talk right now.

Aiden noticed how the person behind was getting slower and slower and took it as her refusing to go with him further.He knew that the person behind him was someone who threw quiet tantrums rather than noisy ones.

Because of that he got even angrier.As soon as he had heard Gabriel's words he had immediately gone there to teach him a lesson.Who did he think he was?Who did they think they were?They weren't even bothering to hide their affair.At first he had thought that they had cut ties or was he the one who had created those ties again?

"I know that bastard Aiden doesn't treat you well!But I can love you,I can treat you well!Only I can show you what real love is!"

Love?Love?F*** off!

This guy really had guts and didn't care about the enemies he was creating.His wife was from a prestigious family and he wanted to have an affair with the wife of someone from another prestigious family?Aiden smiled coldly.

Love?If he cared so much for his lover why was he putting her in the worst position possible?A partner of an affair and an adulterer.He knew well that she didn't have any powerful backings and if everything was found out she would be ripped to shreds by everyone as the scapegoat.

Why was she in love with someone like him?What did this woman see in that coward?She didn't need any power anymore since she was married to him and she was the one who had refused to have her identity as his wife spread around.

The person behind now could barely take a step.Aiden stopped.

Amelie's feet could finally breathe a sigh of relief.But the next second she almost had a heart attack from the man's actions.

"Woah!" Amelie exclaimed as Aiden lifted her from the ground on his shoulder as if she were some sack of potatoes and continued his way.

This man was seriously going to be the death of her.

"Put me down!I can walk myself!Put me down!"Or at least hold me properly!!!

Amelie tried to say between her teeth afraid that someone would listen and come see them if she was loud.

Of course her words fell on a deaf ear.

Amelie just covered her face and hoped they wouldn't encounter anyone on the way.

Aiden brought her to his room.He slammed the door and then threw her on the bed.

He kept pacing around the room,loosening his tie and breathing heavily.There was a lot of surpressed anger.

Amelie stood up from the bed and just stood on the side quietly thinking of when exactly to talk to him.She didn't know how to exactly calm people down be it in anger or sadness.

She then saw the water on the table and filled a glass and tried to give it to him.

"Just drink some water and try to calm down first."


"Do you think I can calm down now?"Aiden yelled."Do you think a sip of water will fix everything!"


The glass was slapped from her hand to the wall on the side,shattering to pieces.

Amelie covered her mouth as anxiety creeped in her heart.

"If you wanted to be with your lover so much why did you refuse to divorce me,huh?If you couldn't wait so much then why do you insist,huh?Tell me!"

"He's not my lover!I barely even know him!"

"Don't give me that bull****!No stranger confesses their love in the middle of a corridor!Is it fun to make fun of me?Is it fun to laugh at me together while ******* in the same hotel as me!!!"

This time Amelie snapped.

"Who do you think you are to-to-to dirty my name like that!You haven't even bothered to know and dare accuse of things like this!You dare accuse MY family's,MY parents' teachings and lessons?You dare question my honour!You dare question my pride!!!"

Aiden laughed coldly.

"Pride?Honor?Look here we have a saint from the church!" Aiden clapped and laughed at her.

Amelie just felt disgusted.

"Why do I even bother speaking to you?It's obvious you will never listen and believe me anyway!"She then turned around and went to leave.

"Don't you dare try to leave!"

Amelie didn't listen and went to get the door knob.Aiden took huge strides and slammed his hands on the door,trapping her between his arms.

"You're not leaving!This talk is not over!"

Amelie didn't turn around and just tried to open the door,but the strength of a woman couldn't be compared to the strength of a man.

"I'm not letting you leave!You're going to stay here and answer every one of my questions one by one!"

Amelie again ignored him,but her tries to open the door were caotic and full of anger,but even less efficient.

When she opened the door a bit and it was slammed shut by Aiden again she stopped everything.

Aiden also stopped his words and the atmosphere got deathly quiet.

Amelie had her head lowered and her hair covered the look in her face,but her shoulders were slightly shaking.

Aiden swallowed all the words he wanted to say,looking at her like that.

Amelie mumbled something under her breath.
