The beautiful senior who came to class

"Then I will return to the kingdom and report to His Majesty about your hand-picked fiancé, Lala-sama."

"Yes Zastin! Be careful on the road and please convinced dad!"

Lala waved her hand at Zastin who had many bandages on his body. Behind him were Smutt and Maul who also had many bandages on their bodies.

After being defeated by Eiji in the duel, Zastin really kept his promise. Eiji who was standing beside Lala offered to treat their wounds first before leaving.

Being struck by his red lightning, could cause serious injuries. If it was a normal person, that person would definitely die. But with the Deviluke physique, fortunately they had a certain level of endurance after being hit by his red lightning.

They mostly fainted and only had a few injuries on their bodies that could still be treated with light treatment.

Seeing Zastin who boarded the spaceship with Maul and Smutt and had completely left.

Looking at the small point of light in the increasingly distant night sky, Eiji wondered if he was forgetting something?

"Eiji~ from now on I will live with you!"

Lala who had been standing beside him, hugged his hand and smiled happily.

Eiji also smiled and nodded. "Of course, you're my fiance. You can stay with me as long as you want."

"Ehehehe~ Really?"

"Of course..."

Who can resist a beautiful fiancée who wants to live with you?

Eiji was not one of those people.

[But seriously, I feel like I've forgotten something.]

[It's just that what...]

Lala tilted her head, she didn't know what Eiji had forgotten.

Feeling bored standing outside, even though she did not feel chilled by the night wind due to her Deviluke physique.

She would rather spend time with Eiji inside the house.

"Nee nee Eiji, can we go back inside the house now?"

Eiji turned his head, looked at Lala who was still wearing his loose shirt and slapped his own forehead.

It was still night.

The wind outside is quite cold.

Lala must be cold, right?

"I'm sorry, is Lala cold? Okay, let's go inside quickly. There are some empty rooms in my house, and I'll prepare one for you."

Without waiting for the other party's answer, Eiji immediately held and pulled the girl's soft hand.

"Eh, eh... I'm actually not..."

"Actually not?"

Eiji turned his head again with a questioning look at the pink-haired girl.

Lala was silent for a moment, but she shook her head with a smile.

"No, it's nothing! Hehe~ Eiji, let's go in quickly! It's a little cold outside!"

The blond boy nodded, and resumed walking while holding her hand.

He didn't notice the girl's little lie, and even forgot the other party also had a Deviluke physique that was basically not so vulnerable to the night wind.

Lala smiled so wide, she was excited, and felt sweet in her heart when she saw Eiji was so worried about her.

Although mom had said lying was bad, but somehow she wanted to lie that she felt cold before.

Eiji who walked back to his house, looked at his house and froze.

He stopped walking and Lala also naturally stopped.

Lala was confused and asked what was wrong?

Instead of answering with his mouth.

Eiji complained in his heart.

[This is what I forgot, right? Zastin and the other two have already left. I forgot to ask them to fix some of the holes in the walls of my house!]

[Although I can fix it myself with the power of money, but hey... Wouldn't it be faster to use alien technology? I think the Zastin who brought the space ship has something like that.]

[But now it's too late, those guys already left without cleaning up the mess they made in my house!]

Lala opened her mouth into an "O" shape, she looked at a part of the wall of Eiji's house that had a hole in it and pondered while holding her chin

"Ugh... It's fine, it's just that I'm thinking of asking people to repair the wall tomorrow."

"For now, let's just ignore it and rest."

Eiji said that and was about to pull Lala's soft hand again.

The problem of the wall of his house could be thought of later.

Now he's actually quite tired too.

I want to sleep.

A lot of plots happened in one day.

I don't know which crazy author made him work overtime.

Oh right, isn't that the dog author?

¶{Host, what are you thinking?}

'You won't understand Miss System.'

Miss System: "..."

I don't understand because you don't want to explain!

