Greening one man's head and preparing another green hat for another man

Knowing his woman was almost touched by another man. Eiji was certainly very angry, he was so angry that he wanted to blow up Riser Phenex in front of him regardless of the consequences and erase his origin using Anos' origin destruction magic. Even if Riser had immortality due to his regeneration ability, he would definitely die after his origin was destroyed. What is origin? Well that can be explained later.

However, seeing the presence of two certain women in this room. He restrained himself, and knew that if he killed Riser. Rias and his family would get into trouble in the underworld, although he might be able to solve their problems with his current power. There was also a certain heroine who would probably hate him if he killed Riser just like that.

There were actually two heroines he first met in this room right now. And of course he had to leave an impression in their hearts for the sake of future plot developments.

¶{Host, are you still taking the future into account in this situation?}

"Miss System, what's wrong?"

¶{No, it's just that are you going to let go of Riser just like that?}

"Huh? Of course not. I'm not that soft, okay? I have some Anos magic spells that I happen to want to try."


No need to ask again. Miss System knew the next development would be sadistic. But it also seemed to depend on how well the heroines reacted after the arrival of her host.

Seeing that the human who suddenly appeared was hugging Rias's plump body and that human dared to be even more arrogant than him. Even asking him to quickly give a reason not to die. Riser was of course furious and flames began to envelop his hands.

"Human, how dare you touch my fiancee!"

"So what, you're jealous that Rias never wants to be touched by you, even though you're her "fiancé"? Poor thing." Eiji said that while hugging Rias' slender waist tighter which made the crimson-haired girl blush and even moan a little. "E-Eiji~"

"You!!! I'm Riser Phenex! How dare you demean me like this. Human, I will kill you!"

Riser felt like his head was green, especially when he saw Rias looking happy being hugged by that male human. He was very jealous and felt humiliated.

Without hesitation, he was about to attack the human in front of him, even when Rias was in the arms of the other party.

But at this moment...

"Stop!! Riser, do you want to attack Rias too!?"

The silver-haired maid, Grayfia immediately stood in front of Riser, and Eiji who were hugging Rias.



Sona, Akeno, Tsubaki, Koneko, and Yuuto only finally reacted to Eiji's arrival. They breathed a sigh of relief, and felt that with his arrival Rias would be fine now.

"What? You stopped me? That human dared to touch my fiancée!?? I'll‒"

Before Riser could finish speaking, Grayfia interrupted him coldly.

"Earlier I saw you also wanted to attack Rias. To attack Gremory's heir, do you think I'll let you?"

"Also... You forgot who made us all freeze without being able to do anything before."

Although Grayfia made an expressionless face. As she glanced at Eiji, her red eyes trembled slightly when she saw that boy's red eyes that happened to meet her gaze.

Eiji was indifferent when looking at the silver-haired maid. But in his heart, he sounded excited.

[This silver-haired woman... She's... Isn't she also one of the heroines in this harem franchise?]


Grayfia's beautiful and cold face twitched slightly. Actually, she had long been able to hear the inner voices of Eiji and the protagonists. Just that due to the nature of her status and the politics in the underworld. She could not move freely to do anything. Even before, although she wanted to stop Riser who wanted to harass Rias. She was not allowed to do so unless Riser intended to seriously injure Rias like before.

However, when Eiji came. It was her chance to intervene and stop the impulsive Riser. Even though that man was Rias' fiancé, she knew Rias didn't like Riser. And it seemed that Rias was in a relationship with Eiji whose inner voice she had been hearing all along.

Things about franchise plots, protagonists, and heroines. She also certainly knew about it and secretly listened to the inner voice drama that happened every day.

It was actually quite fun to secretly eavesdrop on those inner voices. It was just that what she just heard from Eiji's inner voice made her surprised.

She had been married to Sirzechs for many years. However, Eiji said she was one of the heroines? Because the protagonist in her franchise is a boy named Issei Hyudou. Don't tell me, in the future, she will also...


"???" The heroines.

Grayfia looked at Eiji and wondered when this man would resume his inner voice? Can you not stop halfway? Don't leave people hanging out of curiosity!

