Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 5

In the city while everything was okay and calm with people doing their every day thing, alex was in his room playing video games while eating some food and snacks with him. As he was playing his game and then loses,he sighs and says that it's been two weeks since he had been playing this particular level and then failed over a hundred times. Alex then drops the game console and says he's going to continue some other time, suddenly he hears a giant explosion from outside. Alex then rushes out his veranda and see's the dark sign members floating in the sky as they are coming out from a portal with the exception of shinki, alex recognized them immediately and then asks himself why they are here again. As the people were rushing themselves to safety while some of the soldiers and special forces were leading people to safety, sorata then tells the rest of the group that failure of any sort isn't an option, Kirihai tells sorata that they know and that he shouldn't ring it to their ears, sorata then tells her that she can die for all he cares and then Kirihai yells at him telling him that what he said was hurtful. Garou then says he is going to have fun and mirio says that they should just get over with the operation and go home. Out of nowhere, a blade of death flies out straight for them, but sorata was able to counter it with a blast of destructive energy. As they look down, sorata sighs and says the demon kid is hear and bara smirks and says he will take it from here while the rest of them just disappear to other areas of the city. Bara then looks at alex with a smirk on his face and says to Alex that it has been a long Time since they last saw, Alex then asks bara how he is alive and bara tells him that it's none of his concern and then flies down towards him at a crazy speed. Alex quickly moves out of the way and bara with a devilish smile on his face tells alex that he seems to be stronger than he was since they last met, bara turns his robotic arm to a missile launchers as well as other missles spawning out of nowhere which proceeds to fire at alex. Meanwhile in the other side of the city as Kirihai is standing on an electric pole, a bolt of electricity flies at her nearly hitting her, but kirihai easily dodges it with a smile on her face. Kirihai then smiles and says that electric attack was very impressive and serena flies out of the air with a crazy amount of electric power on her leg in order to kick her, but Kirihai jumps out of the way to dodg her attack which led serena to kick the ground instead, causing a large explosion of electricity that wiped out countless buildings. Serena then asks Kirihai who she is and what she wants, Kirihai who seems to be taking this as a joke says that she only came here to have fun and then sukuna comes behind her and tells her that she should take her fun somewhere else. Kirihai then smiles and tells them both that they seem to be good play things for her and that they should bring up a good fight. Serena and sukuna then get annoyed and they charge towards her as serena prepares a massive amount of electricity on her hand and sukuna charges up some plasms energy. As they are about to punch her, Kirihai easily catches their punches and tells them both with a smirk on her face that they should try not to bore her. Meanwhile as bara was blasting missiles and beams of energy at alex, alex was just flash stepping and running around in order to dodge them, bara smiles and tells alex that he is fast and asks him if he can keep up for to long. As alex was dodging his attacks, he realizes that bara isn't giving him space at all, so he jumps up in the air, starts to create multiple blade of death and starts shooting them at bara's missiles attacks in order to counter them. Both alex's and bara's attacks were clashing with each other and causing explosions that led to buildings being blown up. As they both continued to fire attacks at each other, bara with a smile on his face tells alex that he is surprised to see how he was able to counter his attacks, alex flash steps behind him with a blade of death packed with a crazy amount of energy and uses it to hit bara, the impact was so powerful that it created a crator on the ground, but bara didn't seem to be fazed and didn't even move at all. Alex was abit surprised that his blade of death didn't work and then bara tells alex that he seems far stronger since they last fought and then punches alex across buildings. As alex flew past buildings, bara jumps abve him with a crazy amount of power packed in his robotic arm ready to punch alex. Alex swiftly moves out of the way as bara ends up punching the ground, causing the entire city to shake, with buildings crashing to the ground. Alex then realizes that bara is way to strong and activates his energy fist plus 50(Strength of a thousand men)in which red energy starts to form around Alex arms in the shape of a fist. Bara then asks alex what silly trick he wants to pull off and with an amazing speed,alex begins to flash step around bara. Alex starts to throw barrage of punches from different angles but then bara begins to dodge alex's attacks with his eyes closed and tells alex that he may be able to flash step with a quick speed and try attacking him from different angles, but he wont win. As alex was flash stepping and throwing punches at bara who was dodging his attacks, he prepares a technique called blade of death "ultra" in which his blade of death changes orange in colour and then as he was about to hit bara with it, bara holds the blade of death without struggling. While he was holding the attack which had a bizzar amount of energy, he tells alex that he is very fast and asks him if he can keep up with sound. Bara uses a technique called sonic blast in which he blast a powerful sound wave at alex which sends him flying, the sound waves also destroyed the buildings around them. As alex crashes on the ground,he realizes bara is far to strong and then bara at the speed of sound appears in front of alex ready to blast him with a beam. Deo punches bara with a crazy amount of energy which blasted him into countless buildings. He then asks Alex if he is okay and Alex is surprised and tells deo he is glad to see him, as bara gets up, he smiles and says that he wasn't expecting that at all and charges up a powerful amount of energy.