Little Loli somewhere pouted, inflating her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

Lala who had been pondering finally opened her mouth and said: "Eiji! Leave the matter of your house wall to me!"

"I can fix it for you!"

"Huh? Lala, can you? Have you ever worked as a construction worker before?"

Eiji suddenly remembered something.

No, this was actually what he had forgotten!

[Oh I almost forgot Lala is a genius scientist.]

[In the original work, she had a robot companion named Peke. That little robot has many uses and many items inside its body.]

[In many episodes of the anime, the little robot is the one who often cleans up the mess that Lala makes when the girl experiments with the items she makes.]

[Rito's house, I don't know how many times in the original work it was blown up by Lala, and repaired quickly.]

[And the one who repaired it was that little robot!]

[Wait! I almost forgot too! Shouldn't that little robot have appeared earlier?]

[She should have appeared before Maul and Smutt!]

[But where is that little robot now? Can someone tell me? Hey there's something wrong with the plot order!]

Lala's lips twitched.

She had no experience as a construction worker, but as expected of her time traveler fiancé.

Eiji knew she had a robot companion named Peke!

In the original work, Peke seemed to have done a lot of hard work for her.

Well to be honest now she was also wondering where Peke was?

Knowing she ran away from home, the little robot should have tried to find her trail and chase her to Earth.

But where is she now? Her idea to help with Eiji's house wall problem was actually related to Peke!

I just need a certain tool that I once made in that little robot's pocket to repair the wall of Eiji's house quickly.

That was the original idea.

But since Peke hasn't found it until now.

The pink-haired girl, Lala thought of another idea.

"Don't worry Eiji! Give me some time, I can make a sophisticated tool to repair the walls of your house in no time!"

Lala was very confident when she said that.

As a genius scientist, if the thing she needed was not in her hands and difficult to retrieve.

She just needs to recreate it.

Eiji knew Lala was indeed capable of doing what was said.

But what time is it?

He shook his head and said: "Let's think about the wall problem tomorrow."

"It's late now, let's just go to bed."


The next day.

There was no need to prolong the wall problem because Lala had actually made a sophisticated device that could repair the damage to the wall within an hour.

And that was this morning, which left Eiji amazed and surprised.

This heroine was really a genius scientist.

Thinking about this, I feel even luckier to have such that girl as a fiancée.

Luckily Lala somehow fell in his bathroom instead of the protagonist's bathroom.

It seems that some plots can also change, even without his intervention.

Although he didn't know why, being a person who didn't like to make a big deal out of things.

He naturally just wanted to enjoy his good fortune and work hard to accomplish the things in front of him.

For example right now, during the school lunch break. A girl with long black hair and glasses suddenly came to his class looking for him.

"Excuse me, is the student named Eiji Seiya here?"

Eiji naturally recognized the identity of the girl and got up from his seat.

"It's me. Senpai, do you need anything from me?"

The few students who were still in class 2A actually had various expressions at this time. From surprise, curiosity, and jealousy.

The boys in the class were jealous to see her being sought after by a beautiful third-year senior.

While the others, Yui for example was frowning.

She seemed unhappy for some reason.

As for the protagonist? Are you wondering where Rito is?

That boy didn't go to school today because he had a fever so he asked permission to take the day off.

Eiji smiled amusedly when he first heard this news from the homeroom teacher.

Of course, he believed Rito was really sick, or rather he might still be traumatized by what he saw in the genjutsu he created yesterday.

So there was no need to think about Rito's protagonist for now.

Fixing the position of her glasses, the girl who came for him said: "I'm from the student council. I came here to pick you up because our student council president invited you to her office."

Many students in the class were even more surprised, and started whispering to each other.

What's going on?

Why was Eiji-kun summoned by the student council president?

Did Eiji-kun do something bad to get summoned by the student council president?

And blah blah blah.

All sorts of whispers were heard in the classroom.

Yui even looked worried, as she happened to be sitting not far from him, and asked in a low voice.

