Princess on the Side of the Road

"If you choose to return, you can't go back. Ever." 

Those words from Concubine Number 5 kept playing over and over in my head, long after our conversation yesterday. That put me in a dilemma and I left her question hanging in midair. Of course I wanted to go back to Seoul, but I hadn't thought about not being able to return to Luxentfort.

I had gradually regarded the empire as my second home in the year since I arrived – mostly due to my interactions with 1, Caio, and 19. I can't imagine not seeing them again for the rest of my life. But I also didn't want to spend more time away from my family and close friends if I could help it. 'Oh, and Bong-su too, I suppose.' I paused in the middle of getting dressed, surprised when I realized that I had just included my boyfriend in the list of people I wanted to see again almost as an afterthought.