Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 6

As bara was charging up a crazy amount of energy which was causing a quake that began to shake the city, deo tells alex to get back and tells him that things are going to be rough. Deo's arms and legs then turn into robotic limbs as he charges up an insane amount of green energy. Alex was abit shocked and says to himself that deo is incredible, bara then charges toward deo with a crazy speed and deo also with an amazing speed charges towards him. They begin to move at insane levels of spee as they were blasting buildings with every blow they threw at one another. Bara and deo are fighting at close range combat while moving so fast, bara begins to throw beams at him as deo was just dodging them as fast as possible. Deo then punches bara into a massive number of buildings but then as bara was crashing through buildings, he maintains his balance and starts to blast missiles at deo at rapid fire. Deo seeing this begins to dodge the missile and jumps up in air to avoid them completely. But as he does so, bara appears above him and punches deo straight to a building, causing deo to shatter through an entire buiding. As deo was trying to stand up, alex yells his name and tells him to get out of there, deo then looks up and see's bara ready to punch him with a crazy amount of energy on his fists. Deo quickly moves out of the way and bara punches the ground instead, as he punches the ground the impact was so strong that it had the entire city shaking. Bara then tells deo that he is strong but unfortunately he came for the demon kid, deo started too lose power as the green aura around him started to depleat, deo smirks as he teleports above bara and comes flying down towards him with a beam on his arm and then blasts it at him. As the smoke clears, bara was holding deo's arm and was completely unharmed by his attack, he compliments deo telling him that it was a nice attack and deo smirks and tells him that he has him were he wants him. Alex then flash steps out of nowhere and blasts his new blade of death called "star blade" in which its was blue in colour and throws it at bara like a beam of light. As Alex's attack was heading towards bara at the speed almost faster than light, deo quickly moves out of the way as the powerful attack hits bara and caused a massive explosion of energy that took out buildings. Deo says to himself that bara is just on C-rank level and that he is someone that both alex and himself can beat if they work together, he is also impressed by the power of alex's blade of death as he says that single attack could wipe out half of the city. After the explosion clears, bara walks out of the smoke and wasn't even harmed by the attack at all which made alex and deo shocked. Deo who was in shock monologues to himself saying that the attack alex threw at him was so intense and powerful that someone who is on C-rank or lower shouldnt be able to survive it. Bara then begins to laugh and tells alex that he wasn't expecting that and its been a long time since he had such a fun fight, alex then gets irritated and tells bara to shut the hell up and runs towards him with a blade of death in his hands. As alex was about to hit him, bara slaps alex blade of death away and blast him with a powerful blast wave which was so strong that it wiped out countless city blocks and sent Alex flying. Alex then collapses on the ground with his eyes completely white and then as deo rushes to help him, bara punches him so hard he flew a couple of blocks away. Bara walks up to alex who is unconscious and says that he could have killed him if not for the fact that they need him alive, he also emphasises that the only reason why he defeated him the first time they met, was because he was just way too tired and unwell to fight. As bara transforms his robotic arm into a blaster, he says that the fact he cant kill him doesn't mean he can't brutally injure him and as he was about to blast alex, a blot of purple lightning slices bara's arm off. Bara was in complete shock and then a giant lightning arrow comes from the sky and blasts bara with a crazy amount of power in which bara was screaming in pain. After the smoke clears, alex opens his eyes and see's kazuki(wearing a purple cloak with some gloves), kazuki then turns back and asks Alex if he is okay. Alex with his wavering voice tries to call kazuki's name but then multiple giant beams just fly out of nowhere blasting kazuki at rapid fire, bara then gets up and tells kazuki that he doesn't know who he is but he will kill him for interrupting. The smoke clears and kazuki tells bara that if he thinks he can kill him then he should try it, bara who was completely irritated kept blasting kazuki with beams but as he was doing that, kazuki was walking towards him with the beams not even touching him. Bara is shocked and kept on firing beams at kazuki at rapid fire and asks him why none of his attacks are working. As kazuki was walking towards him he tells bara that it doesn't matter how strong his attack is. As kazuki walks up to bara, he summons his purple flame sword and taps it on the ground and then a purple circle appears below him and a crazy amount of purple flames bursts out of the ground with bara at the middle of it. As bara was screaming in pain, kazuki explains to him that the reason why his attacks weren't affecting him was because his spiritual mark allows him to create an invisible force field that negates all attacks, he also explains that his spiritual mark allows him to use lightning and fire abilities as well as being able to react to attacks as long as the attack isn't faster than light speed for now. As the massive amount of flames coming out of the circle was burning bara, kazuki tells him that if he ever lays a hand on his friend then he wont hesitate to kill him and then the flames disappear. After the flames disappeared, bara is completely burned and falls down to the ground and then a portal just swallows him up, kazuki then looks at alex who was unconscious, Carried him and takes him to a hospital.