"Eiji-kun, did you do something that made the student council president call you?"

Eiji who was about to leave his seat was silent for a moment.

He looked at Yui with his usual smile and said: "I didn't, you know yesterday I spent most of the time with you."

"Yui, how can you suspect a good student like me?"

Yui stuck out her tongue like a cat, feeling embarrassed by the other students who were staring at them for whispering.

Eiji shook his head, he walked past Yui and did not forget to whisper into her ear. "If I come to class late after the lunch break ends."

"Tell the teacher that I'm at the student council office, okay?"

Feeling the warm breath and masculine voice in her ear.

Yui blushed, she glared at Eiji, but nodded in response.

[How cute, Yui.]


Yui's face was getting red, but she couldn't scold the blonde boy who was teasing her.

With the current atmosphere in the classroom, she was too embarrassed to say something at a loud volume to Eiji.

Besides, what she heard was his inner voice.

So it would look weird if she suddenly scolded Eiji for teasing her, right?

After all, from another person's point of view, Eiji only asked her to tell the teacher if he was late for class when he went to the student council office.

Ignoring Yui who looked embarrassed, Eiji continued walking to the girl who came to call him and stood right in front of him.

"Then come on Senpai. I'll follow you to the student council office."

The girl seemed to be a little dazed as she looked at him, but she soon returned to her cold image and nodded.

"Okay, follow me. Don't worry, you didn't do anything bad. The student council president just has something to talk to you about, Eiji-kun."

"Really? That's good..."

The two walked out of the classroom.

Eiji walked beside the girl and let her lead the way to the student council office for him.

"By the way, introductions. My name is Tsubaki Shinra, third year student."

While walking, Tsubaki also glanced at him with a faint smile.

That girl could be considered very beautiful.

Besides having long straight black hair and glasses that covered her heterochromic eyes that were colored violet and brown.

Her face and figure itself were above average. Her breasts reached D-cup, her waist was slender and her legs were also quite long like a model.

[As expected from one of the heroine in a fanservice-filled franchise like Highschool DxD.]

[Tsubaki Shinra is undoubtedly a very beautiful girl!]

[Those Heterochromic eyes look beautiful, I feel like looking at them up close, cough.]

[What a pity, a beautiful girl like this also has brain problems in the original work.]

[So just let it out. Better keep a polite distance from her.]

[I can't tease her like I tease Yui.]

"Oh... So your name is Tsubaki Shinra? Then I'll call you Shinra-senpai."

Eiji said that with an "oh" expression as if he just knew and just heard the girl's name for the first time.

Tsubaki's lips twitched.

His acting skills are really good.

If I hadn't heard his inner voice, I would have been fooled!

True to Kaichou's words, this guy would definitely pretend not to know her when they met; even though he knew a lot about her from the plot in the original work.

But hearing the other party praising her eyes and her figure in his heart, she was slightly embarrassed and pleased.

Although the other party also mocked her that he had brain problems in the original work.

Wait, I have a brain problem?

What's going on?

Am I no less stupid than Rias in the original work?

Although on the surface she looked calm while leading Eiji to the student council office.

In her mind, she was really curious about her own plot in the original work!

Tsubaki wanted to force Eiji to tell her, but her boss had warned her against exposing that she could hear his inner voice.

At least for now before they saw the situation first.

Although a little reluctant, she had to be patient and let Eiji come to the student council office first.

Eiji who was still walking beside Tsubaki, frowned and secretly glanced at the girl walking beside him suspiciously.

He wondered why this girl suddenly fell silent?

After introducing the name.

You stopped talking and continued walking in silence?

If that's all right.

But why do I feel like a sheep being herded into a tiger's den?

As a person who knew the original work, he certainly had some guesses as to why he was summoned to the student council office by Tsubaki.

I just hope the other party doesn't provoke me or something.

If not, don't blame me for hitting a woman.


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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