One Night Camping+ B.Day Part 2.

The atmosphere becomes heavy as the boys stare at each other. 


Before Tommy can answer, Mark interrupts and pulls him by the arm, he says something in his ear, Tommy then shuts up, and makes a face like he doesn't like it, but accepts what Mark says and they leave and go to the tables where the food and drinks are. 


Luan asks if everything is all right with Theo: 


"Hey, are you all right? Is Tommy chasing you again?" 


Theo replies: 


"I'm fine, he's not chasing me anymore, but I'd really be cooler when I can finally smash his face in! I'm such an idiot to have been made a fool of by him! " 


Luan puts his hand on Theo's shoulder and says: 


"Forget about it, don't blame yourself, it's over now, and I don't want you to get your hands dirty with it, if one day I need to I'll fix it myself." 


Andrew arrives and joins the conversation: 


"Hey Luan, I need to talk to you about something serious... " 


Luan then shakes his hand. 


"Hey Andrew, how's my boy? " 


Andrew immediately shoots back: 


"I'm fine, but you know lately I've been noticing a student from our school who I've seen injured lately, I got to talking to him, but the student said he'd just fallen, and he's been dodging me all day, so yesterday, as I know where he lives I decided to follow him and I saw this boy with boys from another school, and one of them caught my eye because he seemed to be one of those guys from the fight in the square. I took a photo, look." 


Then Luan and Theo look at the photo, at which point Derick arrives and also looks at the photo. 


Luan confirms and says: 


"Yes, it looks like those guys, but I can't remember all the faces." 


Derick adds: 


"Yes, it looks like them, I've already tracked some of them down, and they're part of a gang, I've been following them for a few days." 



Kenji looks at Andrew and the two then decides to appeal by saying: 


"So, Kenji and I got some information, but I can only tell you if you put me, Kenji and Theo on it." 


Luan and Derick look at each other's faces, as if they were talking to each other telepathically. 


("What do we do now, Derick?" 


"I don't know, knowing them the information is true and important! " 


"Yes, but we can't get them involved in another fight!" 


"Hm, yes, but we need the information.") 



The boys stare at Derick and Luan, making faces at each other, and say: 


"They must be communicating telepathically, as usual." 


Luan sighs, and then Derick says: 


"Ok, you can take part, but you have to tell us what you've discovered." 


Andrew then explains that he heard them arranging a meeting for the 15th of this month, at 3pm, in the old shed near River and Kenji then confirms that he also saw these people arranging a meeting in the old shed and that Tommy was with them. He couldn't hear the date, but it's probably the same as Andrew said. 


Derick then gets pensive and says: 


"Ok, the 15th is already next week, we need to find out what Tommy is up to this time." 


Kenji comes up with the idea of getting Tommy's cell phone and tracking him down, but it wouldn't work at the camp, so they agree to get the cell phone on Monday at school and install a spy on his cell phone, which would be easier for Andrew and Derick, who are in the same class as Tommy. 


Luan is still reluctant to involve the boys in this, he keeps his hand to his face in concern. 


Then they all go back to singing by the fire. Kenji then calls them from afar to join in the campfire and eat roasted marshmallows. 


"Hey, let's roast marshmallows and we've got Luan's birthday cake to eat yet! " 


Derick nods and says: 


"Come on Luan, let's eat the birthday cake your mother brought, don't think any more." 


Luan is feeling a bit sleepy, so he yawns and says: 


"I'll be back in a little while, let the sleep pass." 


Luan continues to sit and notices that it's a bit chilly, so he gets up to go and warm himself by the fire. He puts his hand in the pocket of his shirt and notices that there's something in the pocket: 


"What's that? A clip?" 


"OMG, have I become a kleptomaniac? How did that get in my pocket? " 


He tries to remember, and he remembers that he did indeed see this item in the cave, but he can't remember how it ended up in his pocket, so he decides to put it away and try to remember about it. 


  " Well, I'll save it for now, it sounds familiar somehow." 


He walks over to the fire and sits down with the others while he listens to Derick and Kenji playing guitar and singing. The adults bring Luan's birthday cake, they sing Happy Birthday and continue singing until late, but they are told to put out the fire and go to bed because they have to get up early for the Treasure Hunt. 

