Home Sweet Home

As they approached Li Zhen's modest home, Zhang Wei felt a sense of familiarity and comfort. The small house, with its worn wooden door and the soft glow of candlelight from within, stood as a beacon of warmth and safety in the cold night.

Li Zhen pushed open the door and guided Zhang Wei inside. The interior was simple yet welcoming, with a hearth in the corner and a small table set for a meal. Li Lanxin looked up from her chores, her eyes widening in shock as she recognized Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei?" she whispered, her voice trembling. "Is it really you?"

"Yes, Auntie. It's me," Zhang Wei nodded, his eyes filling with tears.

"Oh, my boy, we've missed you so much. We thought we'd lost you forever," Li Lanxin rushed forward, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"I'm back now, Auntie. There's so much to explain," Zhang Wei held her close, the warmth of her embrace soothing his troubled heart.

As they sat down together, Zhang Wei began to recount his story, the firelight casting long shadows on the walls. The night was long, but for the first time in a while, Zhang Wei felt a sense of hope. Surrounded by his family, he knew that together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

He began with the betrayal that had set everything in motion.

"I was sent on a mission, one that was supposed to be routine. But it was a trap. I was betrayed by someone I thought I could trust. They wanted me out of the way."

Li Zhen's face grew darker with each word, while Li Lanxin listened, wide-eyed.

"I lost my best friend, Hong Yi, during that mission. He died saving me. I was left for dead, but I survived," Zhang Wei continued, his voice heavy with emotion. "For a long time, I wandered, lost and without purpose. But slowly, I found new friends and new hope. I rebuilt myself from the ground up."

"You've been through so much, Zhang Wei," Li Lanxin placed a comforting hand on his arm, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"And now, I've learned something even more unbelievable. I'm the lost son of the previous emperor, Emperor Liang Wei," Zhang Wei nodded, taking a deep breath before sharing the most shocking revelation.

"What? How can that be?" Li Lanxin gasped, her hand flying to her mouth.

Zhang Wei looked at his uncle, who had gone pale, his expression wretched as if he knew more than he had ever let on.

"Uncle, did you know?"

"I suspected, but I never had the proof. Your mother, Li Mei, was a remarkable woman. She deserved so much more than what fate gave her," Li Zhen's eyes filled with pain.

"Lady Xin Yan told me the truth. My mother was killed by assassins sent by Empress Xia. It was all part of her plan to maintain power. She blackmailed my father, Emperor Liang Wei, which led to his downfall and the rise of Emperor Ming Jian," Zhang Wei's heart ached at the thought of his mother.

The warmth of the fire flickered, casting dancing shadows across the walls. Zhang Wei looked at his uncle, a mixture of emotions swirling in his heart.

"Uncle, you told me my mother died giving birth to me. But Lady Xin Yan said something different. Can you tell me the truth?"

"Zhang Wei, I... I lied to you. I didn't want you to carry the burden of the truth. Your mother, Li Mei, didn't die giving birth. She was injured in an assassination attempt. The poison they used weakened her body, making childbirth incredibly difficult," Li Zhen's face contorted with pain, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Assassination attempt? Poison?" Zhang Wei's eyes widened in shock.

"Yes. After you were born, she was slowly recovering. But I was stubborn. I left to seek the truth, to find out who was behind the attack. My departure caused her great distress. She worried about me, about what might happen. Her condition worsened, and eventually, she succumbed to her illness," Li Zhen nodded, tears streaming down his face.

"So, it was because of you... because of your quest for the truth that she fell ill again and died," the revelation hit Zhang Wei like a physical blow.

"I was a fool, Zhang Wei. I thought I could make things right, but I only made them worse. When I returned and found her gone, I couldn't bear the pain. I ran away, abandoning you. It was Lanxin who saved me from my despair, who brought me back to life. But now, I owe you the truth. No more secrets," Li Zhen's shoulders shook with silent sobs.

"Lady Xin Yan said my mother had connections to the empire. She was involved with Emperor Liang Wei. And now, I am told I am his son, the lost heir to the throne," Zhang Wei's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of his past with the new revelations.

"It's true, Zhang Wei. Your mother was involved with the emperor. If what Lady Xin Yan says is correct, then you are indeed the lost son, the rightful heir. It explains why they wanted her dead, why they wanted to erase any trace of you," Li Zhen wiped his tears, his expression one of deep regret and determination.

The room fell into a heavy silence, each of them lost in their thoughts. Zhang Wei felt a mix of anger and sorrow, but also a renewed sense of purpose. He knew he had to take action, to right the wrongs of the past and secure a better future. Yet, the weight of his new reality pressed down on him.

Zhang Wei stood up and walked to the windowsill, staring out at the moon. His mind, which he had managed to unravel over the years, was now tangled once more. Why now? Why, when the end seemed near and his purpose seemed clear, did everything have to become so complicated again?

Li Zhen and Li Lanxin embraced each other, their eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and worry as they looked at their dear nephew. Li Zhen, with a whisper, asked his wife to prepare a place for Zhang Wei to sleep the night. Despite the turmoil and disputes, rest was important.

Li Lanxin nodded and quietly left the room, her steps soft as she moved to prepare a sleeping space for Zhang Wei. The tension in the room was palpable, but Li Zhen knew that forcing more conversation now would only add to the strain.

Zhang Wei continued to stare out the window, his thoughts a chaotic whirlpool of the past and present. The revelations about his mother, the truth of his parentage, the implications for his future—all of it weighed heavily on him. The moonlight cast a serene glow, but it did little to calm his troubled mind.

After a few moments, Li Lanxin returned and approached Zhang Wei slowly.

"You should rest," she said in a low, gentle voice. "It's already past midnight, and you need your strength for whatever lies ahead."

Zhang Wei turned to her, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. He nodded silently, acknowledging her words, and allowed himself to be led to the small bed that had been prepared for him. As he lay down, the weight of the night's revelations still pressing heavily on his chest, he knew that sleep would not come easily. But for now, he had to try.

Li Lanxin joined her husband in the main bedroom, their faces etched with concern. They knew the road ahead would be difficult for Zhang Wei, but they were determined to support him in any way they could. The night was long, and the future uncertain, but together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Zhang Wei lay in the darkness, staring up at the ceiling. His mind raced with thoughts of his mother, his father, and the empire he was now destined to reclaim. He knew the journey would be perilous, filled with obstacles and dangers. But with his family by his side, he felt a glimmer of hope. And with that small comfort, he finally allowed himself to close his eyes, hoping that the dawn would bring clarity and strength.

As the hours slipped by, Zhang Wei found himself drifting in and out of restless sleep. His dreams were filled with never-seen fragmented images of his past, his mother's gentle smile, and the oppressive weight of his newly discovered heritage. Each time he awoke, the room's stillness was a stark contrast to the turmoil in his heart.

He could hear the faint sounds of night creatures outside and the soft murmurs of his aunt and uncle, likely whispering about the revelations of the evening. Their concern was palpable, and it provided a small measure of comfort amid his confusion.

Just before dawn, Zhang Wei rose from the bed and walked back to the window. The first light of day was beginning to creep over the horizon, casting a pale glow over the village of Heishan. He took a deep breath, feeling the cool air on his face. The enormity of his situation was overwhelming, but in the quiet moments before the village awoke, he found a semblance of peace. His resolve hardened; he would confront the past and forge a path forward.

With his family's support and the memories of his mother guiding him, Zhang Wei was determined to reclaim his rightful place and bring justice to those who had wronged his family. He whispered a silent promise to his mother and father, vowing to honour their legacy and restore balance to the empire.