Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 28

In a giant landscape filled with alot of volcano's, bara was inside one of the volcano's along side with garou as they were walking on the walls and giant rocks in order to avoid falling into the lava. Bara tells garou that the millennia stone of the divine beast of fire is around this specific volcano, garou then says that he wishes that ukina didn't send them on such a crazy mission. Bara tells garou to stop complaining and that he has almost found the stone they are looking for. Bara points to a stone shining with a red light that was sealed in between two pillars and tells garou that he just found the millennia stone. Garou then looks at the massive pull of lava that is separating them from the stone. He then looks at bara and asks him if he is kidding around. Bara then tells garou to be careful and that there my be guardians protecting it, garou then gets annoyed and tells bara to figure out a way to get the stone, bara reminds garou that he can easily fly there. As they were contemplating on who to get it, the volcano begins to shake as ten giant snakes made out of flames pop out of the lava, garou who was completely shocked asks bara what the hell are those things. Bara tells him that he has no clue but he is guessing that the giant snakes are the guardians of the millennia stone. Bara's robotic arm then transforms into a blaster as bara tells garou to get ready, the snake then starts to charges towards them. A few hours later as bara and garou were walking in the land of volcano's after fighting those snakes in the volcanoe, garou says that he hasn't had a battle as hard as that in his entire life. Bara then makes fun of him by telling him that if it weren't for him then he would have been toasted, garou then tells him to shut the help up and that he would have been perfectly fine without him. Bara then looks at the energy stone with a devious smile on his face and says that he is going to incade the city. Garou looks at him in confusion and asks bara if he wants to get his ass beat or he just wants a death wish, bara then brings out the red millennia stone that holds the divine beast of flames and tells garou that he is going to absorb some power out of the stone they just captured and then he'll use it to upgrade his power. Garou then sighs and tells bara that he is coming along with him as well, bara looks at him in confusion and garou tells him that he wants to fight that Baraka kid again. He then proceeds to say that he had the time of his life while fighting him and he wants to feel that rush of excitement again. Bara then laughs at garou and tells him that he is crazy, he then looks up in the sky and tells him that if they both died, at least ot would be worth it. Meanwhile in the waste lands as luck was having a sparing match with the rest of the girls, runo was summoning all sorts of guns and massive railguns that were destroying the entire field, the blasts from her guns and raikgun was powerful enough to be causing explosions around the field. Runo then appears above her as she was about to deliver a devastating kick to runo, runo summons a missile launcher and starts firing missiles at her. As runo was firing missiles at her, luck tells her that she impressed by her ability to summon weapons and that she can believe ordinary guns can cause so much damage. Runo while firing countless missiles at rapid fire then explains that depending on her energy level, she can make ordinary weapons like guns have enough impact to blow up buildings and city blocks. Runo summons two pistols and starts shooting bullets with crazy destructive power that were blowing up the area. Once she see's luck charging towards her and dodging her bullets, runo picks up a dagger from her pocket as she and luck begin to fight with there daggers as luck and runo were clashing with their daggers. As serena and sukuna were watching this fight, serena says that she is amazed how luck is casually just keeping up with runo, sukuna then says that from the looks of it , runo is almost a skilled as luck since she is able to keep up with her at an amazing pace. Sukuna then tells serena that she cant just help to wonder how powerful of an ability to summon weapons are. Alex, kinto and tobi are standing before kojin as he explains to them that he has a very important mission for them. Kojin explains to tobi and Alex that there has been a report of the dark sign members collecting millennia stones and two of their members have been spotted in the forest outside the city. Alex then says that he and tobi will take care of the situation, kinto then asks kojin what he has to do, kojin tells him that he is appointing him to go to the city of steel in the iron country. He explains to kinto that one of the top assassin there have been brutally injured and that the lord of the iron country, lord Yamamoto asked for help from the city to provide a skilled assassin of high level of skill and intelligence. Kinto then asks what that has to do with him, kojin then tells him that out of all the assassins the city has, he is the most skilled and has the highest IQ. Alex then tells kinto that he is lucky with an easy mission while he has to take a hard one, kojin then tells alex that levi will be the team leader excorting them out of the city. Alex then asks why diablo cant follow them and kojin tells alex that he has a special mission for diablo. Alex then sighs and asks kojin why he is a bunch of work. Later on as diablo was lying by the river looking at the sky, alex calls out his name. Diablo then asks him how he is doing and alex tells him he just wanted to see him before he goes for the mission. Diablo then laughs abit and tells him that he is grateful for that and he should make sure he shouldn't work himself to hard during the mission, alex then smiles at him telling him that he won't and diablo gives him a thumbs up with a smile.