Miss System: My host is too gentle so he pretends.

The sun was setting and many of the house lights were already brightly lit.

After finishing dealing with Raynare's group.

Rias returned to her home in the underworld in a daze and sometimes smiled to herself which made her mother curious and wondered why her daughter seemed to be in such a good mood since she returned home this afternoon?

Even though her wedding date with Riser was only a few days away. Even so Rias didn't seem worried about it and seemed to be having fun thinking about other things.

Since her mother was curious, Rias certainly didn't hide what happened today and told her everything in her room.

"Oh my... So my daughter almost died today and luckily Eiji-kun. My real future son-in-law did the "hero save beauty" that my daughter was mesmerized by and started falling in love with?"

As a mother, Vanelana was naturally worried when she heard that her daughter almost died. But her daughter was fine now and instead of having an emotional conversation, it was better to tease her daughter.

Rias blushed. "Mom! Who's in love? I'm just more like..."

"From what I've read in some of the books in your room. Rias, are you a tsundere?"

"I-I'm not! By the way do you often sneak into my room when I'm not around, mom?"

"...." Venelana smiled, that smile had the aura of a MILF and a gentle housewife.

"Mom, answer."

"Well Rias, isn't it time for dinner?"


While Gremory's mother and daughter were chatting and preparing for dinner.

Of course, apart from Rias, Sona and the others had also returned to their respective homes.

Eiji was the same, he had also returned home after finishing his "work" today.

Killing Raynare and her group - it was just a small episode that made him not think too much.

Well maybe the little he ever thought about after killing Raynare and her group was the reaction of the leader of the Fallen Angel faction named Azazel.

That man might someday come to see Rias and Sona, and of course him too since he was the one who killed his former subordinates.

But given his current power and knowledge of Azazel from the original work. Eiji felt that this was nothing to worry about.

He wasn't afraid of Azazel taking revenge on him or anything like that, and from the original work he knew that guy wouldn't be impulsive enough to create a conflict that could start a war between factions.

The devil faction and the fallen angel faction currently did not actually have a good relationship. Before the peace treaty between each faction was made like in the original work, each faction only watched each other and might secretly attack and interfere with each other if a good opportunity arose.

Those political things... Eiji was actually too lazy to think about it. After all, as long as you have enough power, you don't have to be afraid of people who come to your door to find trouble.

Besides, he would rather think about the beautiful girls that Rias and Sona introduced after he killed Raynare and her group.

Of course it was the girls in their peerage. There was also Yuuto whom he already knew briefly from Rias' peerage. But other than that blonde boy, he was more interested in girls. For example the petite white-haired girl, Koneko Toujou.

Don't get me wrong he was interested in that direction, okay? When he first saw that petite cat-like girl. Cough, I mean one of the DxD heroine in the original work. He suddenly remembered the older sister of that girl who had black hair and a voluptuous figure that was usually covered by a loose black kimono.

The reason he was slightly interested in Koneko was because of her older sister. Even so, he and Koneko only had a brief introduction back then and didn't talk much.

Eiji deliberately only did this because he knew it wasn't good to be so enthusiastic about a girl you just met. If you acted like that, you would only lower yourself a few points in the girl's heart.

¶{But host, why don't you even use your inner voice to complain about Koneko?}

"And why should I?" Eiji smiled, that smile inexplicably made Miss System fall silent.

Okay, it seemed like both sides knew that each of them were pretending not to know.

Miss System didn't dare to admit it first and her host also somehow didn't bring up this issue.

"Well I'll do it later. When Koneko and I are alone to be exact. That way, the effect will also be better; especially when I bring up the matter of her older sister."

¶{Host, is it just me or are you being more manipulative now?}

"Manipulative? Me? Miss System, what are you talking about? Isn't that just complaining using my inner voice? There's nothing else, right?"


The golden-haired little girl rolled her eyes.

If you want to keep pretending, then keep pretending!

In addition to getting acquainted with all the members of the Rias peerage at the scene. Eiji also got acquainted with all the members of the Sona peerage such as a certain blonde boy who had not yet joined - not like in the original work, but whatever it was only the current boy had not yet appeared.

