Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 4

As alex and serena were walking down the street after sparing with diablo, serena asks alex how he has been all through now. Alex tells her that he has been doing fine and he likes the fact that he had all that time to train and now he is stronger than he used to. Serena then tells alex that he has changed so much especially in maturity, alex replies her telling her that she doesn't look bad herself. As they kept walking alex, says that he hasn't seen Raquel since he came back along with the other girls, serena tells him that Raquel along with sukuna and runo went on a mission with deo and son. Alex sighs and says that he Hope's to see them soon, serena giggles abit and tell him that the mission isn't something to serious at all and that they will be fine. Serena then smiles at him and tells him that Raquel will burst in joy to see him and Alex's face just turns red and tells serena to stop teasing him like that. Meanwhile during the mission in a forest, a bunch of soldiers with machine guns were shooting at rapid fire while Raquel(16 with the same character design and the same hair colour) was just running as swiftly as possible and dodging the bullets, she then gets close enough to one of the soldiers, crystallizes her fingers and starts to slice theur heads off. The other soldiers kept shooting at her but she kept on dodging and slicing through the bullets in order to dodge them but then she uses a move called crystal rains in which she creates a large amount of crystals above them and then launches it at the soliders at rapid fire. The soliders try using their bullets to counter Raquel's attack but it had no effect and then they start to get decapitated by the sharp crystals. Raquel then sighs and says that she doesn't like much violence but she just had no choice, Raquel then tells deo, son and sukuna who were behind a nearby bush that she's done. Son(16) tells Raquel that she is becoming a beast, sukuna(16 with a different character design but same colour), tells her that she did a good work and that they should report back to the city, runo then walks out of and says that she and deo just finish taking care of the remaining terrorists on the other side of the forest, deo(17 with the same character design but with a limiter on his neck) was sitting on a tree and asks if its him or did the mission feel to easy. Runo then tells him that its because they've all improve and became stronger that's why it felt to easy, son then says that all he wants now is to go back home and eat something. Raquel says that she is just glad that everyone is safe, son starts to teases her by saying that she just wants to rush home so she could see alex, Raquel's face then turns red and with embarrassment she tells son not to say such things. Sukuna with a cute smile on her face teases her, telling her that she wants to see her boyfriend so badly that she cant hold her emotions anymore and everyone starts laughing. Raquel then says that she hopes he is well. Meanwhile alex is in a restaurant eating and gobbling down all the burgers he could eat along with a drink, after that alex walks out of the restaurant with a bag filled with food and walks home. As he was walking home, he says to himself that he cant wait to take on what ever comes his way this time around, he then flash backs to the time were he and kazuki fought shinki in the valley. Alex then comes out of the flashback and says to himself that no matter what happens he wont let anything bad happen to him or anyone else and that he will protect this city, as alex was walking home he see's son, deo and sukuna. Son seeing alex gets excited and asks alex how he has been, deo then tells alex that's it's been a while and alex smiles and says that he really missed them. Runo then tells alex that it's been a while and tells him that he looks different, alex says offcours he has been doing well, Raquel out of nowhere just jumps behind alex and start to hug him in excitement telling him that she has missed him so much, alex feeling embarrassed tells her that she should calm down and they shouldn't do it here. Son then tells alex that its good to see him again and deo tells alex that they were just coming from a mission, sukuna then asks alex what's in the bag he is carrying and alex tells her that its just a bunch of food he bought. Everyone sighs and says that some things never just changed. Few hours later, Alex was just chilling on his bed while eating some burgers and taking a drink, Raquel then walks in his room and asks him if its okay for her to join him. Alex tells her that if she wants to, then she can. Raquel then tells him not to be stingy and takes one of his burgers. Alex then asks her how the city has been since he left, Raquel says that the city has been doing nice but sometimes they are usually given some missions to go on but its once in a while, she explains that most of the time, its always against some terrorist groups who aren't higher than C-rank. She proceeds to asks him how his training was with his grandpa has been, alex responds saying it was the craziest training he could have ever experienced in his life. Raquel starts to laugh, Alex asks her if she has ever meditated for up to a week before, he proceeds to say that for worst to become worst, his grandpa made him excersise his energy by creating multiple blade of deaths and blasting it at rapid fire none stop till the day was over, he says that his grandpa wanted his endurance and power to increase. Raquel then smiles and tells Alex that he really went through some crazy training and Alex says that on the bright side he got to have some fun doing so and his hand to hand combat increased as well. Raquel tells alex that she is glad that he is okay and they both start to kiss. Meanwhile in the dark signs hide out with all the members gathered, ukina with a smile on her face tells everyone that its been three whole years and that its time for them to execute their plans, she says that they've been through alot in those three years, but it was for this momen. She tells them that they have gotten time to prepare for what is at hand and they are far stronger than the way they were before, ukina then tells shinki and sorata to come forward and tells them that she will be keeping them in charge of everything that is going to happen and tells them that they should put their whole in it.She smirks and says that the energy is about to shift.


AUTHOR NOTE: Please follow the link to my patreon page for earlier chapters