
The Demons We Feed

"Here she comes," Brandon said, his voice reflecting exactly the same as his face. "The little witch comes to protect the demon. Not this time."

I felt Kujo brush his face against mine and realized I was holding my breath, still shaking from head to toe. His warm touch helped me snap out of it.

Brandon kept taunting and provoking Kujo until I got there, trying to burn him with his holy water. And then he'd come at me, triggering Kujo's reaction. After Kujo attacked him, hurting me in the process, I saw him jump back to his feet and try to fight Kujo with his bear fists, punching through him like a madman, almost stumping on me, 'cause I was pretty much unconscious at his feet. Amy stormed down the stairs as Isaac managed to pull him away from me, and forced the camera into his hands to carry me up the stairs in his arms, while Amy kept Brandon at a safe distance.

  "Kujo mad."