The Call of Resolve

Li Zhen awoke to the first light of dawn filtering through the window. He turned to his still-sleeping wife, Li Lanxin, and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead before slipping out of bed. He moved quietly, not wanting to disturb her, and left the bedroom to check on Zhang Wei.

To his surprise, Zhang Wei's sleeping place was neatly tidied up, the bedding folded with precision. Concern furrowed his brow as he walked briskly through the house, peering into each room. There was no sign of his nephew. Anxiety gnawed at him—had Zhang Wei left without a word?

Quickening his pace, Li Zhen stepped outside, and a wave of relief washed over him. There, in the garden, sat Zhang Wei under the medium-sized tree Li Zhen had planted years ago. The tree was a symbol of hope and new beginnings, its roots growing deeper each year. It had been planted shortly after Zhang Wei left for the palace, a silent testament to Li Zhen's hopes for his nephew's future.

Zhang Wei sat cross-legged, deep in thought, his cloak draped over his shoulders. The early morning sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, creating a serene tableau. Li Zhen approached quietly, not wanting to disturb the moment of peace but also needing to connect with his nephew after the tumultuous revelations of the previous night.

"Good morning, Zhang Wei," Li Zhen said softly, breaking the silence.

Zhang Wei looked up, his eyes clear but burdened with the weight of their conversation.

"Good morning, Uncle," he replied, his voice steady.

Li Zhen settled beside him under the tree.

"You were up early," he observed and then joked. "Does the training we did still hard on you?"

"I couldn't sleep, actually," Zhang Wei admitted. "Too much on my mind."

Li Zhen nodded, understanding the feeling all too well.

"I planted this tree just after you left for the palace," he said, changing the subject slightly. "It was a way to remind myself that no matter how far you went, your roots were always here."

Zhang Wei looked at the tree, appreciating the sentiment.

"It's grown strong," he said. "Just like you wanted me to."

"And you have," Li Zhen responded, his voice filled with pride. "No matter what happens next, remember that you have a family who loves you and will support you."

Zhang Wei felt a surge of emotion.

"Thank you, Uncle. For everything. Last night was... overwhelming. But it also gave me clarity. I know what I have to do now."

"We'll face it together, whatever comes. You're not alone in this fight," Li Zhen put a hand on Zhang Wei's shoulder.

For a moment, they sat in silence, taking comfort in each other's presence and the quiet strength of the tree that had grown alongside their journey. As the sun climbed higher in the sky, it marked the beginning of a new day—a day filled with uncertainty but also with the promise of unity and resolve.

"Uncle," Zhang Wei began, his voice tinged with a mix of resolve and uncertainty, "I've made a decision. I am going to start a rebellion against the empire. Against Emperor Ming Jian."

Li Zhen's expression remained calm, though his eyes reflected a mixture of concern and understanding.

"I suspected as much," he said softly. "But tell me, Zhang Wei, why do you feel this is the only way?"

"It's not just about vengeance or revenge, though I won't deny those feelings are there. The empire is corrupt. Emperor Ming Jian's rule is marked by tyranny and oppression. The people suffer while he and his loyalists thrive. I've seen it firsthand. This isn't just about avenging my parents; it's about righting the wrongs that have been done to so many. I can't stand by and do nothing," Zhang Wei took a deep breath, trying to steady his thoughts.

"And what do you hope to achieve with this rebellion?" Li Zhen nodded slowly, digesting his nephew's words.

"Justice," Zhang Wei replied firmly. "A chance to rebuild the empire into something better. To give people hope again. To end the cycle of suffering and fear."

There was a long pause, the gravity of Zhang Wei's decision hanging heavily in the air. Finally, Li Zhen spoke, his voice filled with both wisdom and love.

"Zhang Wei, vengeance and revenge are indeed not the answers. They can consume a person, and lead them down a dark path. But if your cause is truly for justice, for the people, then perhaps it is a path worth taking. You must always keep your intentions pure, never losing sight of why you are fighting."

"But there's a small part of me that doubts. That questions if this is truly the right thing to do. If I am becoming what I despise. Uncle, I need your reassurance, your acceptance. Am I making the right choice?" Zhang Wei nodded, feeling a slight sense of relief.

