Chapter 76 : Into the future.

Third person point of view

Mingyu was waiting outside the faculty building for Wonwoo. He finished exams and today was Wonwoo's last exam. Wonwoo walked out and saw Mingyu waiting on the side for him. He smiled going up to him and Mingyu also smiled. " How did you write hyung ? " " Good ". Mingyu nodded and they walked to go meet the others.

They all met up at the cafeteria of the dorm. It would be the less crowded one at the moment. They were going to go on a short break before the start of the next semester. So they spent some time together after lunch and went back to their rooms in the evening. They had to pack some things to take back home.

They all met up again and had dinner together. The next day, in the morning, they all left on their ways. They were all sad parting but knew they will meet up in few days. They would also chat whenever possible. Mingyu learnt to drive a car and got his driving license and they were still only a week into their holidays.

Wonwoo asked Mingyu to come meet his parents. And Jungkook asked Jimin. Both of them agreed to it. Mingyu picked up Jimin since it was on the way and then drove to the Jeon's household. Both of them got out of the car. They got out the elevator and looked at the door ahead. " Mingyu-ah ". Jimin called out.

" Jimin-ah. Eomma~~ ". Mingyu looked like he would cry. They turned to look at each other and composed their expressions. " It is going to be fine. We will do this ". Mingyu said. Jimin nodded and they went up to the door. Mingyu rang the bell and stood back. A lady opened the door. She smiled and let the both of them in.

Jimin and Mingyu gave a ninety degree bow. They couldn't even manage a smile because of the nervousness. " Hello mom ". She also greeted them back with a smile and took them in. Mr. Jeon was sitting on the chair. They gave one more ninety degree bow and greeted him. Jungkook and Wonwoo looked at each other wanting to laugh but held it in.

Mingyu sat down on the couch with Wonwoo on his right and Jimin on his left. Jungkook was sitting on the arm rest on the other side, beside Jimin. Mr. Jeon spoke up. " So you are Kim Mingyu ? " Mingyu nodded. " Yes ". " Which major are you in ? " " Humanities ". He gave a nod. Mingyu gulped and was happy he didn't stutter.

Mr. Jeon then turned to Jimin. " What about you ? Park Jimin right ? " " Yes. I am in the same major as Jungkook. Sociology ". Mr. Jeon nodded. Mrs. Jeon walked in and read the room. She hit Mr. Jeon's shoulder. " What are you acting all gruff for ? " Mr. Jeon laughed dropping his tough father act.

" Looks like they really got scared ". He said and the Jeon family laughed. Mingyu and Jimin looked at each other like they wanted to cry. Turned out their family was really open minded. They liked the both of them as they were already informed about them. They chatted for a while and had lunch together.

They then sat in Jungkook and Wonwoo's bedroom. " Both of you stayed together ? " Jimin asked looking around. Jungkook nodded. " That's nice. It shows you get along well ". Mingyu said smiling. They spent some more time till evening and decided to leave. They bid goodbyes to the elders.

Wonwoo and Jungkook came till the parking to send them off. The four of them let out a sigh at once and burst out laughing. " It went a lot better than I thought ". Mingyu said and Jimin nodded. Wonwoo chuckled. " We will leave now ". Jimin said and went to the other side with Jungkook tailing behind him.

Mingyu turned to Wonwoo. Wonwoo looked around and pecked Mingyu on the lips. " Drive carefully ". Mingyu smiled and nodded. Jungkook also gave a kiss to Jimin. Mingyu unlocked the car and Jungkook opened the door for Jimin. He closed it once he got in. Mingyu also gave a hug to Jungkook and got in the car.

He drove out of there. " Congratulations to us ". Jimin said and Mingyu laughed. " Hell yeah. I thought I would faint ". Both of them laughed again. " Tell me about it ". Jimin said and they chatted through the ride. Mingyu dropped Jimin off and went to his own home.

8 years later

Wonwoo came back home from work. It was already dark outside. Mingyu was busy cooking in the kitchen. Wonwoo went up to him and back hugged him. " Oh you're home ". Wonwoo sighed. " There was too much work ". " It is fine. You can eat and rest. Go take a shower. This will be done by the time you are done ".

Wonwoo nodded and went to take a shower. Just like Mingyu said by the time he came out Mingyu was setting the utensils on the table. They had dinner together and Wonwoo was cleaning the dishes and Mingyu was standing on the side wiping them off. The sound of their rings clinking with the utensils could be heard from time to time.

Mingyu got him family to meet the Jeon family when they came for vacation. They also had no objection with it. They were done with graduation for a while now. They did see some more up and downs during all those years. They got married around two years ago. Jungkook and Jimin also got married around a year ago.

" We have a reunion this weekend ". Mingyu said wiping the last bowl. " I saw it in the group chat. It has been an year already ". Wonwoo said washing his hands. " I know right. We do see each other from time to time, but not all of us. It feels nice to be together like that at times ". Mingyu said and put everything away.

Wonwoo was sleeping on the bed waiting for Mingyu to finish his shower. Mingyu finished and dressed up. He got on the bed and pulled Wonwoo closer into his arms. He kissed the top of Wonwoo's head. " Good night jagiya ". Wonwoo said and yawned. " Good night ". Both of them fell asleep.

The end.