Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 46

As bara was about to blast deo with the same lazer beam he used to wipe out the city, a blue beam of light flies straight from the sky as it tears off bara's hand wiped out a massive landscape. As bara was wondering in confusion on what just happened, another beam of light flies out from the sky as it was headed for bara. Bara catches this beam, struggling to hold it. Eventually, he managed to throw the attack away, but alex flies in at top speed and fires a blade of death at bara. Bara comes out of the smoke and yells in excitement "Youre here! You're finally here!". As alex takes a look at how messed up the city is, he says "Hey deo, you fought hard. Go, let me handle this guy.", as bara charges towards Alex with a crazy amount of energy on his fist, alex catches his punch as he says "Don't worry, it will only be two of us fighting" as he creates a blade of death and proceeds to slap bara with it as bara flies across the battle field. As bara gets up, Alex snaps his finger as multiple giant blade of deaths starts to appear all over the battlefield. Bara then says "I don't know what you've been up to, but you are quite stronger now. Show me what you can do!". Alex then responds saying "I guess all you can do is talk, well talk while you still can because I'm about to cook you so bad breathing will be the least of your worries". Meanwhile Raquel after feeling alex presence then says to herself "Alex you really are here?" and smiles. While serena and sukuna were helping some injured people, serena says to herself "If that was your presence just now alex, you better not die". As alex and bara were fighting in which they both were flying in air and causing crazy explosions, bara was shooting beams at rapid fire, while alex was creating giant multiple blade of deaths and launching them at full power. Bara was flying and dodging alex's attacks with the explosion caused by their two attacks clashing. He says says "These boy's attacks are spawning out of nowhere, they are just to fast to the point I cant keep up with it for long. Not to mention the fact that his energy level has taken a large increase" bara then gets carried away as one of Alex's giant blade of death comes from above as it blast bara to the ground which caused an even bigger explosion. As bara swiftly gets up, he says "Is that all you got kid? You might have powered up, but don't think for a second you can win! I'll kill you!" Alex replies "Nahh I haven't even started yet. And you're one to talk, i know for a fact that that power of yours is from a different source ". Alex began to create multiple giant blade of deaths and sends them flying at bara. Bara jumps into the air as he continues to dodging the attacks. He notices that alex is just watching from the ground as he was folding his hands, this makes bara so annoyed that he released a powerful amount of energy that deflected all of alex's multiple blade of deaths. Bara then rushes down to the ground as he tries to punch Alex, but alex blocks his punch with the impact being able to destroy the ground and cause an earthquake. Alex and bara were going blow for blow while they were moving at an insane level of speed. As bara gets close enough to alex while they were fighting at close combat, bara turns his hand to canon and shoots a beam at alex at close range. This attack was close enough to Alex's face almost hitting him, he moves his head out of the way as the attack flies out of the city and blows up a large number of mountains outside the city. Bara was in complete shock as he says "I made sure to have charged up a huge amount of energy to have prepared that attack, that laser beam was literally a light speed attack and I made sure I was close enough to his face to make a direct hit! So how.... how could he have dodged it?!". Alex then says "Ya know what? since we are spawning out our strongest attacks, let me show you mine", alex then creates an ultimate blade of death as he blasts it at bara. The ultimate blade of death was so strong that it not only hit bara but it flew out of the city and wiped out the forests outside the city. Alex then says "I wasn't expecting that to be that powerful,but at my current state, I'm guessing every attack I throw is insane". After the smoke cleare, bara is in air with half of his body roasted as he begins to laugh and says "You really are strong. But you see, I've been testing you this whole time", bara then charges up an insane amount of red energy as he says "Alright let's go, I'm all ready now show me what you've got before I kill you". Alex looking at bara at his current state then says to himself "This bara guy is insane, he was holding back this much power? but oh well I can always keep up. But my amplified energy mode cant last for too long, I have to make this fight quick". Alex then begins to create giant flash fists as he says "Ohh well, I can handle this" bara then responded saying "You're acting cocky you demon kid. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but a corpse". Mori was using his third eye to see the fight between Alex and bara, Raquel asks him if Alex will be alright, mori says "He is hanging in there, but he wont last for long. Amplified energy form? Who the hell though him how to use a power like that?". At the city of steel while kinto and rin were in Yamamoto's office, Yamamoto says "You've been of good help kinto,I'm glad the city and the country of iron are in cooperation. We really needed someone like you", kinto then says "Yeah taking out 50 C-rank assassins per day wasn't nothing to sneeze at. Kojin better pay me good". Rin then giggles and tells him that he should stop being lazy, Yamamoto then says "I'm afraid I have bad news,and its from the city." Kinto is flabbergasted and asks "What are you talking about?" Yamamoto then says "The city just got destroyed". Kinto quickly rushes out of Yamamoto's office, Yamamoto tells rin "Go with him as a back up, the country of iron is now allied with the city. Go and serve as a back up for kinto while I'll order some of the iron counties soliders to go to the city as help" rin then rushes out of the office as she was running along side with kinto.