
Chapter 72

"We share the room."

"Denied." Amelie simply said with a straight face while hugging the pillow.

"That is the only fair outcome for the both of us."

Amelie sneered."Are you that eager to watch me sleep at night?Who would've thought the promising CEO of Yoxal Technology would be such a creep."

"I think the odd one would be his dear wife that refuses to share a room with him."

Aiden responded unbothered.

Amelie expressionlessly looked at him.Then she leaned back sighing with annoyance.

Aiden was barely hiding his smile.The more unhappy she was,the more happy he was.

"Fine.I'll share a room with you..."

What?There was no way she would accept this.Is this some impostor?Did someone replace her on the way or something?

"Only if you sleep on that sofa."

And there she was.

Aiden mocked a laugh."How cute."

"What?You said sharing a room not sharing a bed."Amelie blinked innocently.

The man made a face full of disgust.

"Was this the great deal you planned on giving?If so then get out."Amelie pointed at the door as if she was royalty dismissing a peasant.

Aiden gritted his teeth,his friendly smile about to collapse."Of course not."Then he also relaxed on the sofa like Amelie."I can see very well why you can't give up this room after all it's the biggest and of course a spoiled princess like you could never stay in any room but this."

Amelie scoffed as she side eyed him.He was definitely calling her a spoiled brat.

"And what does a wise old man like you propose?I bet all those decades of experience might give a solution for this princess's hardship.I'll trust you since you're older."


Old man?Decades?

She really loved rubbing in the fact that he was older.He was only 30 for God's sake not 90.

"Like 2 years make a difference!"

"But it does differentiate our prefixes."

"I'll see what you have to say when you're 30."

"As if you'll be there to witness it."

Both became silent.

It was true.By then they would've probably divorced.

Aiden broke the unpleasant silence by switching the topic.

"I'll get the master bedroom and we can join two of the guest rooms and make it in one big bedroom,we can also add a study on the side and you can easily work and sleep there comfortably.It will also become the biggest room in the house and you'll have more than enough space for everything.Oh ,you'll also get to decorate it however you want."

He also didn't plan on letting her have the study.Their joined study.

"And where am I supposed to stay while this place is fixed?"

"Well,I'll take the sacrifice of staying here and give you an apartment temporarily.I know how you can't stand me since you refuse to share a room.Knowing how you're a person that enjoys peace and solitude what else can I do,but offer you exactly that."

Amelie looked at the man who excitedly explained his plan to kick her out,not only from the room and study,but also from her house.

"And how do you plan on explaining to others that a young,passionate newlywed couple that finally reunited after a long-distance relationship for years,are living seperatly?"

"I'll bear the burden don't worry!All you have to do is focus on yourself and not care about anything else.Be it expenses, fees, anything, it will be on me,just send me the bills."

Aiden smiled brilliantly.

She didn't know how,but a smile also creeped on Amelie's face no matter how serious and unhappy she tried to look.Finally she couldn't hold it in and laughed genuinely at his ridiculousness.She couldn't help but,bury her face on the pillow to hide.

"Oh my God,why are you so stupid?Seriously,you're an idiot.There's no other way to explain it."

Aiden was dazzled by her laugh for a bit.It was similar to the one he had seen during their early meeting,but also a bit different.It was as if it had shed all the walls of pretense to impress.It was really true and beautiful. But soon he was reminded of reality, he snapped out of it and glared at the woman that was calling him stupid.

Amelie thought it would be too childish to fight so she just decided to find a middle ground.

It was definitely not because he had managed to make her laugh.

"I feel bad for your company with those business skills of yours.Fine,how about we keep everything unchanged and we both keep the room."

Aiden immediately said.

"I'm not sleeping on the sofa."

"You won't so let me finish.My gosh,why do you have to be so annoying." The woman rolled her eyes at him."We do it like this onde day I sleep in this room and you sleep on the guest room,the next day we switch and continue to do so.We both put our belongings here and take the things we need whenever we want.No one has to sleep on the sofa and no one has to leave."

Aiden thought for a bit.It wasn't that much of a bad idea.

"Not bad,but switching everyday seems a bit bothersome,how about one week?"

"Fine by me."

"Then the same day next week we switch.No touching each others things,any change to the shared rooms should be decided by the both of us."

"That's fair.But what about meals and cleaning?"

"What do you mean?"Aiden was a bit confused.

"Do you only live on air?I was thinking each cooks for themselves and washes their own dishes.We keep everything clean and tidy,I'm not planning on cleaning after you."

"Why would you do that when the somebody else can do that?"

"I will mostly have to work from home and I don't like having strangers around my house, once or twice a month would be fine,but everyday not so much."

Aiden groaned."Are you making me work even on my free time?"

"I'm not telling you to clean after me.I'm telling you not to make a mess."Amelie folded her arms and looked at him sharply.She wasn't planning on being uncomfortable 24/7 in her house,neither was she planning on being this young masters maid.

"Fine,we'll order a meal plan from outside for us both,if you don't like then do whatever you want with yourself.I won't interfere as long as it doesn't involve me."

"Is that all?"

"I will pick up my own mess.Are you satisfied?"


"Now about who will take the room tonight,how will we decide?"

Amelie lowered her head in thought,then she shrugged.


There the two adults were playing rock,paper,scissors to win a room,both eyeing eachother carefully so none of them would pull any tricks.In the end it was Amelie who lost.

"Why do I always lose at these things?" Amelie scoffed as she looked at her scissor hand.

Aiden raised his fist in victory a sumg smile on his lips.

"I guess I'll get my things and go to the other room."She sighed and went to the walk-in closet choosing a pair of pyjamas.

Seeing the woman quietly taking her things Aiden felt strange.Finally he sighed and stopped her from leaving.

"You take the room for this week,after all you got here first."

Amelie stopped mid track.

"Really?"she stared at him suspiciously.

"If you get my clothes back in place."

"Well,good night!" Amelie turned around and walked to the door.

"Fine,I'm kidding,I'm kidding.Just sleep here."

"We made a deal.I'm a person that keeps her end of the deal.You won the room this week so you get it."

Aiden just sighed and walked to the door,passing her.Then he turned around and bent over to meet her eye level.

"Just take it while I'm being nice.You won't be seeing much of it anymore." Feeling his warm breath sprinkling on her face and the eyes staring at her,Amelie turned her head in avoidance.

Seeing her go quiet and cold again,Aiden didn't say anything and just quietly left.

He looked at the clothes at the door and sighed with annoyance.Then he picked them up and went to sleep in the guest room near.