Chapter 4 : Destiny ?

Third person point of view

The next morning, Jungkook woke up first and finished everything and also his shower. Mingyu woke up later and saw Jungkook was getting dressed up. " Morning ". Jungkook pulled his t-shirt above his head and turned around. " Good morning. Why didn't you wake up till now ? Will you not be late ? "

Jungkook asked putting on his shirt. " I don't have the first class today ". " Woah. So nice ". Jungkook pouted. Mingyu chuckled. Jungkook sat down to wear his shoes. Once he was done he picked up his bag. " I will leave. I have the first class. Bye ". Mingyu waved and fell back on the bed. He stayed that way for a few minutes and then washed up.

He checked his hair one last time in the mirror. He picked up his bag and walked out. He closed the door and turned around to find the same person again. " I found it, which room are you in ? " Wonwoo asked and closed the door. He listened on the reply. " Okay. I will bring it ". He hung up and put the phone in his pocket.

" Hello ". Mingyu immediately greeted startling Wonwoo. Wonwoo turned to see Mingyu and he did remember him. " You live in this room ? This is really destiny ". Mingyu said smiling. " What are you doing here? " Wonwoo asked back. " I live in this room. Looks like we will see each other more often ". Mingyu said moving closer.

" Why do you keep using casual language? I am your senior. I am older than you ". Mingyu's eyes went wide. " Really ? " Wonwoo just stared at him. Mingyu nodded in understanding. " Fine. I will call you hyung from now on ". " It should be sunbae ". Wonwoo said with a blank face. " I like hyung though ". Mingyu said with a small smile.

Wonwoo gave him a look and started walking away. Mingyu followed him. " Hyung, wait for me. Let's go together ". Wonwoo shook his head in exasperation. " Where are you going hyung ? " Mingyu asked when he saw the book in Wonwoo's hand. Wonwoo didn't answer. " Ah hyung~ speak to me ".

Wonwoo stopped and turned to Mingyu. " What is your problem ? " " Nothing ". " Then why are you following me ? " " Because I want to ". Mingyu answered and Wonwoo let out an angry sigh. " Just go to your class ". Wonwoo said and started walking. " I don't have one right now ". Mingyu said falling in step with Wonwoo again.

They were near the building and Mingyu saw it was his faculty building. " Are you a Humanities student too ? " Mingyu asked turning to Wonwoo. " Will you leave me alone if I give you an answer ? " " I cannot guarantee that. But I would love it if you give me an answer ". Mingyu grinned. " I am going to deliver a book to my friend ".

Wonwoo said walking into the building. " What are you going to do after that ? " " Why ? " Wonwoo checked the area and started walking up the stairs. " I haven't had breakfast so come have it together with me ". Wonwoo was about to refuse by saying he already had it but Mingyu spoke even before Wonwoo could open his mouth.

" If you already had it, at least keep me company ". Mingyu said and Wonwoo had nothing to say. He walked along the corridor looking for the room. He checked the room number and looked in. There weren't many students in there. " Jun ". He called and a good looking guy who didn't look Korean walked up to Wonwoo.

" Here. Is this the one ? " " It is. Thank you so much ". " No problem ". Wonwoo said nonchalantly. Jun smiled and saw Mingyu who was standing beside Wonwoo. " Who is he ? " Wonwoo didn't even look at Mingyu. " I don't know him ". " Ah hyung ~~ You are so mean ". Mingyu complained making Jun chuckle.

" My hunch might be wrong, but are you the rose guy ? " Jun asked and Mingyu's eyes went wide in surprise. " Did he tell you about me ? " Mingyu asked not expecting it. Jun laughed looking at Mingyu. " You really want to know ? " Jun asked once he stopped laughing. Mingyu was really curious now.

" I don't have a nice feeling after you laughed, but tell me hyung ". Jun chuckled and warmed up his throat a little. " Some nut case decided to give me a rose as a dare ". Jun said in a voice which could be considered as trying to imitate Wonwoo. Wonwoo shook his head leaning against the door frame.

Mingyu's mouth opened in shock. He turned to Wonwoo with a hurt expression. Wonwoo was not in the least bothered. Jun cleared his throat. " Anyways, thanks for this. Where will you go now ? " Jun asked looking at Wonwoo. " He is coming with me ". Mingyu said and gave a wide smile.

Jun raised an eyebrow. " Hmm okay. Have a nice time then ". He waved and went back to sit with his friends. " When did I say that ? " Wonwoo said with folded hands. " You didn't reject it too. So you are coming with me ". Mingyu said and caught Wonwoo's wrist and pulled Wonwoo with him.