Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 10

While kenji was in the cave in desert, he find a green energy stone inside a seal, he then says to himself that looking for millennia stones is a real pain, he wishes that it was sorata or shinki that took this part of the mission instead of him. Two days ago In the dark sign organisation hide out, ukina tells everyone that she has a very important mission for them and it was about time they headed for their main objective, she tells them that she needs them to find some special energy stones called millennia stones. Ukina explains that the mellenia stones are stones that the demon clan used to summon divine beasts, she explains to them that there are seven divine beast and each of them had A-rank levels of power, sorata then asks her how she want them to get it. Ukina tells sorata that each divine beast has different powers, The divine beast of fire, The divine beast of sand, The one that can use destructive energy and the other ones that can use wind, ice and water and the divine beast of power, but it hasn't been found for centuries. Kenji then asks her if her objective is for them to go and find each and every millennia stone to summon the beasts, ukina then tells him that he is correct. Bara then says that if they are looking for these so called millennia stones, then there has to be an obstacle. Kirihai then says that the last thing she needs is having to face any boring challenges, mirio then says that he feels to lazy to even do anything at the moment. Shinki then asks ukina who she wants to pick for this mission and ukina chooses kenji to go and look for the millennia stone of the sand beast. Kenji with a childish expression on his face tells her he isn't going and that for something so powerful, then there is probably a totem or a guardian protecting it, ukina then asks all in the favour for kenji to take on the mission should raise their hands and everyone raises their hands. Kenji gets annoyed and yells asking why sorata or shinki cant go, after all they are the top two strongest, sorata and shinki both look at kenji in a vile manner and says that they wont go. The flashback ends, kenji then sighs and says to himself that ukina could have sent ukina instead of him. While kenji was in the cave, he gets an annoyed look on his face and says that he wasn't prepared for this. He then removes the millennia stone from the seal and walks away, but then the cave starts to crumble. Kenji quickly creates a lightning arrow and blasts it at the walls of the cave, he then zooms of by using flames to blast himself toward the exit. As kenji gets out of the cave, he looks back and realizes that the cave was turning into a giant totem. He doesn't seem to be too surprised as he pauses for a moment and yells out of annoyance saying he knew it and asks himself why he has to go through so much for no reason. As the totem was about to attack him, kenji begins to shoot lightning bolts at the giant totem at rapid fire, which were causing huge explosions of lightning. Kenji then realized that the totem was regenerating, the giant totem begins to create huge objects out of rocks and launch them at kenji, kenji creates a sword made out of flames and starts to slice the rocks as they were coming at a fast pace. He then dashes off with an incredible speed, jumps up in the air and uses a technique called "inferno of destruction" in which he combines his lightning and fire abilities together and then blasts it at the totem. The blast was so powerful that it created a massive explosion that left a giant whole on the desert. As the smoke was cleared off, kenji looks at the destruction he caused and out of confusion he looks at his arm and asks himself if he really did this. He then remembers himself as a kid when his dad told him that he was a really strong kid and that he will make it as a great solider one day. Kenji then smiles and says that it was as his dad said, kenji takes a look at the millennia stone he collected and starts wondering if this stone is really all that powerful. As he is walking away, he starts to wonder how the rest of the group are doing. Meanwhile at the city while Raquel and Kirihai were fighting in which s Raquel and Kirihai were just throwing and blocking each of their punches and kicks in the process of completly taking down buildings. Raquel then uses her crystal abilities to start creating spears as she was just shooting giant crystal spears at Kirihai at rapid fire which was causing huge damage to the city around them, Kirihai was just using her kunai's to counter them as she was just blocking and slicing through them. As Kirihai was blocking and cutting through the huge spears made of crystals, Raquel realizes that Kirihai is just adapting to her speed. Raquel then remembers that Kirihai was able to keep up with serena who was using her electricity to increase her speed while being able to block her attacks, she then realizes that no matter how fast her opponent is, Kirihai will always have speed as an advantage. Kirihai then uses one swoop of her kunai to deflect all of Raquel's crystals spears, she then begins to jump around the entire place at a crazy level of speed. As she was moving at a great level of speed, raquel realizes that Kirihai is just trying to confuse her by moving at a great speeds, but what Kirihai didn't realise was that Raquel's crystal eye was activated and it can read movement as fast as sound or somthing moving at hypersonic levels of speed. As Kirihai was jumping around the place moving at an incredible speed, she jumps towards Raquel and is about to stab her with her kunai, but Raquel dodges it and is about to land a hit on her. Kirihai flash steps behind her and proceeds to stab her on the neck, but fortunately for raquel, she crystallized her neck to prevent any damage. Kirihai grins as she and Raquel starts to go blow for blow with both of them throwing punches at crazy levels of speed, Kirihai commends her for her speed and agility, but there is one problem. She uses a move called "Total dispell" in which she taps her finger on Raquel's head, causing her to fall unconscious. Raquel collapses and Kirihai tells her that her problem was that she was not as skilled. As she was about to finish her off with a kunai, two giant snakes pop out from the ground and blast huge beams of energy at Kirihai, this ends up blasting her throught countless buildings. The smoke clears but Kirihai is fine, she looks up and see's veronica standing on a giant snake. Veronica them asks if she's late for the party