Chapter 74 : Smooth sailing.

Third person point of view

The next morning, Wonwoo woke up and saw there was no one beside him on the bed. He let out a grunt and got out of bed. He hissed at the pain on his lower back. He walked into the bathroom and checked in the mirror. There were red marks on his neck and below. He held his shirt and pulled at his waistband and saw the hand print on his hips.

They were lighter but still there. He felt his body flush at the memory. He pulled it up and then finished his business. He found a new brush on the counter. He brushed his teeth and walked out. He didn't want to walk too fast. He was taking small steps. He saw Mingyu cooking in the kitchen. " When did you wake up ? "

Mingyu turned to Wonwoo when he heard the question. He turned around fully. " Not long ago. Are you.... Okay hyung ? " Wonwoo looked away his ears turning red in an instant. " I am alright ". Mingyu lowered the heat and went up to him. His hand reaching for Wonwoo's back. " Your back ? " " It hurts a little ". Mingyu frowned.

Wonwoo smiled. He brushed his finger to get rid of the frown. " It is fine. It will be gone ". Mingyu nodded. " I was going to wake you up after I finish cooking but you already woke up ". Wonwoo nodded. " Did you feel bad waking up alone after all that ? " Mingyu asked with a smile. Wonwoo blinked not knowing how Mingyu guessed it.

He did feel a bit sad but after seeing Mingyu cooking he didn't think so anymore. He shook his head but Mingyu noticed the hesitance. He kissed Wonwoo. " Sorry ". Wonwoo chuckled. " It is really fine ". Mingyu smiled. " Sit down. It will be done in a few minutes ". Wonwoo sat down and Mingyu brought the food hot.

He served it for Wonwoo and handed it to him. " Be careful hyung. It is hot ". Wonwoo nodded and blew on it. He tasted it and it tasted good. " It is good ". " Really ? " Wonwoo nodded. Mingyu smiled and they finished their lunch. Mingyu cleaned up while Wonwoo went to take a shower. He wore Mingyu's dress.

" Ohh~ hyung. You look good ". Mingyu said when he saw Wonwoo in his dress. " Not a lot of my friends like to wear the ones in my style plus they say they only look good because I am tall. But you have a nice figure, so it looks good on you ". Mingyu spoke bringing Wonwoo to stand in front of the full body size mirror. He adjusted the shirt a little.

" Perfect ". Wonwoo smiled. Mingyu hugged Wonwoo with his hands around his waist. " Should we go back ? " Wonwoo looked at Mingyu's image in the mirror. He was resting his chin on Wonwoo's shoulder and pouting. Wonwoo smiled putting his hands on Mingyu's. " It will be too much hustle if we go tomorrow since we will have classes ".

Mingyu let out a sigh burying his head deeper in Wonwoo's neck. Wonwoo felt his heart picking up pace again. " Fine ". Mingyu replied in a muffled tone. He looked up and saw Wonwoo's red ears. Wonwoo turned to the side and held Mingyu's face. He kissed on his cheek. Mingyu felt his head explode. He was too shook. He turned to Wonwoo who quickly looked away.

Mingyu held him tighter and kissed on his neck again making Wonwoo shrink up. " Mmh~ " Mingyu then kissed Wonwoo's cheek too. He could clearly see how hard Wonwoo was blushing. Wonwoo gulped feeling his throat go dry. " Let's go ". He pulled away and walked out. They might end up not leaving if it continued. Mingyu chuckled and followed him out.

They went back to the campus. They were walking towards the dorm, but were summoned. They turned in the direction to see Jungkook, Jimin, Dokyeom and Hoseok sitting on the bench on the side. Mingyu shook his head. " You go back hyung. I will go to them ". Wonwoo nodded and walked inside. Mingyu went up to them.

It looked as if Mingyu was a freshman and the seniors were talking to him. " Stop it. Being so pretentious. Ew ". Mingyu said frowning. All of them sat normally and cleared their throats. " What are you guys doing here ? " He asked looking at them. " We finished lunch and just chilling here ". Dokyeom answered. Mingyu nodded.

" What about you guys ? " Jungkook asked with narrowed eyes. " What ? " Mingyu asked back. " Aye~~ " All of them teased. Mingyu shushed them. " Then tell us ". Dokyeom said. They all leaned forward like they were talking about a secret. " Well... " Mingyu scratched his head and shrugged with an ambiguous smile. All of them opened their mouths in shock.

Dokyeom stood up and was pacing around not able to take it in. Hoseok also stood up with his hands on his hips. Jungkook was the first to come out of it. He closed Jimin's mouth. Jimin blinked coming out of the daze. Mingyu rubbed his neck in embarrassment. They all sat down again. They gave him thumbs up. Mingyu chuckled and shooed them.

" Wow. I guess I don't need to worry now. I can also go ahead since my brother did ". Jungkook said and Jimin slapped his thigh turning red. They all chatted for a while and went to sit in Jungkook and Mingyu's room. Mingyu texted Wonwoo, asking if he was fine. Wonwoo said he was fine and then Mingyu went back to chatting with the others.

They spent the rest of the day together in the room itself. They went for dinner and then went back to their own rooms. " Is it your dress that hyung was wearing ? " Jungkook asked and Mingyu nodded. Jungkook gave a nod too. " I knew it. He would never pick that style ". " I know right ". Both of them laughed.

Their relationship was running pretty fine. They were open about it and no one really seemed to hate it openly at least and they had a lot of fans and supporters. Maybe people were nicer than they thought or Seungcheol's warning worked well. And soon their exams were coming by. They had one last band practice.

It looked like all of them were together on this and as if they had a telepathic connection, made sure that there was no seat left for Wonwoo, most of the time ever since he announced their relationship. It was an unsaid policy. He would only end up sitting on Mingyu's lap. Cho Hee walked in and all of them, like they were ordered looked away on cue and acted busy.

She went up to Wonwoo. Mingyu held Wonwoo not letting him get up. She gave him some papers. " Thanks for those ". Wonwoo nodded. " Sorry for all that that has happened too ". Everyone was surprised at her words.

Wonwoo nodded again. " To you too Mingyu ". Mingyu wanted to give a snarky remark but he saw Wonwoo looking at him. He knew what his subtle expressions meant. Mingyu swallowed back the words he wanted to say and gave a nod. She then walked out.