Chapter 75 : Campus romance.

Third person point of view

They all continued to chat and left after the time was over. Wonwoo was also packing up. " Hyung. Where will you go now ? " Mingyu asked coming up from behind. " I should go to the washroom first and then to the library ". Mingyu nodded. " Then I will come with you ". Wonwoo nodded.

The both of them went to the washroom. Wonwoo was done and walked out of the stall. He saw Mingyu waiting for him. He washed his hands and they then walked out of there. They went to the library. Wonwoo was looking for a book he wanted. Mingyu stood to a side watching Wonwoo like always.

Wonwoo found it and was about to walk to the table to sit down. " Hyung ". Wonwoo turned to Mingyu. " What is it ? " " I also need to look for a book. Can you help me find it ? " Wonwoo nodded. Mingyu smiled and walked from there. He walked to the most secluded area in the library.

Wonwoo frowned wondering what Mingyu wanted to find from there. It didn't even look like it was something related to his subjects. He still followed him. Mingyu looked around once and there weren't anyone to this end. He pulled Wonwoo by his wrist shocking him. He walked in between the shelves and put Wonwoo to the wall in between them.

Wonwoo wanted to ask what Mingyu was doing but Mingyu covered his mouth before he could speak. Mingyu put his finger to his lips asking Wonwoo to be silent. Wonwoo nodded and Mingyu removed his hand. " What are you doing ? " Wonwoo whispered. Mingyu moved closer pinning Wonwoo to the wall.

Wonwoo's eyes went wide. " Yah. Yah. Don't move any closer. What are you thinking ? " Wonwoo asked looking around to see if there was anyone. " What do you think hyung ? " Mingyu put his hands around Wonwoo. " Stop right now or I will scream ". Wonwoo warned but Mingyu only chuckled. " Hehe. Go ahead ".

He kissed Wonwoo's cheek. Wonwoo tried pushing Mingyu away but he couldn't act hastily. He was worried Mingyu might hit the shelves if he pushed too hard, which would cause a lot of attention. Mingyu went down kissing Wonwoo's neck. He kept giving small kisses. " Mingyu-ah~ " Wonwoo's voice was coming out airy.

" What is it hyung ? " Wonwoo felt his breathing turning heavy; half from struggling and half because of Mingyu. " Please~ if someone walks by- " " No one will ". " How are you so sure ? " " You should actually stop worrying and enjoy ". Mingyu kissed Wonwoo on the lips. Wonwoo stopped struggling and kissed back.

Mingyu was happy with the result. He picked Wonwoo up and Wonwoo wrapped his legs around Mingyu. Mingyu put his hand in Wonwoo's shirt making him gasp. He entered his tongue. His hands traced on Wonwoo's back and Wonwoo kept whining into the kiss. They pulled away and Wonwoo was flushed red.

Mingyu liked it a lot. He kissed Wonwoo's neck again. " Don't make too much noise hyung. We will really get caught then ". Mingyu didn't make it any easier for Wonwoo. Wonwoo was trying so hard to not moan. He kept gasping for air with his head buried in Mingyu's neck. Mingyu saw Wonwoo was trying hard to not make any noise.

He would feel bad too if he teased too much. He gave him one last peck on the lips and hugged him. Wonwoo let Mingyu hold him while trying to catch his breath. " You bastard. You are getting out of hand by each day ". Mingyu chuckled. " We don't have the chance for things like this a lot. I can only make use of what I have ".

Wonwoo couldn't refute. He was finally calm and his breathing slowed down. Mingyu put him down and it took Wonwoo a few seconds to gain proper footing. He pulled away and met Mingyu's eyes. " So there was no book you needed here ? " Wonwoo asked glaring at Mingyu. Mingyu just smiled and walked away.

Wonwoo wanted to shout but it was a library. He held it in and walked faster catching up to Mingyu. He pinched Mingyu on his arm. Mingyu couldn't even scream and only hissed in pain. " You deserve it ". Wonwoo walked away faster. Mingyu laughed lightly rubbing his arm and followed Wonwoo. It did feel worth it.

They had a few days as holidays for preparation. Everyone was busy with their heads buried in the books. Mingyu had an exam the next morning and was studying in Wonwoo's room. Jun was with his friends in another room. Wonwoo had an exam the day after so he was pretty chill about it. Mingyu turned the light off and left only the desk light on.

Wonwoo fell asleep a while ago. Mingyu finished studying by mid night and went to Wonwoo. He saw Wonwoo was curled up on the bed. He didn't even cover himself with anything. His shirt rolled up a little and his tattoo was visible. His over sized shirt was looking cute on him. He looked really appealing and docile sleeping like that.

His hair has turned messy after all the tossing around. Mingyu couldn't take his eyes off of him. He crouched down and pulled the shirt up a little. He can never get over the tattoo. He ran his finger tips over the dragon as light as a feather. He kissed along the tattoo on the back side. He bit lightly leaving love bites along the dragon body.

Wonwoo woke up and gasped when Mingyu left another hickey. He reached for Mingyu and pulled him up by his shirt still in the sleeping position. Mingyu went up and slept beside Wonwoo. " Hyung~ " " Ngh~ " Wonwoo let out a low moan when Mingyu's hand reached under his shirt and Mingyu was giving kisses along his neck.

" Mmh~ " Mingyu traced his fingers along Wonwoo's contour lines making him gasp. He put his hand around Wonwoo's waist and pressed him against his body. Wonwoo felt little more awake. " Don't~ " He pushed Mingyu away a little. Wonwoo was still half asleep. He took a deep breath clearing his head a bit.

" If you have so much energy, go study more. You have an exam tomorrow ". Mingyu sighed at Wonwoo's words. " Fine. I won't do anything. Just let me sleep here ". Wonwoo was too sleepy to argue and let him be. He turned around to sleep facing Mingyu. " Good boy ". He rubbed Mingyu's head with his eyes close and put his hand around Mingyu.

" Let's go to your house during the break ". Wonwoo said in a sleepy voice. Mingyu chuckled. " Sure hyung ". Wonwoo let out a long breath. " Hyung~ " Mingyu called out and Wonwoo hummed in response. " I love you ". Mingyu said in a soft voice. Wonwoo opened his eyes in thin slits giving a 'are you for real' look.

" I know. So just sleep already ". Wonwoo said and snuggled up against Mingyu. Mingyu watched as Wonwoo laid there in his arms, slowly falling asleep. " ... love you too ". Wonwoo mumbled and was out like light. Mingyu laughed lightly. He gave a kiss to Wonwoo's head and covered the both of them with the blanket. He hugged Wonwoo falling asleep.