"Zhang Wei, you've grown into a man of integrity and strength. Your heart is in the right place. If this rebellion is truly for the betterment of the people, for justice and peace, then you have my support. And I know Lanxin will support you too. We believe in you," Li Zhen placed a reassuring hand on Zhang Wei's shoulder, his grip firm and comforting.

A wave of gratitude and determination washed over Zhang Wei. His uncle's words were the final piece of reassurance he needed. He knew the path ahead would be fraught with danger and difficult choices, but with his family's support, he felt ready to face it.

"Thank you, Uncle," Zhang Wei said, his voice steady and resolved. "With your blessing, I will fight for a better future. For all of us."

"Go forth, Zhang Wei. Lead with courage and honour. We will stand by you, no matter what comes," Li Zhen smiled, a hint of pride shining in his eyes.

With those words, Zhang Wei felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path ahead was clear, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing he had the support and love of his family.

Zhang Wei and Li Zhen returned to the house, where they found Lanxin already busy preparing breakfast. The smell of freshly cooked rice, vegetables, and steamed buns filled the air, creating a comforting atmosphere. Lanxin greeted them with a warm smile, her eyes lingering on Zhang Wei with a mixture of relief and concern.

"Good morning, Zhang Wei," she said softly. "I hope you slept well."

"Good morning, Auntie," Zhang Wei replied, trying to mask the turmoil inside him with a smile. "Yes, I did. Thank you for your kindness."

As they sat down to eat, the conversation was light and filled with small talk. Li Zhen and Lanxin shared stories of the village and the people they had encountered, while Zhang Wei listened attentively, grateful for this moment of normalcy. Despite the weight of his decision and the looming rebellion, this breakfast provided a brief respite, a moment to recharge and gather strength from his family.

As they ate, Lanxin occasionally glanced at Zhang Wei with motherly concern. She finally spoke up, her voice gentle but firm.

"Zhang Wei, we understand that you have a difficult journey ahead. Know that we are here for you, no matter what. You are not alone in this."

Zhang Wei nodded, appreciating her words more than he could express.

"Thank you, Auntie. Your support means everything to me."

After breakfast, Zhang Wei helped clean up, cherishing these simple tasks that grounded him amidst the chaos of his thoughts. Once they finished, he knew it was time to prepare for his journey back to the capital.

He returned to the room where he had spent the night and gathered his belongings, making sure he had everything he needed for the trip. The small bag he carried was light, but it held all the essentials for his journey: a change of clothes, some food for the road, and a few personal items that reminded him of home.

As he packed, Li Zhen entered the room, watching his nephew with a thoughtful expression.

"Are you ready, Zhang Wei?" he asked quietly.

"As ready as I'll ever be. The road ahead won't be easy, but I know what I have to do," Zhang Wei paused, looking up at his uncle.

"Remember what we talked about. Keep your intentions pure, and don't lose sight of why you are fighting. You have a good heart, Zhang Wei. Let that guide you," Li Zhen nodded, a mixture of pride and sorrow in his eyes.

"I will, Uncle," Zhang Wei promised, feeling a surge of determination. "I won't let you down."

Lanxin joined them at the door, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She embraced Zhang Wei tightly, holding him close.

"Stay safe, Zhang Wei. We will be here, waiting for your return."

"I will, Auntie," Zhang Wei said, his voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for everything."

With a final hug, Zhang Wei stepped out of the house, his heart heavy but resolute. Li Zhen and Lanxin walked him to the edge of the village, their presence a comforting reminder of the support he carried with him.

As they reached the outskirts, Zhang Wei turned to face his uncle and auntie one last time.

"I'll be back," he said, his voice filled with determination. "And when I return, it will be to a better future. For all of us."

"We believe in you, Zhang Wei. Go forth and fulfil your destiny. We are proud of you," Li Zhen placed a hand on Zhang Wei's shoulder, his grip strong and reassuring.

With those words, Zhang Wei mounted his horse, his mind filled with the daunting tasks ahead. He knew the road would be fraught with challenges, but he felt ready to face them. As he rode away from Heishan, he glanced back one last time, seeing his uncle and auntie standing together, their figures small but resolute.