Chapter 5 : Gratefulness.

Third person point of view

" Yah. What do you think you are doing ? Let go ". Wonwoo said not able to get rid of Mingyu's grip on his wrist. He wriggled his hand but couldn't loosen Mingyu's hold. Mingyu stopped and turned to Wonwoo. " I won't ". He declared and continued to drag him. " Yah ! Yah ! YAH ! " Wonwoo continued to yell.

" I don't care about my reputation and no one even knows me. If you continue shouting, you will ruin your own reputation ". Mingyu said without even looking back. " I am not someone who cares about it. They can talk all they want. So just let me go already ". Wonwoo said trying to pry Mingyu's hand off his. " Nope ". Mingyu gave a firm answer.

They reached the cafeteria and walked in. " You really don't want to eat anything ? " Mingyu asked turning to Wonwoo. Wonwoo looked around. " Get me some juice ". He might as well get something for getting dragged all the way till there. " Okay ". Mingyu got food for himself and juice for Wonwoo.

They sat down at a table. Wonwoo drank his juice while Mingyu had his food. Mingyu took a bit and watched Wonwoo drinking the juice while looking around. " Hyung, which faculty are you in ? " Wonwoo ignored Mingyu. " What is your name ? " Mingyu was still being ignored. " Which year are you in ? " Mingyu asked again.

Still no answer from Wonwoo. " Hello~~ " Mingyu tried but he wasn't getting any reaction. He pouted and poked at the food. " At least show some gratitude for buying you that juice ". Mingyu said pointing at it. Wonwoo raised an eyebrow.

" You should consider yourself lucky. This is for dragging me here and for me keeping you company. I charged you together for both of them. If you want to know more, then sorry to disappoint you ". Mingyu stared in shock and scoffed. " Fine. Just drink it then. Nice to see you are enjoying it ". Wonwoo shrugged and looked around.

Mingyu finished his breakfast and Wonwoo was long done with the juice. " I am leaving ". Wonwoo said getting up. Mingyu smiled. " Bye hyung~ Thanks for keeping me company. Have a nice day and see you around ". Wonwoo just waved and left. Mingyu went to his own classroom. A few students were already there. He went to the last row and sat there.

After a while Dokyeom walked into the class and looked around for Mingyu. He found him in the last row and went to sit beside him. " You are early ? " He asked putting his bag away. Mingyu turned to his side and saw Dokyeom. " Oh. Not really. I came a few minutes ago ". Dokyeom nodded.

" Did you enroll in any club yet ? " Mingyu shook his head. " You ? " " I didn't too. Which are you planning to enroll in ? " " Music ". " Really. Me too ". They both smiled. They chatted for a while as students started filling in. The professor arrived and their classes started. They were left for the afternoon to go enroll for the clubs.

Mingyu and Dokyeom walked to the stall allotted for the music club. Both of them filled in the applications and turned them in. They were informed they will need to perform something and the date will be sent to them. They thanked them and left. " I will go back to the dorm. I want to sleep for a while ". Dokyeom said and Mingyu nodded.

" Okay ". " What about you ? " Dokyeom asked Mingyu. " I will go look around and then see what to do ". Dokyeom nodded and waved. " I will leave then ". Mingyu waved back and Dokyeom walked in the direction to leave for the dorms. Mingyu went to look around. He saw the stall for the dance club too.

"Oh. Jungkook-ah ". Jungkook turned to Mingyu. " Oh, hey. You are also here to enroll ? " Mingyu laughed. " No, no. I did in the music club ". " Ohhhh~~ Nice. Just a second. Let me give this and come ". Jungkook went to submit his form. He came back with two more guys. " These are my friends, Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin ".

They all exchanged greetings. Mingyu noticed that the other two were very energetic people. They went around looking at the stalls of the other clubs. Mingyu found out that the other two of Jungkook's friends were also in the same branch as Jungkook and they were classmates. " What do you plan on doing ? " Jungkook asked Mingyu.

" Nothing much. You guys ? " " We want to look for something to perform. They said we have to give one ". Jungkook answered. " If you don't have anything to do, you can come with us ". Hoseok suggested. Mingyu thought for a second and nodded. He has got nothing to do anyway. " Sure, if you guys don't mind ".

" Not at all ". Jimin answered with a smile. They walked to a quiet area and sat down. Mingyu also looked up for songs along with them. He had a lot of fun. They decided on a song and practiced a little. Mingyu could say the three of them were really good at it. Well of course they would be as they were also joining the club.