The heartbroken and green Rito

Putting aside the god-level massage skills he knew that it would be great when used on women.

For example he could probably try massaging Lala or the other heroines to increase their fondness for him.

Eiji was now only puzzled by his final reward.

The character card: Demon King Varvatos.

No matter how you look at it, this guy must be a boss-level character from a certain franchise.

He wasn't sure if the other party was a protagonist or villain, but...

¶{I can assure you that Demon King Varvatos is the protagonist character.}


¶{Yes! Do you like it, host!?"

Miss System was excited, I felt she wanted to be praised.

Eiji rubbed his chin on the bed and said, "Protagonist, heh. I didn't even know how strong this character was in the original work."

"Can you give me the details, Miss System?"

Actually he just wanted to change the subject.

¶{Um! Demon King Varvatos is the past identity of the protagonist named Ard Meteor in the academy-style world of sword and sorcery in the franchise titled "The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody}.

"Uwahh....I know this must be the type of protagonist who likes to pretend to hide his identity, right?"

¶{Host, how do you know? You haven't watched the anime version and you haven't read the novel version, right?}

Miss System's voice sounded confused and curious.

Eiji smiled mysteriously. His expression and smile said I like this kind of situation.

Making people curious and confused with themselves.

I always feel a little cool.

A golden-haired loli somewhere rolled her eyes at the face of her host who was starting to pretend to be mysterious.

¶{Oh forget my question. I'm sure you just guessed it from the title, right?}

"Huh? Miss System how did you know?" Eiji asked as if he was really surprised.

¶{Hm... So I was right?}

Although it was a question, he heard a sweet humming sound in his head.

Eiji knew it was Miss System who seemed to feel happy for guessing.

I feel like Miss System is a little girl.

I'm starting to wonder what Miss System looks like behind the scenes?

¶{... Ahem! Host, want to integrate Demon King Varvatos' character card now?}

Miss System hurriedly changed the topic.

Eiji was still smiling as usual.

He knew Miss System was trying to change the subject but whatever.

"Okay, integrate now."


A sunny morning with little birds flying around.

The cloudless blue sky, Japanese-style buildings and green trees by the roadside make many people smile just by looking at them.

It was basically a beautiful morning for most people in Japan.

But perhaps an exception for an orange-brown-haired boy who was currently still lying in bed with a horrible expression as if he was having a nightmare.

And sure enough, he was indeed having a nightmare right now.

In his dreams, he always recalled the scene a few days ago where he was defeated by the blond boy.

Then, he somehow saw the scene around him change and his body was tied to a chair.

No matter how hard he resisted, he could not muster the strength to untie the ropes binding his body to the chair.

If it's just that, it's fine.

But the horrible thing that happened next was...

As he was tied to the chair, in front of him he saw a horrifying scene where the women who loved him in his previous life were entangled with other men on a large bed.

The man had blonde hair.

It was the same man who had beaten him and made him feel humiliation in this life!

That man, Eiji Seiya.

He saw that blonde bastard riding Yui like a cowboy. Not just the two of them.

There was also the pink-haired girl, Lala who was hugging the blonde bastard from behind while kissing him!


Rito shouted! calling the two girls' names and trying to stop what they were doing.

But no matter how much he yelled and pleaded, they didn't glance at him as if they couldn't hear him.

Only he could hear their voices very clearly despite the distance.

"Ah~ Ah~ Eiji! Harder~!"

Yui's voice sounded like a bitch begging a man other than him to fuck her hard.

Rito felt a painful sting in his heart, he didn't want to see that horrible scene but his eyes kept opening as if something was preventing him from stopping listening and watching.

And what hurt even more was... The pink-haired girl who actually had a special place in his heart in his previous life.


That girl was now looking at a man other than himself with love and affection.

"Eiji~ Kiss, Kiss~ UmAhh..."

The sound of intense kissing rang in her ears.

It was driving Rito crazy!

"Stop, stop! Lala, Yui! Stop, you guys... Don't you guys love me? Stop!"

"Don't let that blonde bastard touch you!!!"

"Ahh! Ahh! Eiji Seiya! You bastard!! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

Rito who was tied to the chair howled madly.

His expression was distorted and tears dripped from his eyes like an NTR victim.

In that dark room.

He also inexplicably had a green hat that was quite high on his head.

The pain of NTR and the humiliation from Eiji Seiya made him vomit blood and faint.

While passed out in his dream.

He finally woke up in the real world.

"Hah... Hah..."

Panting and sweating like he had been exercising.

Rito looked up at the sky in his bedroom in a daze.

He got out of bed with a pale face.

Just then, he heard his sister's voice from downstairs.

"Rito! Wake up quickly! You already took leave from school yesterday, do you still want to take leave again?"

Hearing this familiar voice, he somehow became calmer.

"No, I'm going to school today! Don't worry Mikan!"

Rito shouted from his room, and Mikan's voice rang out again.

"Then hurry up and get ready and come down for breakfast!"

"Yeah yeah, give me 5 minutes to shower and get ready!"

There was a smile on Rito's face.

It's okay, everything that happened before was just a dream.

Yui and Lala were still safe and would definitely be his in the end.

He didn't know what Eiji had done to him to give him that horrible spectacle.

Rito clenched his fists with a hateful expression and suddenly remembered something.

{Around this time, Lala should have escaped from her home and come to Earth, right? She should have reappeared in my bathroom like in previous life}.

