
Chapter 70

"I said WHAT THE HELL DO YOU ALL WANT FROM ME!" Amelie roared on his face with tears dripping down her eyes.

She pushed the man in front of her with full strength.Aiden was caught off guard and took a few steps back.

"I try to explain you shut me off!I don't say anything you demand me to speak!I do something you tell me to stay out of it!I do nothing yet I get yelled at!What the hell do you all want from me!What did I do!"

Her eyes were bloodshot red,countless tears dripping as she asked with a hoarse voice.

Aiden was too stunned to say anything.All the words he wanted to say,he swallowed them again.

All the built up saddness and pressure was all poured in that last question.Why was he always questioning her?Why was he always accusing her of something?

Amelie covered her teary eyes with fists,trying to hide her crying face.She paced around trying to calm her emotions.She hated displaying weakness to anyone, especially him who found every chance to humiliate her.

Aiden was about to say something,but was interrupted by Amelie's yells.

"What!What do you want to say?Did you even see the whole thing?Were you even there to hear everything or are you just trying to find excuses to berate me,huh?"

She wiped her tears and confronted him, pushing Aiden again.

"It's fun to,right?Does it make you feel a bit better for yourself?"Amelie laughed sarcastically."It feels good doesn't it?And then you act like you don't care even if I die somewhere or something!Why are you so agitated anyway?You don't care!Why are you even getting angry?"

"You even have the audacity to ask me why I'm angry?"Aiden's anger was ignited again."As long as you are my wife legally you don't go f***ing around!I'm not gonna let my hard earned work go down for someone like you!"

As if his anger amused her,Amelie laughed even more.

"No,no this isn't the case obviously."

Aiden clenched his jaw.She had hit the nail. He knew that was true,but he would never admit to it,especially in front of her.

Amelie got closer to him.Her red eyes were in complete contrast with her smile.

"You know, it's completely my fault,actually. All men are the same so of course they can't stand it when they are rejected.It's my fault for thinking you were any different. "

Amelie put a hand on Aiden's chest directing him somewhere.

"What do you think you're doing?"He was a bit anxious.Amelie had a strange look in her eyes,one he had never seen before.It was very calm and cold.

"Do something I've never done before.Grant your wish.What's the point on holding to my naive imagination and expectations of doing this with someone I love?I didn't fall for someone when I was optimistic and naive,how will it happen now where I have lost both?If this will finally get you to shut up and leave me alone for good then I'll take the burden.Let's just get this over with."


Aiden fell on the bed behind him.He couldn't even comprehend the words Amelie said properly.Grant your wish?Love?Burden?

Before his brain could process anything he saw Amelie's dress fall on her waist revealing her bra.

The look in her eyes was completely dead and cold as if she wasn't undressing herself,but rather working.Aiden's eyes opened wide at the woman in front of him,his Adam's apple moved slowly up and down and he didn't know what to do.

Amelie put her knee between his legs,then she grabbed his collar and pulled him for a deep,hot kiss.

The kiss blurred his mind and all his senses were captivated by her.At first the kiss was clumsy,but it soon changed and Aiden drowned in it,too deep for him to gain his senses.

Amelie's hand travelled down his collar,unbuttoning the white shirt that hid part of his black tattoo and his strong,toned chest.As if that touch was gasoline,the fire Aiden was trying to surpress with all his reason ignited and he grabbed her waist,put her leg on his hip and pulled her body in.His hand then travelled on her skin,under her bra strip as if teasing to unclip it.

Amelie gasped at the sudden action and seperated to take a breath,but Aiden pulled her in again with all his strength,smashing their lips together.This kiss was even more overbearing than hers as if to establish dominance.

But the one who started was never planning to back down.Amelie arched her back and put her hands on his hot shoulders,feeling every muscle and deepening their kiss.

Aiden's reason had long flown out the window and his mind had been taken over by his lust.His body was reacting to every single touch.

When their lips broke appart,the woman looked at him as her shallow breath spread on his lips.She then whispered with a sultry voice.

"You love it when I touch you,don't you?"

Aiden,as if hypnotised,answered with a hoarse voice.

"Yes."That voice contained all the desire he was trying to surpress.Because if he let go of that last chain,there was no telling what he would do.

Amelie was quiet for a bit.

"If I cross this line there is no turning back."

Did she really want to cross it?Yes.Would she regret it later?Yes.

Amelie looked at the man in front of her.He was completely infatuated with her,as if drunk from everything.She probably had a similar look,but despite it all she was still sober than him.

She flinched when she felt his hand travelling on the hidden places of her body,leaving a trail of heat on her.His mind had finally given up all resistance and he started kissing her neck,biting her collarbone,leaving behind red marks like poppies.

Amelie closed her eyes,forgetting about everything for a moment and melted from his touch.She also moved her hands and slid down the unbuttoned shirt,finally revealing his strong upperbody.

Aiden's hands became even more unruly and his kisses on the collarbone lower.By now Amelie was trying her best to keep her voice from escaping,but when Aiden's kiss got to her...


Amelie's eyes shot open at the voice that escaped from her she looked down at the man who had stopped kissing her.Aiden still had his lips on her skin and the way that he was looking at her was completely different from Amelie's expectations.His deep blue eyes were staring at her as if a beast slowly eyeing his prey,never planning to let it go, making her feel a bit strange.

The alarms in Amelie's head finally rang,but it was too late,her vision spined and she found herself pressed under him.

Aiden finally removed the shirt and dropped it on the ground,he then proceeded to slide her dress down and throw that too.

Almost completely bare infront of eachother,Aiden took her thigh and put it on his hip,clenching his hand on it as he gave her a deep,hot kiss.

This was really going to happen now,none of them were planning to back down.

Their bodies just started to entangle and just when Aiden was about to remove the last layer between them he stopped.

The memories of that wedding night came inside Amelie's head.The rejection, humiliation and saddness she had felt ran back to her.

He was definitely going to call her disgusting. He was definitely going to despise her.

She didn't want to see his disgusted face.She didn't want to see his gaze full of scorn.

'I respect myself'

The words she had told him before.

"I respect myself." Amelie whispered those words with a weak voice as if to remind herself of who she really was.

Aiden who had finished the battle with himself, paused his action again.

"What?"his voice was hoarse,but the reason behind it was uncertain.

Amelie didn't say another word anymore. She just got up and lightly pushed him away as she tried to hug her body with the other.

She didn't want to see his face and just grabbed her dress and put it on enough to cover herself.

Then she ran out barefoot,leaving her shoes behind.Aiden looked at the small corridor that brought you to the entrance with confusion and heartbreak.

She left him there?Just when he had finally crossed that barrier with himself she left him there?She didn't even turn to look at him,she just left coldheartedly not even explaining why!

'I respect myself'

Those words were like a slap in his face even worse than a slap.It was as if they were telling him 'You don't respect yourself'.

Aiden stared at the mirror in front blankly. Looking at the self he had never seen before.

His back bent down,his always prideful and strong self,powerless.