Unfortunately, Eiji had no intention of continuing to give spoilers. He deliberately made Grayfia curious and would only continue if the silver-haired woman took the initiative on him.

¶{Host, you're becoming more stingy.}

"Doesn't it make sense that one needs to pay to get information?"

¶{Yeah... I'm not complaining about that. It's just that I'm curious how you're going to manipulate that blonde twintail drill-style heroine.}

Eiji knew who Miss System was referring to, he glanced at one of the girls in the Riser peerage and coincidentally the girl's blue eyes were also looking at him with various emotions. The most striking in her eyes was the worry for her older brother at the moment.

To handle that girl, you just need to...

[Should I kill Riser? This man dared to try to touch Rias. Rias is now my woman. Even though he's Rias' fiancee, I don't care. Honestly why should I care about the life of a villain character like Riser?]

[The consequences for killing Riser here will cause trouble for Rias and her family. But that doesn't matter.]

[Doesn't the underworld always respect the strong? As long as you are strong enough and not too soft like Sirzechs.]

[With my current power. I can silence all the devils in the underworld.]

As if to prove that he wasn't just talking big. He showed off a little of his magic power to the heroines in the room.

Because all girls are devils. Their natural instinct to know the strong must have sensed how much more powerful his magic was compared to theirs. The girls' expressions were shocked and froze of course. Except for Riser and his peerage who were deliberately excluded from knowing how much magic power he had - it was deliberately done so that Riser would still dare to find trouble with him and create opportunities for him.

Rias who was in his arms looked at him with an even more mesmerized gaze. That woman certainly liked him more after learning that his power was probably no worse than her older brother's.

Sona too. The woman looked at Rias in his arms with a jealous gaze. Although she was his fiancée, but she knew this was not the time to make trouble. So she remained silent and watched on the side. Clever woman, Eiji would definitely cheer her up later.

Grayfia? The silver-haired woman had an expressionless face that was difficult to read. However, her gaze was somewhat pensive as if she was thinking about something.

Eiji was curious, what was that beautiful woman thinking?

And finally the blonde drill girl in Riser's group looked very panicked. She seemed to want to say something to her older brother, but it was too late because Riser had opened his mouth again.

"So what? It was just a coincidence and that human must have used all his power just to pull off that little trick he had."

"Hmph! Now I should be able to kill him easily. Rias, I advise you to stay away from that human right now because I'm going to burn him to ashes."

This time, a larger flame enveloped Riser's body. Although the fire seemed to be well controlled not to burn the entire room. The heat of what it was was certainly hotter than a normal fire and everyone felt it. Except for Grayfia who enveloped herself with the cold air of her ice attribute and Eiji who I don't know because of what. Certainly with his current physical power, he wouldn't be bothered just because of the heat from the fire that Riser created using his devil power.


Just when Grayfia was about to move to stop Riser because she could do so now under the pretense of protecting Rias.

Eiji moved first with just a simple blowing motion.

He blew out Riser's fire as if blowing out a birthday candle which made the fire go out.

"What? My fire went out? Even my devil way!!! Human, what trick did you do to me!"

While Riser was dumbfounded, he also felt extremely humiliated that his hell fire and devil power were suddenly unusable. He glared at the human in front of him with a look of hatred and vigilance that was almost the same as the protagonists did every time they faced Eiji not long ago.


The heroes were also dumbfounded of course. At least if Eiji displayed some magic circle or something they wouldn't be surprised. But to face Riser who used Hell Fire just by blowing on it. They were silent with shock and awe of course.

"That's just a little trick. So, do you have a good reason for me not to kill you?"

Looking at Eiji's red eyes that looked cold and intimidating. Even Grayfia gulped, especially after knowing how strong the boy was from his magic power. However, she also couldn't let Eiji kill Riser just like that because...

"No, please don't kill Onii-sama!!"

Before Grayfia herself wanted to stop Eiji. The blonde drill girl, Ravel Phenex immediately ran over and stood in front of her older brother while looking at Eiji.


Riser looked at his younger sister who was also one of his Peerage with complexity and annoyance.

