Lala, you are the best!

"Peke, a little to the right!"

"Like this?"

"Yes! Then, put this over there."

"Okay Lala-sama, like this?"

"Yes! Next..."

Looking at the pink-haired girl and the little robot who seemed to be busy installing something in his house.

In the night...


Eiji had no idea what his sweet fiancée and her little robot assistant were up to.

He had just gotten home from school.

After successfully greening the protagonist and the protagonist himself seemed to have a mental attack so he even left immediately without looking for trouble with him.

He didn't know what objects were stuck around his house.

I mean in the front yard of the house, you can see several long poles as tall as the roof of the house in white with yellow orbs placed in each corner of the house.

They seemed to surround the house and Lala was eagerly fiddling with the tablet-like object in her hands.

She was so excited, she didn't even realize he has coming home until he walked up to her and said.

"Lala, I'm home."

The pink-haired girl turned her head, she immediately smiled sweetly as she looked at him.


She jumped up and hugged her fiancé.

Eiji of course returned the pink-haired girl's hug, even stroking her slender back which made the girl happy and giggling.

The white-haired boy couldn't help but smile.

After all the tension and stimulation from the DxD heroes he had experienced at school.

He felt that coming home and hugging Lala made him very relaxed.

This was different from when he was with the DxD heroines where things could easily escalate into something lewd. And as a man who had gotten the green light for a harem, he certainly did not refuse the girls' initiative.

He was not the herbivorous protagonist who often hesitated and did nothing when food was delivered to the door.

"I brought food, have you eaten?"

"Not yet!"

"Then let's have dinner. It's not good if you get sick from eating late and by the way... What are you and Peke doing outside at this hour?"

Although it wasn't too late, or rather it was only half past seven in the evening. Eiji felt worried and a little unhappy to see Lala outside at this hour.

Putting aside Peke who was obviously a robot and didn't need to worry about catching a cold.

He was worried that the girl had caught a cold or something, although he knew the possibility was very low considering Lala was a deviluke whose physical endurance was stronger than normal humans.

"Worried?" Lala asked with a mischievous smile as she hugged him and looked at him with her narrowed green eyes.

Eiji was dumbfounded at this. He didn't expect Lala to respond to him in such a way!

[What did I miss? Can someone tell me when Lala learned this kind of thing?]

The pink-haired girl giggled at her fiancé's inner voice. She wrapped her two slender arms around Eiji's neck before pecking his lips like a chicken.


"Is that good?"

"It's good. Did Risa teach you this?" Eiji asked with a curious look.

If anyone had taught Lala this kind of technique. That person must be Risa! Honestly other than that girl, he felt there was no one else who could possibly teach Lala something like this.

¶{Have you forgotten Risa's friend?}

Oh right, I almost forgot that twintail girl with glasses.

What's her name? Mio Sawada?

"Hehe yes! During lunch break at school, Risa taught me this technique!"

"Risa says this is the 7th technique for women to make their boyfriend/fiancé happy."

"Eiji, are you happy?"

Lala returned to her innocent self and asked innocently.

What was Eiji's answer? Isn't it obvious?

The white-haired boy nodded with a pleased expression on his face.

"Of course, I'm very happy. Lala, you're the best!"



Miss System wondered if the DxD heroines who had recently been having fun in the student council room with her host heard this.

Hearing her host praising Lala to the skies.

Would they get jealous and beat up her host for being too biased?

Fortunately for her host, whether intentionally or not, he didn't use his inner voice when saying that.

Otherwise, she doesn't know what would have happened.

"Lala-sama, I've finished installing everything. Eiji-sama, welcome home."

The floating peke. Cough, I mean flying as high as a person's head. She approached the two and didn't forget to welcome Eiji.

Eiji nodded at the little robot, but before he said anything. Lala broke away from his embrace and showed him the tablet in her hand.

"Eiji! Eiji! You asked what I was doing with Peke, right? Actually, we were making..."


Staring out of his bedroom window.

Eiji looked outside the same as usual.

From the window of his room on the second floor, he could see the starry night sky and many houses of his neighbors that he himself did not know because Japanese people rarely know each other's neighbors.

Many Japanese people, if nothing is important. They will not socialize with their neighbors.

Housewives often spend their time indoors while their husbands work and their children study at school.

So the streets of residential complexes are often quiet except in the morning or evening when people are going to and from work or school. There are also certain festival days that sometimes make the residential complex roads busier than usual.

But putting that aside, Eiji was staring out the window not because he was interested in seeing his neighbor's house at this hour.

Actually, he was staring at the transparent glass-like barrier that encased his house.

People outside the barrier would not be able to see this barrier, unless they had the power for it or they were looking from inside the barrier.

Although it looks fragile like glass, it turns out that this thing has enough defense to withstand attacks at the level of a space ship missile?

That's what his first fiancée, Lala, who is also the creator of the barrier that encloses his house, says.