Besides getting to know Tsubaki from a few days ago, in the Sona peerage he also knew a beautiful white-haired girl named Momo Hanakai. Then there were also other girls like Reya Kusaka, Tomoe Meguri, and Tsubasa Yura. They were all members of the Sona peerage and everyone had gotten to know each other after that.

Currently he was teaching Asia to cook some simple Japanese dishes like Karage for dinner. The girl was very clumsy, but always blushed as he helped her hold the kitchen knife and taught her the trick of slicing chicken into thin strips that weren't too big or small.

Lala was enjoying watching an isekai anime with an inferiority complex protagonist on TV with Peke - she had given up on learning how to cook because her cooking was always terrible despite the correct cooking methods she used. Blame the anime logic of the original work for that.

But putting that aside...

It was nice to see the blonde girl standing next to him blushing.

"Host, do you want to check today's rewards?

"...Miss System, can't you see I'm busy teaching the heroine my cooking techniques?"

¶{I know, but I just wanted to remind you. You can continue to seduce heroine with your subtle tricks.}


This system was just like her host. She was so sharp in matters like this that it left Eiji speechless.

It was just that he didn't understand why his system was so obsessed with reminding him about rewards?

"E-Eiji-san, how about this? Is it the right size?"

Asia looked at the chicken breast she had cut into small pieces and looked at Eiji as if waiting for his praise.

"The size is already good. This way it won't take long to fry the chicken and we can make it crispy by adding flour."

"Good job Asia. You seem to have a talent for cooking."

Eiji was not stingy with compliments, he praised the blonde girl wearing a white apron with a picture of a small dog with a gentle smile.

The blonde girl blushed, it was clear from her smile that she looked happy. The girl's expression was now in stark contrast as she wandered around aimlessly after being expelled from the church.

"T-Then what should I do next with this chicken, Eiji-san? You said flour. Are we seasoning it with flour next? But what is flour? Sorry I don't know..."

Asia bowed her head in slight embarrassment.

Eiji knew Asia didn't know much about the world, especially about ingredients usually used for cooking. Sometimes the food in the church is limited due to economic issues etc. and...

Wait, he was suddenly curious about something.

"You don't need to apologize. I can tell you what flour looks like and even many other things. But Asia, I'm curious... During your stay at the church, what did church people like you eat?"

"Eh? I don't know what other people in the church often eat, but if I'm not given a daily ration of food like dry bread or wafers. I often cook porridge that I add with some leftover vegetables that are in the church kitchen."

"Has it continued like that over the years?"


"What about the meat? I heard when you were talking to Lala. Before you were expelled from the church, your status as a Holy Maiden was quite high there. The church should give you good treatment or at least a good meal, right?"

Eiji actually doesn't know the details of the original work, especially his knowledge of Asia is actually only limited after she meets the protagonist and her life starts to get better from then on. As for what happened to Asia before she was expelled from the church. What kind of life did she lead?

He doesn't know and that's why he's asking now. It's just that Asia's next answer made him annoyed or maybe...angry? Well...

"Um... Yeah, if it's dried meat. Maybe two or three times when I was 4 or 5 years old?" Asia didn't know why, but she felt the air around Eiji change slightly. Even his gentle smile somehow twitched slightly which confused her.

"Heh... As a Holy Maiden who has healed many people in the Church using her Sacred Gear. Asia, do those people even pay you enough?"

Asia nodded innocently. "Un, they do."

"Really? How much if I may know? If you don't say, I won't insist..."

"It's fine, I don't mind telling Eiji-san! If it's about the salary the church gives me every month. It varies but it's around...."

Hearing that numbers. Eiji sighed, he still smiled gently and continued teaching Asia how to make Karage. He took out flour from the drawer and many other seasonings from the drawer and started instructing the blonde girl to mix the chicken she had cut up with the seasonings he had mentioned before it was finally mixed with flour and ready to be fried.

Even so, Asia or even the other heroines did not know. If Eiji used his inner voice now, what they would hear was...

[The church that expelled and used Asia was the church in the next town, right? Fortunately it's not the Vatican church which would be troublesome if I... But even if it was the Vatican Church, so what?]

[The church that treated Asia unfairly was just a small church that was quite famous for the healing services Asia had performed over the years.]

