Getting to know your host- Part 1

Cover Art Chapetr 19 in comments--->>


At first Luan is a little dazed and still feels a little sensitive to hearing, he gets up and they both return to their classes. Derick is worried, but tries to calm Luan down. 


"Are you all right? As soon as the end of school bell rings, meet me at the school gate and we'll have lunch at Grandpa Han's. We need answers. 


Luan nods and they return to their classes. As soon as their lessons are over, they meet at the school gate and go straight to Grandpa Han's house. When they get there, they have lunch and go straight to Grandpa Han's office: 


"Grandpa, we need answers about Luan's host." 


Luan looks at Derick, not very surprised, and sighs. Grandpa Han tucks his moustache thoughtfully and says: 


"Yes, he's finally awakened again, and we're still searching for the right ritual in order to capture him once and for all." 


Grandpa Han then begins to explain: 


"Well, many years ago, when Luke and Justin and Ana were training to be hunters, that's when the demon awoke in Luke's body, until then we didn't know that the "bone breaker demon" had possessed him, it probably happened when Luke was little, this type of demon is an ancient demon, it first hibernates in the body of its host, until the day of its awakening arrives, thus being able to partially control the host's mind, according to its will, there are no records about its true name, There is no record of its true name, which is why they called it the "Bone Breaker Demon" or how long it has been on Earth. There is a certain conjuring ritual for each type of demon, but what makes it difficult is the few records we have about it. The last ritual we performed on Luke to capture the demon, in which Luan's maternal grandparents were also present helping, ended up resulting in an accident with his parents and resulting in the demon's escape. On that same day, the demon found out about Luan, who was 5 years old, and ended up possessing him and thus hibernating. " 


Luan is listening, but still doesn't seem surprised about what Grandpa Han said, Derick sighs impatiently and says: 




"Luan doesn't seem surprised at all, so you already knew, right?" 


"Yes Derick, I discovered it when I was 10 years old, I was with my maternal grandparents in the car and we were going somewhere, that's when the accident happened, and my grandparents died, I ended up surviving somehow, days later I found out that it was to perform a ritual regarding the host that had possessed me, but I don't remember exactly how it all happened on the day of the accident, so from then on I started looking for all kinds of information about it, and I started practicing magic with the books that my grandparents had hidden." 




Grandpa Han adds: 


"Hm, that might help explain why they took you and your mother away from Rivercity that day." 




Luan looks thoughtful and asks: 


"So we left after the ritual?" 




Grandpa scratches his moustache and says: 


"Yes, your mother was very hurt that day, your grandparents refused to take you to our hospital, they were very nervous that day, hours later, we heard that you had left Rivercity." 




Luan begins to piece together the facts, according to his grandfather's accounts, but still doesn't come to any definitive conclusions. 




Grandpa Han then mentions: 


"I only found out about your host after you returned to Rivercity, when you had a sudden illness and spent days in hospital." 




Derick looks uncomfortable remembering that day, and adds: 


"Actually, it happened twice Luan, the first time when you arrived in Rivercity and six months ago." 


Grandpa Han adds: 


"Yes, your host wanted to awaken, your Mother Anne used a lot of her magic to help me, but we only managed to delay its awakenings for a few more months, you'll have to be careful from now on, because it could become a real time bomb, if the demon decides to use its magic, you need to find a way to control it as much as you can." 




Luan nods and says: "I'm aware of that, I need to find a way to control him, and not let myself be controlled, but I've already thought of a way!" 


Derick is surprised: 


"And how are you going to do that, Luan?" 




Luan smiles and says: 


"I'm going to sign a contract with my host!" 




Derick looks annoyed and says: 


"Contract? You're joking about a serious matter Luan!" 




"No, I'm not Derick, my body, my rules! Hunf" 




Derick rolls his eyes in annoyance, while Grandpa Han finds the idea somewhat plausible. 


"It's not a bad idea, Luan, but you need to tailor something so that he's definitely interested in accepting this contract." 




Luan smiles and says: 


"I already have something in mind, he'll definitely accept." 


"I just need to find a way for him to show up again, and then I can definitely control him." 


"Come on Derick, I need to write up a contract!" 



Derick thinks it's crazy, but supports it, because any attempt will be valid at the moment. 

