Chapter 16 : Hyung~

Third person point of view

Mingyu and Dokyeom sat in the class waiting for their professor. " Did you choose a song ? " Dokyeom shook his head. " What about you ? " Mingyu shook his head too. " It is tough ". Dokyeom said and Mingyu nodded agreeing to it. " It is fine. We have time anyway ". Their professor walked in and the class started.

They had to go to the club after their classes at the end of the day. " Are you coming with me ? " Mingyu asked looking at Dokyeom. " No. I will go to the dorm and look for songs ". Mingyu nodded. " Alright. Bye then ". Dokyeom waved and walked away. Mingyu went to the club room. He opened the door but there was no one. " Hello ? "

He looked around and still no response. He walked to the practice room. " Am I early or something ? " He mumbled. He looked around and picked up an electric guitar. He looked around and found all the equipment he wanted. He started setting them up. He heard the door open when he was almost done and turned to see who it was.

It was Wonwoo and Jihoon. " Hello ". Mingyu greeted and they both greeted back. " I will be there outside ". Jihoon said and left. Wonwoo stood there observing Mingyu. " You set this up all by yourself ? " Mingyu nodded. Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. He nodded and sat down on a chair. Mingyu finished it and picked up the black guitar he just chose.

He tuned it first and then connected it. Wonwoo observed as Mingyu worked. Mingyu struck the strings and the noise echoed through the room. Wonwoo was unfazed. He himself as someone who plays it was used to it. Mingyu started playing something random. He liked it. He started playing 'Despacito '. Wonwoo was really surprised.

Even if he didn't think Mingyu was bluffing, he did think his guitar skills were good from the performance before. Now he was playing even this very well. He just sat watching Mingyu play. He did have to accept Mingyu looked cooler with this. Mingyu finished playing and turned to Wonwoo with a smile.

" How was it hyung ? " " You have some love for missing or playing one chord wrong every time, don't you ? " Mingyu scratched his head. " I didn't expect it to go wrong ". Wonwoo folded his hands. " It is fine now. But if you do it there you might not pass it. They will be stricter than the last time with the selection ".

Mingyu put the guitar away and sat beside Wonwoo. " What did you do for the audition hyung ? " " Why ? " " I am curious ". " I played electric guitar and sang too ". " Woah. So cool ". Mingyu said with real admiration. " Nothing much ". Wonwoo just brushed it off. " For me it is ". Wonwoo turned to Mingyu.

" What about you ? " " I didn't choose anything yet ". Wonwoo nodded. " You have time, so it s fine ". " You have any suggestions ? " " Me ? " Wonwoo pointed at himself and shook his head. " Nothing ". " Ah hyung~~ " Mingyu pouted. " What is it ? " " You suggested to help. So do. Help me choose a song ".

" I don't know what you like or what you are good at. What do you expect me to do ? " " Then do. Get to know me better ". Mingyu said smiling. Wonwoo gave a poker face. He got up to walk out, but Mingyu held his arm and stopped him. " Fine. Just sit ". Mingyu said with a chuckle. Wonwoo sat back on the chair.

" I don't mind the genre ". Wonwoo shook his head. " But I would still say you pick something you want to ". " I will definitely do it if you tell me to ". Mingyu said with a grin. Wonwoo's second attempt to escape also failed. Mingyu held him back again. " I mean it though ". Wonwoo sighed looking at Mingyu.

" I will look into it and then tell you ". " Thanks hyung ". Mingyu grinned. " You have any tips for the performance ? " Wonwoo looked at him with wide eyes. " You want me to help you cheat ? " " Aye~~ How is this cheating hyung ? " " I won't tell you anything anyway ". " Tsk. Alright ". Mingyu got up from the chair and picked up the guitar.

" Can you play something hyung ? " " Why ? " " I want to see you play it ". Mingyu said with a smile. Wonwoo successfully escaped from that room. He could hear Mingyu's laugh before closing the door. He went and sat down beside Jihoon. There were a few students sitting around with their guitars.

Jihoon turned to Wonwoo and saw his expression wasn't right. " Why ? " Wonwoo turned to Jihoon. " What ? " " Why do you look like that ? " Jihoon remembered Mingyu was actually in that room too. " Did he say something again ? " " He makes me want to curl up like an earthworm. His words are like that ".

Wonwoo said making Jihoon laugh. " Wow. So he's got some talent ". Wonwoo shook his head and Jihoon chuckled. Mingyu saw the door open again and a few more students walked in picking up the guitars or looking for other instruments. He played for a while and walked out. He walked up to Wonwoo and Jihoon.

" I will be leaving hyung ". Wonwoo looked up and gave a nod. " Bye hyung ". He said to Jihoon who didn't even look up from his phone and waved his hand. " Bye Wonwoo hyung~ " He said bending a little at his waist and smiled. He walked away from there.