Third person point of view
They all walked back to the dorm once they were done with a little practice. Mingyu and Jungkook went to their room. Jungkook fell on his bed. Mingyu also sat on his bed and took out his phone. They sat in silence for a while. Mingyu groaned and let out a puff. " Jungkook-ah, help me please ". Jungkook turned to Mingyu.
" What happened ? " " I need to choose a song to sing. I am not able to find any ". Jungkook sat up and picked up his phone. " Do you have a genre in mind ? " " Pop or rock maybe, but I think it doesn't matter. I want to find a song that will be fine for me to pull off ". Mingyu said and Jungkook nodded.
" Alright ". They both started searching. Each of them showed what they found and discussed about it. They spent quite some time like that. Both of them got tired of it after a while. " Ahh~~ this is tough ". Mingyu ruffled his hair. Jungkook sighed. He saw a message from Hoseok. " Hoseok is asking me to come to their room ".
" Oh. My friend also just asked me to ". Mingyu said replying to Dokyeom. " Shall we go then ? " Both of them got up and walked downstairs. Jungkook walked ahead and Mingyu behind. Both of them stopped in front of the same door. " This ? " Jungkook asked pointing at it. Mingyu nodded a little confused.
Jungkook knocked and stood back. No one opened the door. Jungkook waited but then just tried opening the door and it wasn't locked. He opened the door wide and the sight made both of their jaws drop. " I mean... just how... " Mingyu started. " Did these three end up in the same room ? " Jungkook finished for him.
They saw Hoseok, Jimin and Dokyeom jamming to songs like crazy in the room. They walked in and closed the door. The three of them noticed them and pulled them in too. They all just danced till the song ended. They sat down on the floor, tired from the jumping around. " We didn't know you guys were roommates ".
Jimin said pointing to Jungkook and Mingyu. " None of us did ". Mingyu said. The others nodded. " What were you guys doing ? " Jimin asked. Mingyu nodded towards Jungkook. " Jungkook was helping me search for a song for the performance. We didn't come to any conclusion ". Mingyu said and the other three laughed.
" That is what lead to this dance party of ours. We were also searching for Dokyeom and ended up like this ". All of them laughed. " If possible, can't you just sing together ? There is no restriction that you shouldn't right ? " Hoseok suggested. " Nice idea ". Dokyeom said. " I like it too ". Mingyu said.
" Then let's search now ". All of them took out their phone, meanwhile Jungkook and Jimin buried their heads in the laptop. Everyone came up with a few options. They discussed and finally settled on ' Make up ' by Sam Kim and Crush. Both Dokyeom and Mingyu agreed to it and so it was fixed.
" We have it in two more days. Let's practice after class tomorrow ". Mingyu said to which Dokyeom agreed. They enjoyed the rest of the time and went to dinner all together. They were a small gang of their own size now. Mingyu practiced hard along with Dokyeom. They used all their free time on this.
Mingyu didn't come across Wonwoo again. He remembered that Wonwoo never said yes or no when Mingyu asked if he lived in the room in front of theirs. So he decided not to go too far and get punished by some seniors. He kept his paws to himself. He liked how his college life was going.
Jungkook was definitely a nice friend and roommate for him. And the feeling was definitely mutual. Both of them liked to keep clean and they got along pretty well in almost everything. Then he also met Dokyeom and Jungkook's friends who shared the common sense of humor and were roommates above that.
He thought that his college life has started off pretty smoothly. Mingyu was practicing the chords and Dokyeom his vocals. They had to report in the music club room in half an hour. They practiced together for one last time and went to the club room. The room was a lot bigger than he has expected it to be.
They sat down in the chairs that were allotted for participants. " It is fine. We will do it and get in too. Don't worry ". Mingyu said and Dokyeom nodded. " Let's do this ". They enjoyed the other performances and it was finally their turn. They went and stood in front of the microphones. Mingyu struck the chords once and adjusted them a little.
He looked around the room. There were his fellow students, the seniors who were judges, some other seniors who were part of the club, and among them he found Wonwoo. He smiled widely. Both of them introduced themselves. They shared eye contact and Mingyu started with his guitar.
They both sang well and without feeling too nervous they enjoyed it as a whole. Their chemistry was pretty fine and the overall performance was good. Once they were done Mingyu looked at Wonwoo and gave a big smile. Wonwoo was only looking at him with a blank face. Everyone clapped and the both of them gave a bow. They went back to their seats.