Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 9

In the other side of the city mirio and kinto were fighting each other as mirio was in the sky using his chain manipulation ability to create giant sharp objects and throws it at kinto while kinto was just running and dodging them as fast as he could. As mirio kept using his chains to attack kinto, he uses his chains to form a giant shuriken's and launches it at kinto. Kinto seeing this throws some explosives at mirio's attacks in other to counter it, kinto then realizes that at this rate he is going to be badly injured and as the smoke clears due to the explosion mirio tells kinto that running is just useless in a situation like this, kinto then calls mirio a bastard and asks him what his objectives are. Mirio explains to him that ukina their leader gave him and the rest of his group a very important job, kinto then gets annoyed and says that if the objective is to take alex then it wont happen, mirio then tells him that capturing that demon boy is one of their objectives but they dont need him for now, he tells kinto that the orders were to invade and kill the special ranked forces that were to come their way. Mirio then begins to create spikes out of his chains and starts to shoot them at kinto at rapid fire, kinto then activates his explosive mark and starts blasting explosions to counter all of his attacks. Kinto then runs untop of a building, jumps up in air and fires a massive explosion at him and jumps to a nearby roof top, as the smoke clears mirio is unharmed due to the fact that he used his chains as protection. Mirio then begins to blasts chains at kinto as kinto was just jumping from building to building In order to dodge them, as mirio was chasing him why flying kinto places a bunch of explosives at each and every roof top he was jumping to and then as mirio passes by them all the explosives activates and then they all blow up which caused a massive smoke screen. As the smoke clears mirio is stuck in a barrier which seemed to be made by heat. Mirio who looked calm asks kinto if this is some kind of barrier and kinto tells him that the barrier is called "locked shut" in which is a barrier made out of a dangerous amount of heat, mirio then tries touching it and gets his hand burned, kinto with a smirk on his face then picks up a button from his pocket and presses it and then the inside of the barrier blows up with mirio in it. Kinto then deactivated the barrier says that the fight was abit faster than he expected. As he jumps down the building and walks away a rock hammer flies out of nowhere nearly hitting him but he was able to dodge it and then Baraka comes crashing through buildings nearly hitting kinto. As kinto looks back he yells at Baraka asking him how many times he has told him to keep his strength under control, baraka then gets up and tells kinto that he cant do that at the moment and then garou then punched through a building and punches Baraka a few blocks away. As Baraka gets up, garou tells him that he isn't done with him just yet and then Baraka tells him that he will beat him to a bloody pulp, garou's metal fist then turns into two metal hammers and Baraka uses his earth abilities to harden his fists. As they charge towards each other they begin to trade blows with each other at a massive speed, the fight was so intense that each blow they hit at each other created a forcefull wind that was destroying buildings, as garou was about to hit Baraka on the head Baraka blocks it and begins to punch garou on the face at an insane speed without stopping. As he was about to deliver the final blow, garou catches Baraka's punch, grabs him by the neck and begins to slam him across buildings. As garou was slamming him across buildings, he mocks Baraka asking him what's wrong and why he doesn't seem to be fighting. As garou kept beating Baraka up and slamming him across buildings, Baraka stretches out his hand as his rock hammer flies out of the sky and hits garou on the head making a huge crators on the ground and sent him flying. As Baraka gets up, he jumps towards garou and uses his rock hammer to slam him on the ground which caused a huge quake, he then uses his earth abilities to create a wall and closes garou up. Baraka then sighs in relief and says that he wasn't expecting a fight that intense, he then asks himself when was the last time he fought someone like that, he remembers he fought a guy named takashi, who he fought In a forest three years ago too save alex, baraka just gets a doll expression and asks himself why he had to remember that guy. As Baraka was about to walk away, garou breaks through the wall Baraka made and was about to punch Baraka, but then Baraka quickly creates a stone with his earth abilities and slams it on garou's head. Kinto who was just sitting and watching Baraka while eating some chips tells Baraka that he is surprised how he handled this well. Baraka then turns around with an annoyed looks on his face and tells him that if he was standing there the whole time then he should have helped him abit, kinto then says that the fight was kind of nice so he thought he could just watch and enjoy. Meanwhile as kenji was walking in a dessert which was observing a sand storm, he finds a cave and walks into it. As he enters the cave,he says to himself that this cave must be the one holding one of mellenia stones ukina was talking about.