
The Darkest Days

Talking about the second episode is really hard for me. It still brings tears to my eyes whenever I watch it again. It showed everything I already told you about, from the second day of cleansings on, but from his perspective. And boy, there couldn't be more contrasting perspectives.

And this is what I mean when I talk about his guts.

Yeah, for TV drama effect, you may say. For the redemption ark, you may say. To go out with a big loud bang, you may say. Sure. Maybe. But to get there, he exposed himself down to the last dirty detail. And that takes guts. A lot of guts.

They showed a quick overview of the two cleansings that day, especially how we'd all ended them, intercutting with Isaac's interview, as he explained how they'd gotten bad and worse.

They cut to black, so no images would distract the audience from Brandon's next words:

"But the worst was still to come."