
Chapter 71

The conference was finally over and everybody found their way home. The incident between Aiden and Amelie,plauged both their minds and just when these wounds were about to be forgotten they would be faced with eachother again.

Aiden read the message in his phone,staring at it for quite some time.He knew they would have to face eachother soon,but it was a bit earlier than he thought and this time it was for longer than ever.

Amelie hadn't given any details,only that she would arrive and live on the villa they were given as a wedding gift.

But it was obvious that this was a heads up.They would have to live together from now,because a new married couple that barely met eachother,living seperatly, was never normal.

Aiden gave the task to his assistant to prepare the villa and everything necessary and tried his best to mentally prepare for everything.

Finally,the day came.

Aiden got back home late at night hoping that his "wife" was asleep.

After climbing upstairs he stopped midtrack and put his hand on his forehead.

Which room should he get?

Outsiders thought of them as a normal couple so they definitely prepared the master bedroom for them,but he didn't know if Amelie took the master bedroom or one of the guestrooms.Now it was just a gamble.

He would have to choose a door and see.

But before he could choose,Amelie got out from the master bedroom,with a huge packed frame on her hands.

Aiden froze.He didn't know how to react.He was avoiding her,but was caught by her.But wouldn't that be what they both wanted?To avoid eachother?

Amelie had no single emotion on her face and just walked towards him.

"I heard the door open and I have to give this to you." She then handed him the packed frame.

"What's this?"

"Let's say,my house warming present for you.Open it."

Aiden raised his eyebrows.


Amelie nodded.

Aiden ripped the ribbon and the red package.He was confused,but outside he had a cool expression on his face.

The frame was finally revealed and his pupils dilated when he saw the content.

He looked at the woman who had a slight smile on her face.

"Hope you like it.I worked hard on it."

The frame was filled with several news and reports about Alpha's bankruptcy,the branch Aiden had sent to fight METIS,Amelie's company.

Amelie had planned this for a long time,she had finally dealt a finishing blow to Alpha.

Alpha was just an example for the others. She would never let anyone try to even consider themselves her rival again.

Aiden just furrowed his eyebrows.

"What does this mean?What is this?"

He was going to play dumb until the end.

Amelie just put a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"If you thought that I didn't know anything, then you're completely wrong.If you were planning to keep this a secret then you should've used your private bank and not Yoxal's.I'm not going to ask why you do all of this,but let me tell you one thing."

She raised her eyes,those beautiful pupils staring into his soul.

"If you try to fight me again,I will destroy you."

Aiden took a step closer,his oscean eyes were glowing like a wolfs,staring down at her.He was completely unfazed.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"How depends on me."

Aiden chuckled.

"Very well." He then looked at the frame in his hands."I'm going to hang this on my study as a battle trophy,but whether this war is over..." He looked at the woman with a sly look.

Amelie's eyes didn't change,but the aura arund her got colder.

"...Will depend on me."

Amelie scoffed.Then took a step closer with a slight smile.Her breath sprinkled on his lips and chin.

"Bring it on."then she turned around and walked away before locking the door of the master bedroom she looked at him and smiled.

"Oh,and somebody had mistakenly put your clothes in here,but I was kind enough to leave them here and she pointed on the corner outside the room.

Only then did Aiden noticed the luggage covered messily by wrinkled shirts and ties.His eyes widened.

"No you didn't!Amelie!"he got angry as he saw the mess.He would have to not only iron his clothes for tomorrow since they had no maid,but he would also have to reorganise them again by himself."What makes you think you can have that room?"

"Well you guys have an expression,'first come,first serve'." She smiled even more cheerfully.It had been so long since she felt so satisfied.

That smile only pushed Aiden's buttons even more.His eyes lit up with flames of anger.

But suddenly he smiled evilly.

"Then I'll sleep in that room too!Who made the rules for seperate beds?"

Amelie chuckled."Nice try.These tricks don't work on me.Sweet nightmares!" She closed the door,but a hand went on the gap before it closed.

Amelie raised her head at the owner of the hand and then pushed the door harder,but Aiden didn't budge.

Soon it became a war.

"Remove your hand!"


"You're not sleeping here!"

"I am!"

"I won't care even if this chops your hand off then!"

"Do it and I swear I'll sue you!"

"Do it!I don't care!"

Finally,Aiden managed to get in the room and made his way towards the bed.No matter how many times Amelie tried to pull him back outside,he wouldn't stop and it just ended with her being dragged like a carriage.

Aiden layed on the bed and spread his arms and legs,the look in his eyes was smug and relaxed,purposely to piss her off.

"Get up!"


"Get out!"

"You get out if you want.I'm not moving."

Amelie glared down at him,her lips clenched. Aiden didn't back down and just stared back at her.This continued for a few minutes.

There was no way Amelie would back down.Now this was a case of her pride and standing.If she backed out this time then she would have to back down the next time,then the next and then the next.There was no way she would let that happen.She had a point to prove.

Aiden broke their staring contest.Since Amelie was just standing there in silence and couldn't get him out,then there was no point in continuing this fight after the win.It's not like she could drag him out of there anyway and there was no way she would want to share a bed with him.

"Don't forget to close the door,before leaving."Aiden waved his hand with dismissal and turned his back on her as if he was about to go to sleep.

But soon cool water was poured on him.Literally.

Amelie had poured the water bottle on him.Aiden jumped from the wet feeling and yelled at her.

"What the f****!Are you insane?"

Amelie didn't say anything.She just got on the bed ,just like he had done before and pointed the finger at the door full of elegance.She then said with a graceful and soft smile.

"Don't forget to close the door!"

Snap.That was the last strand of his sanity snapping.Aiden took a pillow and threw it at her.

Amelie's eyes widened and she threw a pillow back.Soon they broke into a pillow fight.

After minutes and minutes of throwing pillows,Amelie was panting, her face was flushed and sweaty from the activity and both her hair and clothes were an absolute mess.Aiden wasn't that far off from a messy appearance,but he was still full of energy and had no signs of tiredness,which pissed Amelie even more off.

Who told you to be so athletic!Bastard!

Her throws were getting even more uncoordinated and Aiden's throws were hitting the target more.Seeing how his opponent was declining but still not backing down,Aiden had enough and called for a deal.

"Fighting will get us no where.How about we make a deal?"

"I refuse!"Amelie threw a pillow at him,but Aiden easily avoided it.

"Let's sit down and solve this like civilised people."

Amelie felt funny.Was there any traces of civility left in them after this?

"I know you don't trust and I don't trust you either,but let's come in a middleground together.Who knows,maybe we will come with a more benefical outcome,after all two heads are better than one."

What a sneaky one he was?No wonder he is a businessman.But despite her doubts,it was true that Amelie found it tempting.

Despite hating to have an agreement with Amelie,he knew that in these cases he should be the one to step back,since this woman was even more stubborn than him when trying to prove a point.

But she still was logical until the end and didn't like leaving things unsolved.He knew she would be tempted.

Amelie lowered the pillow she was just about to hit him with.

"Very well.Lets sit down and discuss this."She pointed at the two individual sofas,with a view out the window.It was a nice place to admire the garden and it was obvious that the gifters had thought out every detail about this house.

"But think twice before trying any tricks."She then hugged the pillow slightly.It was a threat.

"That wouldn't benefit me in any way."Aiden said with an insincere smile.

He wasn't planning on getting the short end of the stick in this deal.