A good or bad day for camping? Part 1

----Cover Art Chapter 13---

Everyone goes to their tents, as they will have to get up early to take part in the treasure hunt. It's dawn and the students are woken up, many are sleepy, they have a short, light breakfast, as they're going for an early walk. Mary asks everyone to take their backpacks and says: 


-Good morning everyone, don't forget to take your water bottle in your backpack, because we need to hydrate ourselves and take your bars that our Nutritionist Jully has separated for each of you! And then get close to the groups that have already been formed, pay close attention to where you're going, avoid making jokes so as not to hurt or disturb your classmate! 




Mary stares at Tommy, who is in her group, along with Mark, Katty and Emily, disturbing the others, and she gets upset right away: 


-"Tommy, are you listening to me? If you continue to crowd the others, I won't allow you to come camping again. In fact, you only came because Mark said you'd behave, if you don't behave, not even Mark will come next time, let alone coordinate a group! 


Tommy, reminding Mary, laughs: 


-You can't do this, you can't do that, blah blah blah.... 


Mark looks seriously at Tommy, then Tommy apologizes and shuts up. 


-Okay, okay, I'll be quiet! 


The 3 groups get a map and everyone has to decipher the right places with the clues that lead to the treasure. The teachers have stayed at their bases where the clues will be. Kenji also knows the campsite a little, as he often comes with his father and the students from the Kendo Academy. In his group are Bianca, Charlie, San, Olivia and Ren. Only Ren and San know the location, the others don't go camping very often. 




Luan has been awake for a long time, he's had a nightmare again, he's already with his group with Andrew, Lena, Theo and Derick, Luan is staring at a page in his notebook, something is written down, then Mary walks up to him and scares him. 


-What are you doing drawing a map of the place, Luan? 


Luan snaps back from his thoughts and quickly closes his notebook, this isn't exactly what Luan had drawn, but he agrees. 


-Oh, yes it's a map so I don't get so lost, but it's a good thing our group has Derick, he knows the place well! 


-Hm, I see, well next time we could arrange to go to the beach sometime, what do you think? 


Everyone likes the idea, so Luke tells the students that it's time to start the Treasure Hunt, hands the compasses to the group leaders and says: 


-Good guys, Mary has already given everyone the instructions, so just make sure you've got all the necessary items, and let's not go on any longer, otherwise it's going to get very late, it's now 8:00 am and everyone must get to X on the Map, you have until 1:00 pm, the route here isn't that long, and always stay on the trails marked as safe, and on no account leave the Safe trails! The cell phone signal here is stable, but keep your cell phones in your backpacks, and avoid getting distracted by them, well that's it, we'll see you soon! I'll be at this point on the map right in the middle, so if you're lost or need help I'll be there. So good fun, everyone! 


Tommy and San are whispering about something: 


-I think we should give them a fright San, what do you think? 


-I don't know Tommy, everyone's been watching us lately, I don't know if it's a good idea, after that day when my dad had to release the guys from the fight with Luan at the police station, my dad's been watching me 24 hours. 


-Ah, but it won't be a big deal, don't worry! Just pretend you've lost something and meet me in the cave! 


San doesn't totally agree with this, so he goes to his group, the three groups then prepare for the start, everything apparently starts well, everyone follows the points on the map and the signs. 


Bianca, who is in Kenji's group, ends up tripping over a branch in the tree, San notices that she has hurt herself, and offers to hold Bianca's backpack, Bianca is a little reluctant, as she knows that all the group's cell phones are in the backpack and so are all the emergency items. 


-I'll help you, Bianca, I'll carry your backpack for you! 


-Oww, I didn't see the branch, no need, I'll carry it myself. 




Kenji and Ren walk alongside each other, and begin to notice something strange: the signs on the trail don't match what's on the map, they were supposed to have arrived at the Cave, they begin to find it suspicious and decide to stop for a moment, and when they go to talk to Bianca, he notices that San isn't there and asks: 


-Where's San? 


Bianca looks back, thinking he was behind her, and says: -Hey, he was after me a few moments ago... 


Kenji finds San's disappearance suspicious and asks Bianca to give him her backpack: 


-Give me your backpack Bianca, I need to check something. 


-It's not with me, it's with San! 


Charlie is surprised and says: 


-Damn it, I knew it would be a problem having him in the group, it was obvious he was going to do something like that! 

