Explaining how strong "Alex no demon characters are"

Well first of all before I start I just want to thank you for reading the second volume and how far it has come so far and I hope you the readers enjoy it. Well as we all know in the world of Alex no demon there are alot of rankings on how strong characters are but I haven't explained how some things work. First of I explained that diablo was the reincarnation of a god of power, creation and destruction which makes him extremely powerful and has the tendency of being the strongest character in the series. Diablo's abilities are being categorized by percentage which is 10% of his power being city level, 20 percent being country level, 50 percent being planetary or solar system level while 99% of his power could destroy reality and give him the ability to recreate it. He also can move far faster than the speed of light while using any of these percentages of his strength and can even move faster, but the thing is that he can move at sn infinite level of speed as well. Diablo cant be hurt or be affected by any form of attack as shown in the previous chapters and the last volume, he can also create portals, and create attacks that are strong enough to destroy universes. Now for characters like Kenji he has the ability to only use lightning and fire attacks and can also fuse them to make an even stronger attack, he can also move at light speed but can't continue at that speed for more than five minutes. This is because of kenji doesn't have high energy reserves and moving at that speed takes alot of energy out of his body as only a person with an insane amount of energy can only do so. Alex has an incredible amount of energy aside from his demonic energy. At this point, he cant go anything higher than hypersonic speed. At his base level as a teenager, he can move up to a hundred kilometres per hour, this is not just because he trained on his running speed, but because he can use energy to increase his speed, as a kid he could also run 50 kilometres per hour, meaning his running speed Increased by two times. He can also flash step and has the energy fist technique which can increase the power of his physical strength intensivly. Plus 20 helps him to increase his strength to a hundred men and plus 50 helps him to increase that strength to that of a thousand. . On the other hand his demonic energy gives him an incredible boost In power and speed as it increases 20 to 30 times in speed and strength as he enters different stages of it, his demonic power has up to nine stages. The one with black energy flowing on his body, the other one were his eyes change and his teeth and nails become sharper, the stage one were he gets wings with black marks on his body, stage two in which his body changes red, stage three were his red body changes black, stage four when he turns into a full demon, stage 5 were he gets an armour around his body while looking like a complete demon and the stage 6 is were his full demon body turns into thick red flames. The seventh form is were he retains his human form but with his body turned into red energy The eight form is one which no demon except one has achieved but I'll explain that later. Kazuki on the other hand possesses a spiritual mark that evolves depending on how he trains. It also changes form due to the life or death situation he is in and the more the mark keeps evolving, the stronger he becomes and the more abilities he can use. He can basically move at lightning speed as well as use lightning attacks and purple flames as well. His running speed is also of the same as alex while at base, and when using his spirit mark, he can move at lightning levels of speed as welI as light. I wont be explaining how strong Alex and kazuki are in these states, I have explained both characters will be very strong at the end.

I hope I managed to get some things through to you all and I hope you enjoy my book.