Before they had dinner and he told her to rest in her room because he was worried that she was exhausted after making all this. Lala explained that the barrier was called the "Level 1 Pekora Barrier".

Actually the girl could make level 2 to 3, but she lacked materials and it was rather difficult to make it on earth unless she did it in her workshop on the planet Deviluke.

Of course Eiji said this barrier was already good and there was no need to overdo it. To be honest when asked why Lala made this barrier, the girl said innocently that she made it because she was worried that there were other aliens out there who wanted to kill him for getting engaged to her.

Lala was basically worried about his safety and of course, he was touched.

Damn, that kind of concern made his heart feel warm and want to cry. Luckily he was a man with a thick face and instead of crying, he loved Lala more than ever.

It might not be fair to Sona who was also one of his fiancées or also Rias and Akeno who were only a matter of time before actually becoming his women.

Unlike a certain harem protagonist who says he loves all the women in his harem equally.

Eiji felt the protagonist who said that was pure nonsense.

At least for him, he couldn't love all the women in his harem equally.

Compared to the other women, he definitely preferred Lala. Not only because of her innocent and cheerful personality, but also because Lala was not like other women who were so complicated and wanted to be his woman only after various requirements were met.

Women like Sona were willing and obedient to be his woman after he beat her in chess and defeated her powerful older sister in a duel.

Rias who offered herself as his woman as long as he was willing to help her with the problem of her family's arranged political marriage.

Akeno who hasn't said anything yet, but in the original work he knows the girl has problems with her father due to her tragic past and it's only a matter of time before he has to solve the problem for her as well.

Except for Lala, the girls were actually quite troublesome.

But because of his bastard nature and greed - he couldn't let go of girls as beautiful as them, especially when they were actual heroine waiting to be captured by the protagonist if not captured first.

Because of his own situation, Eiji certainly didn't want to let those protagonists get what they wanted.

Otherwise, it was tantamount to throwing away the money you could earn from your own efforts and handing it out to others who had the protagonist label.

Usually this kind of action is done by people who are less possessive of what they have and what they can get but let it belong to others.

"Protagonists like that, they're really..."

¶{Host, your bad habit is starting again.}

"Ah sorry, but Miss System. You've also done it not long ago."

¶{I only said a few words and it's not like you're making a monologue and adding dialog so people know what you hate.}

Miss System did not deny, but counterattacked which left her host speechless.


Eiji closed the window of his room and lay down on his bed.

He turned off the light and before Miss System reminded him about the present as usual.

This time he did it first!

"Miss System, check my reward."


Miss System knew she was being unreasonable.

Miss System knew she was being a bit unreasonable.

She was glad that her host didn't need her to remind him to check his rewards, but somehow she was annoyed and felt that her host had better forget so that she could remind him.

"...Miss System, did you hear? Are you going to the bathroom to pee or something?"

"Host, can you stop saying things like I'm person the one who needs to go to the bathroom to pee?

"You're not?"

¶{I.... Hmph! Okay, here's your reward!}

Pretty sure Miss System didn't know what to say and she as usual changed the subject.

Eiji knew it, he knew.

He was curious as to what Miss System looked like, but it seemed like the other party didn't want to show her true self to her host.

Like protagonists with systems who like to pretend to be mysterious in some novels. There are protagonists who have systems, but the system they have turns out to be a super beautiful woman like a dragon goddess, angel, or fairy with an astronomical background that is basically unreachable for protagonists who are still in the process of leveling.

The protagonist usually only gets to know what his system's true form looks like after a thousand or at least a few hundred chapters.

Eiji wondered, how big background did his system have?

Maybe Miss System was actually the Goddess of Creation of the Universe whose level was unknown and she pretended to be someone's system just because she was bored?


A golden-haired little girl somewhere widened her eyes. Her cute face looked dumbfounded after hearing what her host was thinking.

Her host, he's almost...

She panicked and wanted to quickly distract her host with a reward.

Perhaps in a hurry, she accidentally threw a reward that didn't match what she had prepared earlier.

"Damn! That's an epic reward from the SSS Level world! I have to.... Oh forget it, I'm sure my host won't use it like crazy."

"It's the host I've chosen after all. Even though that person is a bit strange and his personality is inconsistent, well he's...."

"It'll be fine, right?"

Miss System sounded unsure, but she had already pressed the send button and it was too late to cancel.

Now she could only activate her microphone and say "DING!" as usual while announcing what reward her host got.


When Eiji was surprised by what reward he got from the system this time.

Elsewhere, the plot certainly didn't wait and was still moving.

At this moment, on a cold night.

A blonde-haired girl in a nun's uniform walked alone while carrying her small bag by the roadside.

The girl looked beautiful, besides the blondies, she also had milky-white skin, a slender figure and green eyes.

Usually her green eyes looked bright and without impurities, but at this moment the girl's green eyes looked a little dim and even a little red because she had cried before.

