Chapter 17 : #friendship_goals

Third person point of view

Mingyu went back to his room. He found Jungkook sitting at his desk. " You came back early ? " Mingyu asked looking at a busy Jungkook. " Assignment ". Jungkook said showing the papers. " Already ? " Mingyu was surprised. " Yes ". Jungkook pouted like he was going to cry. " Too bad. Fighting ! "

Mingyu picked up his phone looking for songs. But before that he opened the music club page and scrolled through. He found pictures of Wonwoo from the day he performed. He went to Wonwoo's account. There weren't a lot of pictures. There were only a few and they were mostly with his friends from music club or class.

He liked them and followed him too. He saw Wonwoo was tagged in a few pictures and videos. He found videos of his performances. He looked through them all. There were also times when he used classic guitar too. Mingyu was surprised. " Jungkook-ah ". Jungkook looked up at Mingyu.

" What is it ? " " Your brother can play any type of guitar ? " Jungkook nodded. " Yeah. He plays all of them ". Mingyu's jaw dropped. " That's so cool ". Jungkook smiled and went back to his work. Mingyu looked through but didn't find any song. He found it frustrating. " I will be back in a while ". Mingyu said and got up to leave.

" You want me to get anything for you ? " He asked Jungkook. " Anything will work ". Mingyu nodded. " Yah, wait. Let me give the money ". " Write for now. Pay me back based on what I bring you back ". Jungkook smiled. " Alright ". Mingyu smiled and walked out. He went to the cafe and got a caramel frappuccino and a pastry.

He brought himself an Americano and walked out. He was walking back when he saw Wonwoo. " Wonwoo hyung ". Wonwoo saw Mingyu who was coming his way. He saw the things in Mingyu's hand and then up at him. " Hyung, why did you not tell me that you could play guitar so well and all of them at that ? "

Mingyu sounded like he was whining. Wonwoo frowned. " Why would I tell you ? And it is nothing special or rare. A lot of them do and in our band Joshua and me, both of us do it ". " But still. Should've told me ". He pouted looking a little mad. Wonwoo blinked. " Did you drink something wrong ? " Mingyu sneered.

" You are such a bad guy ". Wonwoo scowled. " Now where did this come from ? " He didn't do anything and is actually being blamed for it. Mingyu huffed. " Fine, whatever. Where are you going ? " " Nowhere in particular ". " Okay. I will leave. I need to deliver this to your brother ". " Why ? "

" He has work to do and I just came out. I suggested on bringing it for him ". Wonwoo nodded. " So you are going to go out or inside ? " Wonwoo looked around and turned to Mingyu. " Inside ". " Let's go together then ". Mingyu smiled. They walked inside together. Some students greeted Wonwoo as they walked and some even took pictures.

Mingyu observed some did for him too. " You are very popular hyung ". " Not really ". " You want to say that even after being greeted and recognized by these many people and not to mention even taking pictures of you ". " They only think I am handsome. Nothing more ". They walked to their rooms.

" Bye hyung ". Mingyu smiled. Wonwoo nodded and entered his room. Mingyu did too and gave the things he got to Jungkook. " What is this? It looks tasty ". " Having something sweet can make your brain work faster ". Jungkook's eyes went wide. " Does it really work ? " Mingyu nodded. " It really does ".

" Thanks and tell me how much it costs. I will transfer it to you ". Mingyu shook his head. " Let it be. Take it as something in return for the info you gave me ". " Aye~~ that- " Mingyu cut him off. " It really is fine. You are also working hard right now. Take it as a cheer from a good friend ". Jungkook didn't know what to say.

" Aish, just get back to work ". Mingyu said and both of them chuckled. " Thanks again ". Mingyu smiled. Jungkook drank it as he wrote. Once he was done writing, he put the papers away and sat down eating the cake. " It is really yummy ". " Nice to know ". Mingyu smiled. They chatted about random things. " What about your exes ? " Jungkook asked looking at Mingyu.

" What about them ? " " You did ask about my brother's so I want to know about yours ". " Ahh... well I did date quite a few people ". " Player ? " " A little ". Jungkook's lips curved up. " Don't take it in a bad way ". Mingyu said justifying himself. Jungkook felt wronged. " Did I say anything ? " He asked smiling.

Mingyu felt conflicted. Speaking about your exes to a friend who just so happened to be your crush's brother is not easy is what Mingyu learnt. Jungkook chuckled. " Just say it. Put the fact that I am Jeon Jungkook aside and think of me as only your roommate Jungkookie and tell me ". Mingyu ran a hand through his hair.

" Before people just used to come to me, there were very few times when I actually tried it first. But with him... it is different ". Mingyu put his hand to his heart. " My heart beats so fast when I am with him. I don't even know what to call it...I don't remember the last time I felt it, so I really want to get him to like me ".

Jungkook cringed. " This is way too sweeter than the cake ". Mingyu rubbed his neck in embarrassment. " Not that I want to scare you, but I really hope I don't get to use my fists with you; considering you are even my roommate and such a good friend ". Jungkook said and Mingyu nodded. " Roger that ". Both of them smiled.