Chapter 3 : First day.

Third person point of view

The next morning, both of them got up and quickly got ready to go to class. Turned out Mingyu was in Humanities and Jungkook was in Sociology. They were first years so had free classes every now and then. The schedule wasn't as packed. They both walked out of the dorm and into the campus and then separated to go to their own classes.

" See you ". " Have a nice day ". Jungkook waved and walked away. Mingyu walked to his own classroom. He walked in and a few students were already there. He went and sat in an empty seat. He started playing on his phone to waste time and after a while another guy sat beside him. Mingyu looked up and saw a guy who just looked at him.

" Hello ". The guy greeted and Mingyu greeted back. " Hello ". " I am Lee Dokyeom ". " I am Kim Mingyu ". They both had small talk. The students also filled in and the professor arrived. It was the first day and the professor briefed them all the things. They were also given their ID cards. One class after the other continued almost in the same fashion.

There was nothing much happening with the classes. It was mostly briefing about the course related things and some asked for introductions and that was all. Mingyu found Dokyeom pretty friendly so they both went for lunch together and walked out together when their classes were done.

" It is really nice to meet someone like you. I was scared to survive the day alone ". Dokyeom said as they walked out. " Actually... me too ". Mingyu said and both of them laughed. " We have some more time and the stalls are not going to be open till evening ". Dokyeom said looking at the time.

" By the way, where do you live ? " Mingyu asked. " Dorm ". Mingyu's eyes lit up. " Really ? Which one ? " Dokyeom told the area and Mingyu understood it was the same as his. " Wow. I live in the same one. Which room number ? Mine is 308 ". Mingyu asked find it pretty interesting. " Oh wow. Mine is 204 ". DK smiled.

" Wow. That's awesome ". Mingyu said with bright eyes. Dokyeom also agreed. They walked around a little and decided to go back to the dorm. Both of them bid goodbye and went to their own rooms. Mingyu entered the room and he was the only one. He decided to take a nap and then wake up later.

He set an alarm and fell asleep. After a few hours, he woke up to his alarm. He turned it off and got out of bed. He pressed down on his hair to make it look proper and changed his shirt. He walked out and saw DK who was walking out as well. " Dokyeom-ah ". Mingyu called out and Dokyeom turned around.

" Looks like you are also just going ". Mingyu said as he walked up to Dokyeom. " Yeah. Let's go together since we both are going anyway ". Dokyeom said and Mingyu agreed. They both walked around. There were stalls from different departments and clubs. They got some drinks and sipped on as they walked.

They saw a stage set up to a corner. " There is a performance ? " Dokyeom asked looking around. Quite an amount of students were gathered. " Do we have to watch it ? " Mingyu asked not that interested in it. " Well I don't mind. We can leave if you want to ". Dokyeom shrugged. " Then let's go look around more ".

Mingyu said and both of them took a few steps back to leave. The girls started cheering loudly and the sound of instruments being played could be heard. Mingyu's phone vibrated and he took it out. He was looking at his phone and walked a few steps. He turned to the side to look for Dokyeom but he wasn't there.

Mingyu looked back and saw Dokyeom looking towards the stage. Mingyu could only see the drummer and one of the guitarists faces from a distance but they weren't clear. The lighting was too blinding. He looked back at his phone. He finished and put his phone back in his pocket. He looked up at Dokyeom and called him.

" Dokyeom-ah ". Dokyeom went to Mingyu. " Who are they ? " Mingyu asked gesturing to the stage. " I guess our seniors. And most likely from the music club ". Mingyu nodded. He could hear the voice of someone from on the stage from behind. He loved how deep it was. He also liked his rap and the way he played the guitar on stage.

But he wasn't really in the mood to stay and listen. " Let's go. Or you want to watch it ? " Mingyu asked again. " No. It is fine. Let's leave ". Dokyeom said and both of them walked away from there. They went around for a while and had dinner too. Then they left for the dorm. " Good night. See you in class ". Dokyeom said and walked to his room. " Yeah. See you ".

Mingyu replied and went to the floor above. He opened the door to his room and this time Jungkook was already there. " Oh hey ". Jungkook said when he saw Mingyu enter the room. " You didn't go look around ? " Mingyu asked as he sat down. " I did. But didn't want to stay for too long so I just came back ". " Oh. You showered ? " Jungkook nodded.

" Okay ". Mingyu washed up and flopped on the bed. " How were the classes ? " Mingyu asked turning to Jungkook. " They were alright. I spoke to a few people too. How about you and maybe made friends.... ? " He said not completely sure. " Same. I just went around with my classmate too and he lives in the floor below ". Mingyu said pointing below.

Jungkook smiled. " That's great. Some of my friends live in the below floor too and my brother also lives in the dorms actually ". Mingyu was intrigued. " So he is studying here too ? " " Yes ". He scratched his head. " I forgot his room number though. I should find out later ". Mingyu nodded. " Which stalls did you look around ? " Jungkook asked.

Mingyu told about what all he saw. Jungkook listened with interest. " Looks like there are a lot of things ". Mingyu nodded and suddenly remembered about dinner. " Oh right. Did you eat ? " He asked and Jungkook nodded. " You ? " " Did ". They spoke for a while and fell asleep.