From the direction she was walking, it was clear that she had just walked out of a church. The church was her childhood home and her only place to live. But now, she was expelled from the church and her nun status was also stripped from there.

"Go away! You're a witch who helps the devil. People like you are no longer fit to serve God! Your presence only defiles a holy place like a church!"

"B-But I just wanted to help someone who was hurting... I didn't even know the person I was helping was a devil..."

"You didn't know the person you were helping was a devil? Then what if you knew? Would you still help him?"

"That... I... I would, after all that devil didn't do anything bad and he got hurt in front of my eyes. So I can't--"

"Enough! Asia Argento, your Holy Maiden status is stripped away, you are expelled from the Church right now and branded as a traitor because you helped an unclean creature like a devil!"


The girl, Asia Argento kept recalling the scene of the church priest scolding her severely and even throwing her out of the Church.

It was her last moment in the Church and now she had nowhere to go.

She doesn't know where to go.

Being an orphan, she had been raised in the Church since childhood. The people in the Church were like her own family, but now those people hated her and kicked her out because she helped heal the wounds of person who she didn't know were devils in the first place.

At first she thought that since she was unintentional, the people of the Church might forgive her mistake. But no, they immediately hated her, looked at her with disdain and expelled her without hesitation from the Church.

Asia felt very sad, but if time could be repeated. She would probably still save the wounded devil before her eyes back then.

The teaching that the Church instilled in her was to help each other, especially the injured person in front of her eyes. Even if that person was a devil, she felt she couldn't ignore him and still wanted to help him as much as she could.

She did not regret helping to heal the devil's wounds using her healing power derived from her Sacred Gear - Twilight Healing which she had long since awakened since childhood.

Thinking of the Twilight Healing she had, Asia remembered that it was because of the power of that item that the Church was originally even interested in raising her and giving her the Holy Maiden status which looked good but was not.

Since childhood because of the difference in status and her healing power that could heal people's wounds quickly. People always looked at her like she was a monster, she had no friends and the people in the Church - although they were nice, they weren't actually close enough to her.

They still treated her differently from other people who were even orphans just like her.

Even so, Asia persevered and tried to keep smiling while helping people with her healing powers in the Church for many years.

She actually had a small hope that people would start accepting her favorably as long as she was useful and helped many people with her powers.

But no, even after all these years everything remained the same. The people in the church didn't even hesitate to expel her from the Church after all she had done over the years.

She was of course very sad, by this time her vision was even foggy and she knew tears were starting to fall from her eyes again.


Asia smiled bitterly, she took out a handkerchief from her small bag and wiped away her tears.

The few people who still wandered around at night would have seen her, but somehow none of them had any intention of caring about her.

"Am I really a monster? A witch that others always hate?"

"Those I've helped, not even one of them has thanked me sincerely."

Although Asia looked innocent, in fact she was also a little sensitive to other people's emotions. She knew many of the people she had helped over the years were more grateful to the Church than to her.

People think of her as a tool of the Church and of course they thank the Church.

That's it and nothing more.

Asia is used to being treated like this, but this time it somehow affected her deeply.

She felt like everyone in the world probably hated her and none of them cared about her.

Staring at the deserted city street, even as the cold night wind blew. Although her body trembled from the cold, she continued to walk aimlessly.

But at this moment she suddenly remembered that the devil she had helped back then had mentioned something about a Church in kuoh town that might need her as a nun. The devil had even given her the Church's address on a small piece of paper.

Asia hurriedly reached into her small bag which actually didn't have much in it other than some clothes and a little money she had saved over the years from the Church - the money was her salary as a Holy Maiden which wasn't much.

But putting that aside, she finally found the paper that contained the address of the Church in Kuoh City!

"Thank you, Mr. Devil. Looks like not everyone is indifferent to me."

The girl felt she saw a glimmer of hope looking at the address in her hand and of course she planned to go there.

It was just that at this moment she also recalled the voices of the people who often sounded in her head.

One of those people who if I'm not mistaken was named Eiji Seiya once mentioned things about Kuoh city.

Of course she also heard a lot of information that she didn't understand from him and even the voices of other people in her head who were often called protagonists.

If she went to Kuoh city, would she also meet those people?

To be honest, she herself was confused as to why she could hear voices that seemed to be the inner voices of those people.

Maybe it was a clue that the God of the Bible had given her for something? She didn't know.

Asia shook her head, for now she felt it was better to look for the address of the Church of the so-called devil she had helped instead of looking for people who had nothing to do with her.

So she continued walking to the nearest station to go to Kuoh city.


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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By the way, don't forget to throw power stones and leave a review to motivate me :)

A/N 2: I actually just realized that the chapter about Asia is somewhat familiar to what I've done in my previous book. But this is like a better version and what happens next will also not be the same as in my previous book. Issei will be... Cough, by the way don't worry. Although Eiji is biased towards the DxD heroines now, later those heroines will also have their own scenes with him and their relationship will not be inferior to Lala. (Still unequal of course because it depends on the future:)