Chapter 35 : Lights. Camera. Pose.

Third person point of view

The Sunday, the day for their photo shoot finally came by. Mingyu went out to get an Americano and was walking to the communication arts building where the photo shoot is. He slipped while walking up the stairs but held onto the railing and didn't fall. He almost dropped his drink. He sighed in relief for balancing well, but heard a snort from behind.

He turned around to see Wonwoo there. His eyes went wide in shock. He wanted to cry. Why did he have to be the one to see him like this out of all the people ? Wonwoo walked up trying not to laugh or smile. " Ah hyung~~ Don't laugh at me ". Mingyu whined. Wonwoo didn't speak worried he will laugh.

He just shook his head. He felt his stomach hurt from trying not to laugh. He finally calmed down. " It was funny and also it somehow reminded me of the way you play ". Mingyu really wanted the earth to swallow him. Wonwoo looked up at Mingyu's face and laughed out this time unable to hold in any longer.

Mingyu pouted but he gradually showed a small smile. Wonwoo gasped for breath after laughing so much. " It is the first time you actually laughed. I never even saw you actually smile ". Mingyu said with a smirk. Wonwoo put on a blank face and cleared his throat. " Let's go ". He said and walked up faster.

" Be careful ". He said not even looking back. Mingyu was still walking behind. He looked up and smiled wider when he heard Wonwoo. They both went and entered the big room which was used as a studio. The third and fourth years didn't have to come. The second years took care of everything.

They all greeted each other. Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua and Jihoon were already there. Mingyu saw Jimin and Jungkook who were sitting on the side. Jungkook was there to help him and the former said he would be bored in the room and decided to tag along. Seungkwan, Vernon and Chan were also there.

Seeing Chan was also there, Mingyu assumed he also came for the same reason. They would be too bored to stay in the room anyway. Mingyu saw Hoseok, Joshua and Minghao looking through outfits they prepared and Dokyeom was just fooling around with them. Wonwoo went and sat with his friends and so did Mingyu.

His band mates were yet to arrive. A few minutes and the others also arrived. They all sat down together on the side. " Since all of us are here. Shall we start ? " Jihoon said gaining everyone's attention. " Yes ! " Everyone answered enthusiastically. Wonwoo, Mingyu and Jungkook stood together.

" Hyung, how about this ? We both will take care of the main photo shoot and you can take the behind pictures or videos. What do you think ? " Mingyu suggested. " That's a nice idea ". Jungkook commented. Wonwoo also agreed. " You can replace me for when I have to dress up ". " Alright ". Wonwoo said and got to work.

" So who is going first ? " Joshua asked looking at others. " Me ". Dokyeom answered. " Okay. Come here ". Hoseok, Joshua and Minghao together spoke to him and picked an outfit. " Go change into this and meanwhile we will prepare the second outfit ". Dokyeom went to get changed.

Jungkook and Mingyu were looking for the lighting and changing a few things. They sat down in front of the screen. Dokyeom came out after changing. " Looks good ". Minghao commented. Dokyeom went and stood in his place. " Ohh~~ " Jungkook said impressed. " These guys definitely have good taste ". Mingyu said.

Both of them got to work. " Who is next ? " Joshua asked. Jaehyun went up to them. They started suggesting outfits for him. He picked one and went to get changed. " Move a little to your right ". Jungkook said clicking pictures. Dokyeom followed their instructions and finished it. He thanked them and walked away to sit with the others.

Jaehyun was all done by then. He walked up and stood in front of them. " Why do you look so good ? " Mingyu said clicking pictures. " You are speaking as if you are ugly ". Jungkook said and the three of them laughed. The next one, Seungkwan was also ready. " Seungkwan-ah... something is missing ". Mingyu said looking at his outfit.

" Really ? " Mingyu nodded. " Minghao ". Minghao came to them. " Don't you feel something is missing ? " Mingyu asked. Minghao looked at Seungkwan and nodded slowly. " Wait ". He went back and brought a hat with a similar shade as Seungkwan's outfit. " Perfect ". Mingyu said lifting up his camera. " You are so good ".

Jungkook said giving a high five to Minghao and both of them smiled. " You guys want to have anything ? " Seungchoel asked. " Anything will do hyung ". Bambam answered and other also nodded. " Okay ". He turned to Wonwoo. " Is Jun in the room ? " Wonwoo nodded. Seungchoel turned to Jihoon.

" Soonyoung ? " Jihoon nodded and spoke up. " Most probably. I think he will be with Jun ". " I think so too ". Wonwoo said. Seungcheol nodded and called Jun. " Hello ". Soonyoung was indeed with Jun. He was the one who answered the call. " You are indeed there ". Seungcheol said making Soonyoung laugh. " So what is it ? "

" I will transfer some money to you. Go out and quickly get us all some snacks and drinks ". Seungcheol ordered. " Okay ". Soonyoung answered. " What is it ? " Seungcheol heard Jun's voice from the other side. " Bring him along with you ". He told Soonyoung. " Alright. We will be there as soon as possible ". " Okay ". Seungcheol hung up.