Ravel ignored her older brother's dissatisfaction and put on a pleading expression to Eiji.

She knew that if she didn't beg to spare her older brother's life. Eiji might actually kill her older brother!

Why did she know this? Because that was what she heard from the white-haired boy's inner voice.

She had long heard the inner voices of Eiji and the protagonists. Actually before her older brother wanted to visit his fiancée, Rias Gremory. She also tried to stop her older brother, but her older brother never wanted to hear it.

As a person who can hear Eiji's inner voice. He knew the white-haired boy was powerful and he was not modest with his time traveler label and knowledge of the plots, protagonists and heroines of this world. Even those protagonists who were supposed to be the protagonists of this world. They were played a lot by Eiji.

The protagonists could not defeat Eiji. Let alone her older brother who is called the villain character in this franchise?

Ravel was certainly surprised to find out that her older brother was one of the villain characters. However, she put the matter aside because right now it was more important to beg Eiji not to kill her older brother!

"...." Eiji who felt everyone's gaze, especially the pleading gaze of Ravel. His lips twitched.

[Why do I feel like a villain here? Hey I'm the hero who came to save the pretty girl from the political marriage drama, okay?]

"Eiji, you're a hero. A very handsome hero who came to save me~" Rias whispered coquettishly in his ear as if worried that he might misunderstand.

[I'm glad you're licking me like this, Rias. You should do it more often. But putting that aside, I feel familiar with this drill-style blonde girl].

[Ah, I remember this girl is also one of DxD heroine!]

"...." The heroines are starting to wonder how many heroines are there in this world?

They knew all the protagonists so far were protagonists from harem franchises. But exactly how many heroines in the original works are related to the protagonist?

Ravel was again surprised. What kind of plot twist? Her brother is a villain character. However, she is one of the heroine who will be with the protagonist!

Considering protagonists, especially the protagonist of her franchise named Issei Hyudou. She frowned. How exactly was she with that protagonist in the original work?

In addition to looking at Eiji with a pleading gaze, she also looked at him with a curious gaze.

Seeing the beautiful and cute Ravel looking at him with that kind of expression amused him a little. Eiji gave a little spoiler which of course he improvised a little.

[Cough, in the original work. The person who should have come to save Rias at this time was the protagonist Issei. However, Issei had trouble defeating Riser back then and in the end the drama ended with Rias challenging Riser to a game rating match with a bet on whether or not she would marry him.]

[With his arrogant personality. Riser accepted the Rating Game match that Rias proposed. He gives the protagonist Issei time to increase his power which will basically slap him later.]

[In short Ravel Phenex, she will fall in love at first sight with Issei who managed to defeat her older brother. Or rather killed her older brother! And not long after that, Ravel will chase Issei madly, not out of spite, but love.]

[I don't know what kind of brain circuit it is. But this girl fell in love with the person who killed her older brother! She even took the initiative to transfer to the same school as Issei in the human world so that she could spend more time sucking up to the protagonist].



The heroes who were now inside the occult research club. They naturally looked at Ravel who was currently frozen and her face paled.

The girls in Rias and Sona's group knew that the girl also seemed to be able to hear inner voices.

As for Grayfia? She was staring at Eiji with slightly raised eyebrows which showed that she was slightly annoyed.

She was a little upset because it wasn't like Ravel. Eiji didn't go that far to tell about herself from the original work. Isn't that a little unfair?

However, as if realizing her annoyance...

[In the original work, Grayfia is no less foolish than Ravel. As Maou Sirzechs Lucifer's wife. Sirzechs in the original work... Perhaps due to the influence of the protagonist's halo, he was very very kind to Issei. Hahaha! Even to the point of asking his wife, Grayfia to serve Issei in... Grayfia herself agreed to do that and in the process fell in love with Issei. Well but that toxic drama has nothing to do with me].

[So whatever, now what should I do with Riser?]


Although it didn't show on her face. Grayfia was in a bad mood right now.

This boy, Eiji Seiya. Can you say it more clearly? Although many words were cut and jumped as if on purpose to make people more curious.

