Alex no demon volume 2 chapter 47

Bara and alex were moving at incredible levels of speed were bara was blasting all sorts of beams, and alex was creating large blade of death and was cutting bara's energy beams. As this fight was going on, they were able to make giant explosions due to the clash of their attacks. While alex was dodging and cuttung through the beams shot at him, he realizes that he doesn't have much time to maintain his energy bursts form and say he has to end the fight quickly. He starts to shoot a massive amount of flash fist at bara. Bara was dodging them while using energy beams to counter them. Bara notices that alex energy output is running low, he smirks and says to himself "You cant maintain that power for long? I knew it! Now its tine for you to die!". Bara releases a large beam from his chest, so powerful that it caused another devastating explosions. One that shoock the entire city again. Alex was finding it hard to hold up this attack and was quickly overwhelmed by it. The smoke clears and bara see's alex on the floor his base form with his armour crumbling. Bara walks up to him with a smirk and says to alex "Man that was a good fight! But it doesn't mattar, i told you not to get cocky!" Alex struggles to get up and says "You really think youve won?! Youre such a damn fool!" Bara smirks, powers an energy beam and tells alex to die. As he blast his laser beam at alex, Raquel swoops in with her a sword made out of crystals and then backfires the attack back at bara, which wiped his arm off. Alex seeing Raquel in front of him as he asks her "What are you doing here?! Get out, its not safe for you!" Raquel responds to him saying"I've been watching you risk your life by fighting this guy. Honestly, do you thinks you can do everything on your own? The rest are out there helping people, so im going to help you." Raquel then activates her crystals eye on her forehead and says "I'm not letting you get hurt " as she charges towards bara. Bara then sighs as he regenerates his robotic arm and begins to blast beams at her, but Raquel was able to dodge them continued. Bara is abit amazed and says to himself "She is dodging my attacks? its probably because I'm kinda out of power right now. Most of my attacks were at max light speeds. But since ive used all my power on that boy, the speed should be far weaker." Bara kept his distance and continued to shoot beams at Raquel at rapid fire Raquel crystallized her hand as hand as she began to punch them away. Alex was abit surprised seeing Raquel in action but bara on the other hand notices the eye on her fore head and then says "She possesses some kind of visual prowess that allows her to dodge attacks easily, but from the looks of ot it, it seems that she can only dodge attacks as long as they are at wind speed of even ultra sonic. But nothing close to light. Maybe if it keeps evolving, then its a different case. By the time im done with her, I'll take it". Bara then prepares a large amount of laser beams as he kept on shooting them at her. Raquel was dodging them continuously as she was having an inner dialogue with herself saying "I wont let your hard work go to waste alex, I'm going to help you" and closes the gap between bara and herself. She tries to punch him but then he releases a blast wave making her fly a couple of feet away. Raquel get up as she crystallized her hands into a sharp sword and charges towards bara as she began to create giant slabs of crystals to attack bara. As bara see's her attack coming, he prepares a lazer beam as he blasts it at the crystal attacks, but his attack didn't seem to do damage. He then jumps out of Raquel's attack range as Raquel then appears above him and punches him to the ground, creating a small crator. As the smoke clears, alex thought to himself that Raquel must have been able to beat him, but he see's bara grabbing Raquel by the neck while she was unconscious. Bara smirks and says "Wow, the city is filled with alot of young but strong soliders. Be proud girl, you really caught my eye" bara then charges up a lazer beam, throws Raquel up in the air and fires his attack at her which caused an explosion in the sky. As alex saw this, his eyes was in complete shock as he yells Raquel's name while she falls to the ground. Alex had a terrified look on his eyes and was mumbling to himself saying "You've got to be Kidding! hey Raquel get up, please! Hey, answer me!" As Raquel struggles to get up, she whispers to alex saying "Dont worry, I won't let anything happen to you". She starts to use her crystals to regenerate her injuries, but bara just blasts another beam as it completely obliterates her. The smoke clears and alex see's Raquel laying unconscious with a part of her body burned. Bara then laughs as he says "Isnt that a shame? Hey kid, do you want to know the reason why you are in this position? its because you are weak! After i kill you, i kill everyone else in this city as well.". As soon as alex heard this while paranoid, his eyes become completely white as his mind turned blank and empty as bara's words kept on sinking into his head. As alex was In a complete void of darkness in his mind, he hears a woman's voice saying "Do your best, okay.?" and then a huge amounts of demonic energy bursts out of his body while Alex gets up screaming in anger. The demonic power flowing over his body was so powerful that it created a forceful shock wave that began to shake the entire place as people were able to feel it. The entire landscape began to shack as alex demonic power was just too powerful. The shock wave was so powerful that serena felt it as a look of fear enters her eyes along side with mori who began to have a look it terror. He asks himself "Why have I felt this power before? Yeah I know it, its the same power alex used against me back then when we fought, only that it's more intense. No, it has more hatred! Wait a minute, were's Raquel!". As alex was releasing a huge amount of energy while screaming in anger, his eyes begin to starts glowing in red, his teeth become sharper as he turns into a full demon with a dark and powerful aura blowing around the place. As bara was seeing the amount of energy alex was releasing, he yells out in excitement saying"Yes! Yes! So this is the true terror of the demonic power you have inside you! But this is far to wea-"t before he noticed, alex in his demonic state approaches him with an incredible speed as he punches bara so hard that he flew. As bara lands on the floor and tries go get up with blood gushing from his mouth, he sees a huge amount of fire balls coming his way. Bara is in shock as the fire balls end up hitting him and causing powerful explosions that was shaking the city. Alex then roars out as the aura around him becomes even more powerful and then an armour begins to take form on his body, with two giant demon wings and horns growing from his head. As bara was calculating the amount power alex had in this demonic state, he begins to laugh as he says "This boy has awakened the fifth stage of his demonic transformation, demonic form stage five". As soon as the powerful aura disappears, alex in his demonic form starts to release steam from his mouth while bara says "Alright now, im sensing alot of hate and anger from you, come at me with all you have and let's see who remains the victor and the loser". As Raquel began to regain consciousness with her terrible injuries, she tries reaching her hand out to Alex and whispers his name. She goes unconscious as she gently whispers his name. Meanwhile sukuna, son and Baraka sense a very dangerous presence with a terrified look on their faces as sukuna asks what kind of power they are feeling, mori then responds saying "This powerful presence, its coming from Alex".