
Chapter 77

For the next few hours Amelie had been wracking her brains on how to get back at Aiden.He had gotten the best of her more than once so she had to come up with something.

Remembering his laugh she started scrubbing the pan on her hand even harder, imagining as if it were his face.

After thinking of any situation she could make fun of him,Amelie couldn't come up with anything fair,because if she retaliated she would be 'breaking the balance'.All that was left was to find an opportunity to make fun at him back when the time comes.

Amelie sighed.Aiden was so lucky to be living with a mature person like her.Too bad she herself didn't have the same luck.

Amelie wiped the counter and then climbed upstairs to get her phone.She hadn't dared to listen to music again after that small incident.As she was about to pass the laundry room she saw Aiden aggressivly rummaging through his basket of clothes with a panicked expression.

Amelie stopped midway and looked at him silently.

Aiden lowly started cursing,while panicking.

"F***!F***!F***!S*** how did this happen!"

His actions became more rapid.

"I gotta hide this!"

"Hide what?"

He heard the voice he was desperately trying to hide from.Aiden tried to hide the clothes behind his back,but miserably failed.

Amelie walked towards him and strechted her neck to look behind.

"I didn't know you had so many pink shirts."

"I don't have any pink shirts."

"But I see pink right behind you."

"You're imagining things."

"Oh?Then let me see so I can stop imagining."

"Do you want to see my underwear so much?"

"Ugh!" Her face scrunched in disgust.Then suddenly a smile cracked on her lips.That smile made Aiden feel even more ominous.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Oh,nothing."Then Amelie burst laughing.

"Stop laughing!"

"What are you going to wear tomorrow to work?"Her laugh became louder.

"What I wear usu-Oh no!"

Aiden stormed out to his closet,there was no appropriate clean shirt he could wear.He would have to wake up earlier than usual and buy something before going to work tomorrow.It just had to be before an important meeting.

Meanwhile Amelie was still laughing at him.That laugh sounded like the cackle of a witch to his ears.

Aiden desperately grabbed each of his shirts trying to find a decent one but each shirt looked like a rainbow had vomited on them.

Amelie was silent,then she squatted and started checking them out with him.

"We might be able to save them though I don't know if it will be on time for tomorrow.:

Aiden just sighed.

"There's still a batch of your clothes left so maybe one of those shirts will do.I can clean mine tomorrow since I have plenty of clean clothes.Let me teach you what to do so this won't happen next time."

Amelie patiently taught him how to select the right batch together and explained all the functions of the washing machine to him while Aiden actively listened.

After they got the washing machine running,Amelie told him.

"I can see that you aren't used to these things so you can always ask for help if you need to and I'd be happy to give you a hand."

Aiden nodded.


Her eyes shook a bit,but it was unnoticeable.

"...It's nothing."


It was almost dinner time.Aiden sat in front of the TV and was finding a film to watch for the night while Amelie was cooking dinner for herself.She had gotten a sudden craving for something nice tonight so she was making spaghetti.

After Aiden found a film he went to the kitchen and started checking the wines.He wanted to give himself a little treat tonight.

He took the bottle and a glass then went to sit on the sofa again.

Watching the film while sipping in his glass.The kitchen was build in a position where you could see the TV in the living room.So Amelie was constantly glancing at the TV while cooking.As she was filling her plate she would stop mid action and stare at the TV.Aiden had thrown a few glances at the kitchen because of the appetising smell so he had noticed her actions.

Since he was a bit in good mood from the wine he asked.

"Want to watch this with me?"

Amelie was caught off guard from his nice gesture.


"Grab a glass for yourself.It's really good,you should try it."

Amelie nodded.She paused for a bit then asked.

"Would you like some spaghetti?I've made a bit too much."

Aiden thought of it as an excuse and smirked.With the few weeks he had stayed with her he knew she could eat all that pot of six servings herself in only two sittings.

On Amelie's defence,she ate nothing else for the day.

"Very well,let's not let it go to waste...Fill the plates as you do usually." He wasn't planning on eating just a bite,that smell had woken his hunger again.


Aiden was watching an action, crime film.Both were immersed in the plot and slowly ate from their plates and when something exciting would happen they would look at eachother their eyes shining.

Watching the film like this was nice.