Grayfia was smart enough to connect all the dots in Eiji's inner voice and concluded that in the original work. Her husband probably gave her to the protagonist Issei? Giving her away is literally like giving away his own wife to another man!

I don't know what the details were, she was also curious to find out but...did such a crazy thing really happen? Which brain thrombosis mud horse author wrote such a brain dead plot?

Instead of thinking about Rias and Riser's problem. Now Grayfia felt the urge to hit the author's head.

Eiji was happy to see the reaction of the two heroines. The seeds had been planted and the rest only needed to be diligent in watering them, applying enough fertilizer, before cutting them off after they sprouted.

¶{Why suddenly discuss agriculture?}

"Miss System, you should read more books about the many terms in country Z"

¶{Country Z?}

"Okay, enough. I don't want to continue this topic out of concern."

By the way...

He may be addicted to the misleading feelings of the heroines and slowly make them fall in love with him.

Although he is very greedy, especially when looking at Grayfia's very beautiful and cold appearance. With breasts as good as Rias's and a juicy ass that looks good to be spanked. Fortunately, even though Grayfia was married to Sirzechs. He knew in the original work, the relationship between the two of them was actually...

Eiji would like to praise and thank the author in the original work for that. Ravel was also good as one of the heroine. She had blonde hair, dark blue eyes, milky white skin and C-cup breasts.

Both are very beautiful and he has no intention of letting them go. Even so, he doesn't want to suck up to them too much and he already has plans to manipulate some plots in the future that will benefit himself.

This is the advantage of being a person who knows the plot of the original work! Although the regressor protagonists like Issei and Rito also knew many things like him. However, those two people are not smart enough to know that there is a variable like him who knows their situation and knows more about the plot in the original work.

So in response to Ravel pleading with him not to kill her older brother.

On the surface he was still indifferent and said, "Oh? Are you the younger sister of this fiery man?"


Akeno, the woman's humor seemed to be touched and she covered her mouth while holding back a laugh.

Many people in the room naturally glanced at the woman, especially Riser who had a dark face.

"...." Eiji ignored everyone and just stared at Ravel who was currently also staring at him.

Ravel who had previously suffered a mental attack after finding out what she was like in the original work. She was a little dazed and flinched at Eiji questioning her.

She knew the other party was pretending not to know her, and she obediently answered.

"Y-Yes... I'm Ravel Phenex. Her younger sister."

Eiji nodded. "So Ravel. Why do you think I should hear your plea not to kill this fiery man?"

Riser who already couldn't stand the humiliation, he certainly wanted to open his mouth; even his other peerage members were ready to move to kill that white-haired boy.

But not only him, all the other members of his peerage except Ravel could not open their mouths and their bodies were even difficult to move!

Eiji certainly did something with his magic again for that. He didn't want Riser and his people to interrupt his conversation with the beautiful blonde girl in front of him.

He wanted to see how Ravel would answer him.

Ravel was confused, and actually looking at Eiji's face which was much more handsome than her brother's; her heart was somehow beating faster than usual.

W-What was I thinking!?

She shook her head quickly, making her blonde twintails sway and slap the face of her older brother who was standing not far behind her.

"....." Riser who could neither move nor speak had an ugly expression when his face was slapped by his younger sister's hair.

Ravel, what are you doing!?

Unfortunately, he could only roar in his heart.


Ravel knew Eiji had no reason to listen to her pleas, but at least there was no need to kill her brother just because he tried to touch his fiancée, right?

She wanted to say this, but didn't dare when she saw Eiji's shamelessly handsome face.

In the end, she looked at Grayfia as if asking for help. Because she knew, Grayfia also definitely couldn't let Eiji kill her older brother just like that!

"...." Grayfia who had been enjoying being a spectator. She finally had to speak for Riser.

She moved her feet, approaching Eiji who was still hugging Rias and standing right in front of her.

Now their red eyes were looking at each other with quite a close distance!

Eiji grinned in his mind. He wondered what this silver-haired woman would do?


A/N: If you want to read 5 advanced chapters with a faster update frequency than the webnovel, you can read it on my patreon whose link is below:


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