Chapter 36 : Shoot continues.

Third person point of view

Mingyu and Jungkook took a small break. They looked around and Mingyu clicked a few photos of Wonwoo who was taking photos of others. " You both come here ". Jungkook called for Jimin and Chan. Those two were just chatting and cheering on others all the time while throwing compliments.

" Stand there ". They both stood side by side and posed. Jungkook smiled and took a few photos. Mingyu smiled and took a few of Jungkook and then of Jimin and Chan too. " Your heights ". Jungkook cackled. " Yah ! " Jimin and Chan yelled at the same time. Jungkook immediately hid behind Mingyu. Mingyu laughed.

Wonwoo took pictures of all of it. He smiled when he saw them. They then started with Bambam. Soonyoung and Jun came in with drinks and snacks. " All of you come and take some ". Soonyoung shouted placing them on a table. All of them put their things away and went to get something to eat.

Wonwoo first clicked a few pictures of them all and then went to have some too. They all sat down enjoying the food. The three cameramen and Bambam got back to work quickly. The others took it slow. Soonyoung went to look through the clothes. He found something interesting and took it out.

" Ohhh~~ " The others who saw it all shouted. " Yah. Go put it on ". Jeonghan said. " Huh ? " Soonyoung was shocked. " Just go ". All of them pushed him into the changing room. He came out and all of them shouted. The ones doing shoot also turned to him wondering what the commotion was about.

Everyone was looking at Soonyoung with wide eyes. Bambam was done and went to look at him closer. He was also shook. " Woohoo ". " Yah. Go take some photos too ". Jihoon said pushing Soonyoung. Soonyoung was bending being too shy. Jungkook and Mingyu looked at each other. " Hyung you look good. Don't worry ". Mingyu said assuring him.

Soonyoung didn't even want to lift his hands. He was being really shy. " Ah hyung, what is the use if you are being like that ? " Jungkook said looking at Soonyoung. He was in denim pants and denim crop top. He finished it off with a black hat. Everyone was shook by how good he looked. He pulled it off really well.

" Yeah hyung. It is fine. It is only us here. Just be free and raise your hands a little ". Jungkook assured him. Soonyoung slowly started getting more comfortable and lived up to his outfit. Everyone gathered at the monitor cheering on him as he posed for the camera. He quickly went and changed back. " They all came out so well ".

Jeonghan said looking at Soonyoung. Soonyoung just smiled and put it away. Vernon got to work next and also finished his. Mingyu gave his camera to Wonwoo and went to get changed. Minghao picked up Wonwoo's camera to take a few behind pictures. Mingyu changed and stood in front of them.

He posed well and the photographers also gave some suggestions and he was done. Then they all took the group shots and a few unit shots. They were done with it. They all changed into their own dresses. Mingyu went to Wonwoo to take back his camera. " How did they come out ? " " Good ". Mingyu nodded.

" Did I look cool ? " " Compared to the time on the stairs..... yes ". Wonwoo gave a small smile. Mingyu pouted and begged. " Please erase that memory out of your head ". Wonwoo smiled. He shook his head and walked away. Jungkook took the pictures of all of this. He smiled at the pictures and showed them to Jimin.

" So cute ". Jimin said and Jungkook nodded. They all decided to have lunch together. Seungcheol told them that they could all go to the cafeteria and have it together. They left their things in the room. Seungcheol locked it and there was no spare key to that room. So it was safe to leave them there.

They all walked to the cafeteria and sat down together. They sat down in two large tables. They were 18 of them, but they decided to just pull an extra chair and sit 9 and 9. They got the food and finished it chatting away. They all walked back again. " Let's be energetic. Don't be lazy. Come on. Come on ". Jihoon said clapping his hands and all of them cheered.

" Now let's start with the second round ". Joshua said and this time Jaehyun went first. Mingyu and Jungkook stretched and were cracking their knuckles like they were going for a fight. " What are you doing ? " Wonwoo asked looking at them. " Getting ready for work ". Mingyu answered and Jungkook nodded seriously.

Wonwoo let out a breath. " It is really destiny that you both are roommates ". He said with a sarcastic tone which the other two didn't catch up on it. " We know that ". Jungkook answered in a matter of fact tone. Mingyu agreed to it with a nod. Wonwoo sighed and walked away. The other two just shrugged and got back to work.

They finished everything pretty easily for the second round. Minghao was also good when it came to helping with poses and they were done with all of the things. " Good work everyone ". Jeonghan said and all of them clapped. " They all came out really well ". Jun said. Jihoon nodded. They packed up everything and took a group picture all together at the end.