Aiden watched as the plot unravel and tried his best to keep the comments to himself.He always liked to talk during a film giving guesses or reactions to the actions of the characters,that's why his friends would constantly tell him to shut up or leave when watching a film together.This hobby had become something he enjoyed on his own.

As he was watching he heard a few mumbles from the person next to him,but before he could process that his attention was drawn again on the TV.His eyes widened at the amazing scene that unravelled infront of him so he subconsciously looked at the person next to him.Amelie looked at him too with the same sparkling eyes,but she soon turned her eyes back at the TV.

Aiden looked at her focused face and studied every expression and as her eyes widened in some sort of realisation.Aiden confusedly looked at the TV trying to understand.He couldn't help but ask.

"What?What is it?"

"Andrew is going to betray them?"

"Whoah,wait,what?" He looked at the TV,but the scene had already ended."How did you get that?"

"The camera suddenly shifted at him when Tim was fighting.If that isn't foreshadowing I don't know what is."

"Maybe the director is trying to throw us off.It's still too early in the movie."

"No,he's supposed to be goofy,too goofy to be so serious in that moment.He might be a hidden villain." Amelie explained excitedly, not even hiding her smile.As if it was contagious,Aiden couldn't help but also smile as he looked at the TV.

After that both didn't try to hide any of their reactions and comments as they discussed their theories by watching.

Many minutes passed,slowly they were at the second half of the movie.The scenes at this point were mostly filler dialogue so they had been quiet.Right now it was a conversation alone between the main character and the love interest.Both were speaking in almsot whispers and the tension between them got bigger as the distance between them smaller.

Amelie couldn't help but have a bad feeling in her heart.A sudden nervousness spread inside her and her body couldn't help but tense.She knew where this was going.

The characters inched their lips closer and closer.

Please stop at the last moment.

Their lips pressed against eachother.

Please stop there.

The kiss between them got more intense.

God,please.Make it stop here.Ahhhhh!

Amelie screamed inside her head.She knew where this was going.She wanted to grab her phone but remembered she had left it somewhere in the kitched.

If she stood up right in that moment or if she closed her eyes like she would when she saw a show with her parents, Aiden would probably mock her as some hillybilly that had no experience with relationships even though it was true that she had no experience with relationships.No one should know!

Amelie imagined an Aiden looking at her full of ridicule.

"Oh?You're blushing by this?How adorable!"

No way she would let him say that.

So Amelie was forced to stare at the two characters sucking on eachothers faces.

Aiden also felt a bit awkward seeing this scene with a person he had an undefined relationship with,but he was also curious to see how the other party was reacting.

He carefully glanced and saw Amelie watching the moment with a completely serious face as if she was studying a serious document.His face was stunned,but as he was looking carefully,he noticed the blush that spread from her cheeks to her ears.

But just as he was about to tease her,the characters had started hitting third-base and were making noises.Aiden looked at the TV and his eyes widened.It wasn't the first time he was seeing a scene like this but..wow that director had put too much effort in a filler scene like that.

The characters were getting farther and farther.In that moment Aiden regretted for getting the special,uncut version of this film.This scene was going to be long and it was too late to skip it now.

Amelie's serious face was slowly crumbling. She tried to shift her seating position in a desperate attempt to avoid seeing that scene even for a few seconds.Her foot accidentally brushed against Aiden's upper leg and both of them flinched.

Amelie felt like crying right there.

Please don't think I did it on purpose!Please don't think I'm trying to hit on you!

Aiden's muscles tensed.He didn't know why but his senses were especially heightened during that moment.He looked at the woman.Her cheeks were flushed and her natural waves were scattered around.Her eyes were slightly watery and the dim light made them look as if they had the stars trapped in them.

Amelie looked at his eyes suddenly darken.She pressed her lips together.Her eyes tracing down to his red lips.Aiden noticed her gaze getting lower and swallowed,his Adam's apple moving up and down.Amelie caught that action and couldn't help but swallow too.

"Sorry!" She apologised softly.

The background was still full of certain noises and the fact that Aiden wasn't saying anything,but silently staring,made the tension between them bigger.

Amelie tried to distract herself with the hair on her face,to hide her embarrassment.

Suddenly,Aiden got closer and brushed the hair out of her face,his hand slid from her forehead,to the back of her ear,sending electricity all over her body.