Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 7

While serena and sukuna were fighting Kirihai in which serena was blasting powerful bolts of electricity while using her electricity to boost her speed at her, serena was charging a massive amount of plasma and blasting at Kirihai. Kirihai was just running around and dodging their attacks as fast as possible while having fun. As she was dodging all the attacks serena and sukuna were blasting at her she tells them that she is having fun and that she hasn't had this much fun in a while, sukuna then flies out of nowhere with a massive amount of plasma energy all over her and shoots it at Kirihai with all her strength which caused an explosion that destroyed plenty of buildings. Sukuna then collapses on her knees while breathing heavily and serena asks her if she is okay. Sukuna says that she has used to much power and can't stand up anymore. Serena then tells her that she shouldn't have pushed herself to hard, as the smoke clears, Kirihai tells sukuna that her attack wasn't half bad but she expected more from it. Serena and sukuna get intimidated and Kirihai tells them that she wants to propose a challenge, she says that if they can make her draw out her sword then she will give up and turn herself in. But if they dont,then she'll just beat the crap out of them both. As serena and sukuna hear this, serena tells Kirihai to shut up and charges up a massive amount of electricity, Kirihai then smirks and tells her to go all out and serena then begins to move faster than before. As she appears in front of Kirihai with a massive amount of electricity on her fist ready to hit her, Kirihai brings out a Kunia's from her pocket and uses it to block serena's punch. They then begin to fight at an amazing speed and begins to destroy the entire place as they throw blows at each other. Serena kept throwing electric bullets at Kirihai while Kirihai was just dodging them and using her kunai to slice through the attacks. As serena charges up even more electricity to her fist, kirihai uses a move called "infinite pierce" in which she starts to shot kunai's made out of energy at serena. Serena then begins to dodge them as fast as possible and punches Kirihai to the ground which caused an explosion, as the smoke began to clear away, serena realizes that Kirihai grabbed her punch. Kirihai then complements serena for being so strong. Kirihai kicks serena into countless buildings and before serena could even land, she begins to throw insane punches at her at a speed serena couldn't keep up with. As soon as she was done beating serena up, she tells serena that she has the ability to adjust to her opponents speed no matter how fast they are, she tells serena that she is extremely strong but yet she doesn't have enough battle experience to back that strength up. As she brings out her kunai ready to stab serena, a large amount of crystals shaped like daggers aimed at Kirihai flies for Kirihai, but Kirihai jumps out of the way to dodge them. Kirihai with a smile on her face says that she has a new challenger, Raquel who is behind her then tells her that if she loves herself, she should retreat immediately. Kirihai turns back and tells her that she looks strong and says that she looks like a play thing that wont break. Raquel then use her crystal abilities to harden her fists and tells Kirihai to bring it on. Meanwhile while this was happening, sorata was just standing on a high building with the wind blowing. As he was looking at the view of the city, a fire ball flies out of the sky heading towards him. Sorata takes notice of this and jumps out of the way to dodge it, the fire ball completely burns down a large number of countless buildings. Sorata with a smile ask if that was son. Son comes flying at sorats with an amazing fire power and blasts a crazy amount of flames at sorata. Sorata then uses his destructive energy to counter son's attack which caused the building to explode . Sorata jumps down the building, he starts to smiles as he see's son standing in front of him. Sorata then tells son that it has been a long time since he saw his little brother and asks him how he is doing, son then asks sorata what happened to him and why he's doing this, sorata smirks and asks him what he is talking about. He tells son that he has grown quite alot and son tells him not to play dumb with him, sorata then starts to laugh and asks him if the old man(referring to kojin) was to ashamed to come out and face him and then asks son if that was the reason he sent him. Son then tells him that he decided to come out and face him by himself, sorata then smirks and tells him that its nice to see him but he is on a mission, sorata explains to son that the family reunion can wait and that he really has to be doing something else by now. Son then charges up some flames and tells sorata that no matter what the plan is, he won't let him execute it, he then charges towards sorata with incredible fire power and blasts a crazy amount of flames at him. sorata then use his purple destructive energy to counter his attacks, which made a huge wave of both flames and destructive energy to incinerate everything around them. Sorata then tells son that his attack wasn't bad but he needs to work on the output of flames he produces. Son then appears behind sorata about to punch him with a large amount of fire power but then, sorata uses his purple destructive energy to blast son, which also blasted and burned down seven buildings as well as city blocks. Son was trying to get up from the rubble, but he see's sorata standing in front of him. Sorata with a smirk on his face tells son that he wants to see how strong he has gotten and maybe tell him why his elder brother(referring to himself) turned out like this.