[The people there were so shameless as to monopolize the profits of Asia's hard work and were even too stingy to share it with the girl. They even lightly kicked Asia out after feeling they were rich enough, right?]

[There's also Diodora Astaroth, one of DxD's villain characters who must have something to do with the people in that church. Otherwise, how could people not have the conscience to treat Asia like that for so many years?]

[Those idiots... Let's start with that church first. Those people believe in the God of the Bible, right? But they don't have enough faith and have done such a thing to a little girl like Asia.]

[So it makes sense that they would receive God's wrath, right?]

Unfortunately Eiji didn't know, although he didn't use inner voice while saying all that. The little golden-haired girl took the initiative to announce what her host was thinking in the form of inner voice. After all, it was also for her host's own good.

This meant that what Eiji had just said, all the heroines heard it!

Asia who was being taught to fry chicken using modern tools. Although she listened to all the instructions from Eiji with a smile on her face. In her heart, she was actually very touched and felt a warmth that made her want to cry.

But, but she held it back and only occasionally rubbed her eyes.

"Asia, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah... My eyes are fine, Eiji-san. It's just a little dust that's making my eyes sting."

"Use this tissue."

"T-Thank you Eiji-san."

"You're welcome. The steam from the frying pan might hurt your eyes a little. You shouldn't put your face too close to the frying pan when frying, Asia."

"Y-Yes, I'll be careful. It must be the steam from the frying pan. My eyes sting to the point of tears."

Asia was still smiling, but her breathing was a little labored and she kept wiping the tears out of her eyes with a tissue.

"Un, let me do the frying. Asia, you can help set the table with Lala."

"Eh? Okay, I'll do it!"

Asia hurriedly went to the dining room alone. Eiji who saw the blonde girl's back disappear from his sight sighed.

The steam from the frying pan made people cry to that extent.

As if...

"This is why I didn't want the girl to hear, but Miss System. What are you doing?"

¶{Host... What are you talking about? I don't understand.}

Miss System said something he often says.

Eiji's lips twitched, this girl.... I want to slap her ass.

¶{Hmph! You can't slap my ass~ Also, my host is too soft. Just because he didn't want to see a girl cry, he pretended~}


"Miss System, don't do that again."

Her host raised his eyebrows, as if he was getting annoyed. Miss System certainly didn't want to make her host angry, so she hurriedly said.

¶{Oh Come on it's not bad for your future development. Host, I'm doing you a favor! By the way are you serious about doing something tonight?}

Eiji lifted the cooked Karage and put it on a plate before saying indifferently.

"Isn't that just the Church? There's no need to be serious. I just need to throw something from the sky and many people will see good fireworks tonight."


Time passed.

It wasn't long, but several hours had passed since everyone had finished dinner and gone to bed in their respective rooms.

Except for Eiji of course who had just returned to his bedroom with teleportation magic.

Looking at the wall clock.

"It's almost 12pm already? That's longer than I thought."

"And it must be because I secured those kids first... Well whatever."

"By the way Miss System. Before I go to bed, let's check today's reward."

Miss System also didn't say much anymore and immediately gave her host what she wanted.

¶{Ding! It was detected that the host had changed the plot in the [Highschool DxD] franchise.}

¶{Successfully changed 7% of the plot of [Highschool DxD] by cutting off protagonist Issei's chance to pick up heroine Asia Argento. Made Asia Argento live with you and made her not have a good relationship with Issei as in the original work.

In addition, you also cut off Asia Argento's kidnapping plot early by killing Raynare and her group}.

¶{Ding! Congratulations host, you got the [Heart Crying Echoing] skill!}


"What kind of skill is that? Miss System, can you give me a description?"

¶{Wait a minute. I'll make the description like in the game.}


Eiji nodded and finally after a few seconds passed...

The system interface displayed the text:

[Heart Crying Echoing]

Rank: A+

Effect: Your emotions will amplify your power. The stronger your emotions, the more your power will react. Revenge. Hatred. Sadness. It can be any emotion. The fire will burn regardless of the firewood, something like that.

※ However, you slowly become addicted to that emotion.

※ It is recommended not to use this skill too often.


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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