
Chapter 75

"You have a choice!You're the one who keeps refusing it!Maybe you just love oogling at my face and body everyday!"

Amelie was speechless.Wow,this person was definitely not okay.

"Hah,and where did I do so?"

"Just now.Don't think I didn't notice where your eyes were going!" Aiden smiled at her mockingly.

"You're not just insufferable,you're also delusional!Or are you the one who keeps wishing for things like that so you just pin it on me?"

"Now who's the one who's delusional."Aiden sneered at her and when he saw Amelie who just looked at him full of anger,he decided to piss her more off by pulling the covers on himself trying to hide his body."Stop staring at me you pervert!"

"Oh that does it!I'm not being nice anymore!If you don't wash those clothes I swear I'm going to burn them and I'm going to empty those bins inside your car!"

"Do it!I don't care!Like I don't have money to replace them with something better!"

"Is that how it is?"

"Do it.I.Don't.Care."

"Very well."

Amelie took all the clothes in the room and piled them up in the middle.Then she went outside and emptied a few baskets of clothes,making a huge pile.Then she went outside again,and came with matches and paper.

Aiden just looked at her not caring.But inside he was a little sceptical.She wasn't going to really do it right?She was probably just bluffing.

No matter how rich he was it didn't mean he liked to waste things.Plus some of those things he liked were limited edition so there was no way he could find them again.

Aiden's fear grew real when he saw Amelie walk in the walk-in closet .She came back with shirts,watches, anything that was his.

After piling many things up.Amelie asked him once again.

"This is your last chance."

"Do whatever you want."Aiden smugly smiled.

"Fine.Your choice."

She lit a match,then the papers and threw them in the pile.

Aiden's smile fell.

God this woman was crazy enough to really do it!

A shirt started to catch fire and Aiden immediately got up, took anything ignited and put out the fire in the bathroom.

Amelie just expressionlessly looked at him.

"Are you crazy?What if that fire had gone wrong and burned us with it?Do you know how dangerous that could have gotten?You are crazy!There's no other way to explain it!Crazy!"

Amelie didn't say anything.She just wanted to spare herself the headache and leave.

But Aiden grabbed her and pulled her back.

"You're not leaving!I'm not finished!"

By now this man's words were entering from one ear and leaving the other.Amelie didn't even look at him as Aiden yelled,which made him even angrier.

"I'm going to help around the house!I'm gonna do my share,but if this attitude is what you think is going to make me work then you're completely wrong!"

Amelie laughed disdainfully.

"He still think it's just about a few clothes."

"And you still laugh?Bravo!You really are a nutcase!"Aiden clapped at her.

"I'm not annoyed that you make a mess!I'm annoyed that-Nevermind you're not going to listen anyway.Why should I even say anything?"

"If you have to say anything,say it!Don't go playing riddles with me!Communicate!Use words!If you have something you don't like,say it!Don't burn the house!"

This man who had completely ignored her and mocked her was talking about communication?Her anger started rising again.

"I communicated!You didn't listen and just kept playing games in your tablet!I told you to clean your mess!You ignored me!"

"So it is about cleaning!"

"You're missing the point!"

"Then tell me what point I'm missing!"

"You never listen to me!"Amelie roared."You never do anything!You never try to understand!You never appreciate what I do around!You completely ignore what I say!You just take everything for granted and never help around!Even when I clean up after you!"

Aiden was just silent.He listened as Amelie listed her frustrations and saw how she was barely holding her tears of anger.

"I'm living in a completely unfamiliar environment,surrounded by unfamiliar people that don't even speak my language for the first time in my life and I'm barely trying to hold it together with this new work I have!I'm barely keeping it up with not only pulling my weight,but also yours and you're not even appreciative of it!"

"Then let's get a maid.I can settle the expenses."

"I don't want another stranger in my safe space!All I'm saying is a 'thank you for taking the trash out for me' or if you can't do it a 'please do this for me' would be nice."

"How am I supposed to know that?I can't read your mind!"

"You have to understand without me saying it!"

Aiden rubbed his forehead.This was more complicated than he had thought.He saw how the little woman looked like a wronged child,her eyes glistening and her lips slightly pouty.Others would think he was a monster for making her look so wronged like that.He took a deep breath,gentled his tone as he helped Amelie sit down.

"Listen.It's not that I want to leave everything to you,it's just that I've had these things done by other people for me for years and I constantly forget that I have to do these myself now.I'm not sneakily trying to make you do it."Amelie just lowered her head and didn't say anything.Aiden rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled."I guess totally ignoring eachother won't work out."he then spoke loudly."How about this,everytime we have a reasonable complaint about eachother we adress it,be it verbally or by text.I will try to put myself reminders so as not to forget to do my share,but if I forget something please be kind enough to tell me rather than holding it in until you explode like this."

Amelie quitely nodded.Though his tone wasn't the most pleasant she found it a bit comforting that he would try to make an effort.Maybe there was a cell of goodness in him.

"Is there anything else you want to complain about?Who knows,you might burn me next time you don't like something?"

That last sentence nipped the small positive feeling she had for him in the bud.

Amelie raised her head in anger,her head almost bumping on Aiden's naked chest.Looking at that appearance Amelie grunted,then grabbed one of the scattered T-shirts and slapped it on his face.

"Just put a shirt on!" She then took off outside,leaving a laughing Aiden inside.For now he had quite the material to annoy her.