(This time I definitely won't reject you so much like before Lala! Don't worry, you'll be mine again in this life!}

{Also, as long as I can connect with Lala again. With her help I can go to outer space, to that place to increase my power!}

{After that... Hehehe. Eiji Seiya! Wait for me, I'll get my revenge!! This humiliation... You have to pay for it ten, no. A hundred times over!}


That's what he just said before leaving for school.

Rito had just recovered his protagonist mentality and left for school with confidence.

Eiji Seiya? What is that?

It was just a farting bastard and it was only a matter of time before he took revenge on him.

Even after sitting in class, he only glanced at that bastard indifferently even though the other party was smiling at him.

Although Yui was getting more and more indifferent to him, which annoyed him.

But fortunately the other woman he loved in his previous life, Haruna Sairenji was still worried about him as usual.

Right now she even walked up to his chair and asked.

"Yuuki-kun, you were off school yesterday because of a fever. Are you okay now?"

Rito smiled. "I'm fine now. Thanks for worrying about me, Haruna."

Rito's calm and slightly different response from usual, made Haruna blush.

"That's good."

Saying that, Haruna immediately returned to her seat in the left row of the class.

Actually, her seat was quite close to Eiji and it happened that her gaze met the other party's gaze.

There was a hint of dislike in her violet eyes when they met Eiji's blue eyes.

She pretended not to see it and ignored it.

Eiji who saw this smiled slightly and muttered.

"Interesting, this girl somehow hates me a little."

"Did Rito tell her that she was beaten up by me a few days ago?"

"Saw her crush get beaten up to the point of taking a day off school."

"She's now hostile to me?"


Miss System who actually knew what happened felt guilty.

She hurriedly consoled her host.

¶{Don't worry host, with your charm and good looks. That purple-haired heroine will definitely fall in love with you}.

¶{It's only a matter of time before that happens!}

No, what nonsense are you talking about...

Miss System?

Do you think I'm a very greedy MC and want all the heroine to be my woman?

¶{You don't?}


Pretending not to hear her.

Eiji turned his gaze away from Haruna and looked at Rito who looked arrogant indifferently.

There was a playful smile on his face and soon it was time.

"Good morning everyone."

The female teacher entered the classroom and everyone in the classroom naturally replied "Good morning sensei~"

The teacher smiled, she turned to the classroom door that she had just closed and said: "Today, we have another transfer student."

"Please be quiet and let this transfer student introduce herself."

After the teacher said that.

The class became a little excited.

Some people were surprised why there were so many transfer students moving into this school and it was still their class?

I mean wasn't it just yesterday that Eiji transferred to this school?

It hasn't been long since then and now there are more transfer students?

Besides being surprised, there were also students who were excited.

The male students are excited whether the transfer student is a pretty girl.

While the female students are excited whether the transfer student will become a handsome boy again like Eiji?

Rito who was sitting like the other students looked confused.

{Transfer student? Again? Putting aside anomalies like Eiji, I clearly remember there were no more transfer students. At least in this month in the previous life}.

{Except for Lala who later fell in my bathroom, became my fiancé and attended school here.}

{But Lala hasn't fallen in my bathroom yet, it seems she still hasn't come to earth. So who is this transfer student? }

Heard Rito's inner voice.

Eiji secretly grinned.

Haruna raised her eyebrows, her expression looking slightly unhappy.

Yui found Rito pathetic, he didn't know the Lala he was referring to was actually already...

Recalling what Eiji did with Lala last night from his inner voice.

She blushed, feeling upset and jealous.

In the end she glared at Eiji in annoyance.

"???" Eiji was confused.

[What's wrong Yui? Want me to kiss you?]

Yui who was glaring at him suddenly dumbfounded and her face was redder than before.

He heard the girl muttering. "Bah, bah, immoral!"


Just then, the classroom door slid open.

The class became quiet and everyone stared at the pink-haired girl who entered and stood in front of the class.

Her smile looked very bright, making all the boys except Eiji who was used to being dazed.

Rito widened his eyes, he was dumbfounded.


Why was she already here before she fell in my bathroom?

What's going on?

Although he was happy to see her again, but somehow he had a bad feeling and unconsciously glanced at Eiji who was grinning at him.

Rito's body trembled slightly.

{No, no way...}


The heroines: "...."

"Hello~ My name is Lala Satalin Deviluke. I'm going to start school here now!"

Lala introduced herself and bowed slightly as Eiji had taught her this morning.

Apparently this was the posture of introducing oneself in this country and planet and she did it with gusto.


"So pretty!"

"Lala-san, do you have a boyfriend!?"

Many male students cheered at the sight of Lala and even immediately asked if she had a boyfriend.

Lala held her chin, her gaze naturally landing on Eiji who was sitting by the window.

Her bright smile somehow became a little soft.

Rito who saw this was terrified, his face pale as if what Lala was going to say next was the most terrible thing in his life.

{No! Lala! Please, please! That blonde bastard, do you even know him?}

{You don't, do you!}

However, what's horrible really happened and even more horrible because Lala dropped the bomb by saying...

"I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a fiancé!"


The sound of heartbreak was heard from many male students and Rito was the loudest.

But it wasn't over yet because the person Lala was referring to was...

Lala pointed at Eiji, everyone in the class naturally turned to the blond boy.

"My fiancé Eiji!"

After Lala said that, everyone in the class was stunned.

Many of them opened their mouths simultaneously.



There was an explosion at the same time and everyone saw that the sound came from Rito suddenly banging his head against the table.

The table shattered and Rito was lying on the floor.

He fainted with a trail of blood coming out of his mouth.


"Sensei, sensei! Rito fainted!"

"There's blood coming out of his mouth."

"What should we do? Oh, hurry and take him to the infirmary!"


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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